Buckling Springs in Tenkeyless or Smaller

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27 May 2013, 14:23

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28 May 2013, 01:01

Based on the case design, I'm not convinced that's a buckling spring keyboard. All the "model F" style keyboards in that size have the badge located elsewhere.

The most common keyboard I know of that has that case design is the honeywell rubber dome keyboard. You can see it (with good disassembly pictures) on ebay at the below link:

(note the eBay keyboard has a data entry layout keycaps, so you can safely ignore how the keycaps are different and instead focus on case and construction similarities)

From what I've read, it's an excellent rubber dome keyboard, though.

There's always a chance that IBM made a buckling spring over membrane (model M) version of the design that I've not seen yet and this is it. See if there's any sort of IBM part or model number. Most of IBM's rubberdome keyboards start with a "KB" or have "bar feet". The model F version should have the model F style feet and a metal backplate. If it exists, a model M version will have either model F like feet or model M like (one position) feet and a plastic back with some sort of recognizeable IBM label on the back.

Interestingly enough, seeing the back of the KB yields much more information in this case than the front.

Best of luck!

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28 May 2013, 02:17

Excellent insight, Dorkvader. For all the bother of shipping it half way around the world, I think I'll give the Taobao "Model F" a pass. Thanks!

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