I have spent upwards of 30 months of my adult life on Asian soil. Of that (approximations mind you) 15% is in India, 5% in Russia, 10% Japan, 20% Eastern Asia (not China), 15% Hong-Kong, and 35% in mainland China. To sum it up in one phrase, "cultural beliefs are just different" across the board. The entire continent has grown immensely in 20+ years, but they needed to grow MORE THAN immensely to catch up to the rest of the planet in terms human rights equality.
Each culture is SO different, but they share one common trait. They are in competition with each other, and everyone not them. It's not a bad trait necessarily (it forces you to take pride in yourselves), but it does create REAL boundaries with the planet. Every group has the right to their belief system, but no group should ever feel they have the right to impose those beliefs on others. The low hanging fruit for the nay-sayer will be that "riots, racial inequality, religious freedom, gender bias, sexual orientation, unprovoked military presence is in turmoil everywhere". That will always be true 15k years from now in the most democratic (assuming that is your measure of pinnacle) society anywhere... it's actually the point of democracy. This site is libertarian, and voicing opinions is what makes it the poster child of why oppression of ANY kind just doesn't work. The more rights people have, the more they gripe openly (the more entitled they feel).
But to suggest that Asia (anywhere on the continent really) is living at the same "open culture" level, or even close, to anywhere in the west (Europe and CONUS) is a bit of a stretch to me. I have many friends there, and value those relationships because they are great people. They love their country (we all do I believe... if not, WTF are you still doing there
), but to compare wikileaks of ACTUAL government secrets with the blanket censorship of GENERAL information to citizens is a remarkable stretch at best. A government needs some level of "entitled information" about itself (even corporation's enjoy that luxury), but governments don't have the right to control the information not pertaining to "trade secrets" (aka... Big Brother).
Until a country goes through a real civil uprising, civil war, or multi-national war to overcome government oppression... well... it is oppressed by its own government or someone else's (at least all human history across planet earth tells us this). Mainland China has not gone through this since the birth of communism. In fact, the smart people I know there embrace it and are part of the party. Which is fine... to each their own... but please don't suggest it is an open society for all citizens. Comparing any communist society with one that is not is impossible. They are WILDLY different
EDIT: the point of this thread... I did confirm that 太豪 is as Mr. Nobody originally describes from trusted counterparts. It is the equivalent of "Bling Bling... you best love me for my 1%-ness".