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Custom controller for Matias keyboards

Posted: 23 Jan 2016, 03:09
by crc
Has anyone attempted making a custom controller PCB for the Matias keyboards?

I was reading through this (very thorough) review review-f45/matias-mini-quiet-pro-pc-t7114.html posted by user wetto and staring at the controller daughter board photo he posted... it looks like the usb data lines from the micro-usb connector go to the usb hub chip with 4 ports, and the keyboard controller itself is connected on one of those ports.


Seems like making a custom controller board (or teensy adapter board) should be possible, similar to what user bpiphany has for other keyboards: wiki/Costar_replacement_controllers

Any thoughts on this?
Has anyone already tried this?

I am looking forward to tinkering with my Matias mini quiet pro keyboard now that I have replaced it with a KB Paradise V80 (with Matias quiet switches). :)

Posted: 24 Jan 2016, 01:23
by courtesi
Be careful with the detachable hub on this. Like many recent mass produced keyboards these aren't made to last.

Posted: 07 Feb 2016, 10:18
by crc
I finally got some time to work on this and was able to reverse engineer the pinouts for the 18x8 keyboard scan matrix.
Details are posted in this google sheet in case someone is interested in collaborating (or going solo) in making a replacement controller board.

Since this is going to be my first PCB I am thinking of making a simple in between board to route the rows and columns to appropriate teensy 2.0++ pins. I picked 2.0++ instead of 2.0 because it has enough pins for direct connection to a 18x8 matrix without have to solder any addition decoder chips. That way I don't have to mess around with any SMT soldering.

Does anyone have suggestions on:
1. open source keyboard firmwares that work with the AT90USB1286 in the Teensy 2.0++?
2. best practices in mapping rows and columns to Teensy pins?


Posted: 01 Aug 2017, 12:17
by hook
I don’t have the skills or tools to make a PCB, but would very much be interested in having a programmable PCB for Matias’ keyboards.

Posted: 02 Aug 2017, 09:28
by rubenvann
Are you plugging in a teensy 2++ or are you assembling a PCB with a 'bare' AT90USB1286? I'm planning to do a similar project to replace the controller of my thinkpad compact usb keyboard. I also never made a PCB, so we'll probably have similar challenges (however, I first I have my dreaded thesis to finish in the next month... :( ).

Posted: 02 Aug 2017, 15:16
by slyker
Please forgive my ignorance as I am new to this.

Wouldn't it be easier to use an existing Cherry MX design and add the needed holes to the PCB design and then run group buys for both it and the plate?