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The Guttenberg Keyboard Meme

Posted: 20 Feb 2011, 07:44
by sixty
Now those of you that follow and browse the keyboard section on eBay Germany, may have noticed the high amount of keyboards offered with missing keycaps in the past few days. Usually listed as "Guttenberg Tastatur" or something similar. As a foreigner, you may be wondering what the hell is going on there.

This eBay-meme (is there such a thing? I guess there is now!) was caused by the German politician Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, the current Minister of Defense in Germany. Earlier in February 2011, he was accused of plagiarism in regard to his doctoral dissertation at the University of Bayreuth. Being accused of using several excerpts from previously published works, Guttenberg has already admitted mistakes in his list of references and sources, but still denies the allegations of plagiarism. Until the case has been fully investigated, he is discarding his doctorial title.

Anyway, as the media and news are having a feast at this, meanwhile the German "blogosphere" has started listing eBay auctions of keyboards missing all keys besides those required for copy/paste functions. These keyboards are always listed as "Guttenberg Layout Special keyboard" or in some cases "Googleberg Keyboard", being a further pun on his name. By now I have probably seen over 50 of them all over eBay Germany.


For good measure, here are two translated auction descriptions of those with a few thousand views on eBay:
eBay Seller wrote: You are bidding on a keyboard with the so-called "Guttenberg Keyboard Layout". With this you can comfortably work on all types of doctoral theses with just two fingers. Experienced writers will be able to work with a single hand in no time!

You know the problem: Having to navigate through submenus like "mark all", "copy" and "paste" is taking up hours of work, massively slowing you down on your plagiarism. No need for that!

We are now offering this incredibly keyboard to YOU! With the highly optimized layout, you will be able to learn how to copy an entire chapter in no time at all! Now, and just now, we offer an incredibly bonus! The new feature: HOW TO CITE CORRECTLY! Never again have your career going downhill just for forgetting a few quotes! Unlike all competing Guttenberg keyboards on the market, we now offer you this special model INCLUDING QUOTE KEYS!
eBay Seller 2 wrote: Up for sale is one original-plagiarism keyboard with the common "zuGuttenberg-Layout", optimized for the plagiarism of doctoral theses. This is a one of a kind keyboard!

Just now in this new version we have added the [Insert] and [Pause/Break] keys. Thanks to this, you can work comfortably with just two fingers. Experienced writers will be able to plagiarize with just a single hand in no time. Of course, this keyboard has always been taken care of very well (fed with coffee and cake, see picture).


Bid now! Bidding is almost winning!

On 19.02.2011 the seller has added the following information:
An eBay member suggested to donate the entire profit of this auction to a student of computer science, so that they can pay their tuition fees. I will follow this advice and donate the entire amount.

On 19.02.2011 the seller has added the following information:
Just to clarify, that student is going to be me. Believe me, I am really desperate for money to be selling this keyboard. Thank you for bidding.


Personally I hope this meme will soon die out, because I'm getting sick of seeing these appear in my daily eBay alerts. What is there to learn from this? That you should always cite your sources and that we Germans still have a pretty dry humor.

Posted: 20 Feb 2011, 10:41
by bugfix
God damn communists waging a hate campaign.

Posted: 20 Feb 2011, 11:40
by Mrinterface
Gotta love that meme though... :-)

Posted: 20 Feb 2011, 12:41
by bugfix
I found a minimalistic design:


Posted: 20 Feb 2011, 13:16
by Minskleip
Haha anti-guttenberg without those keys :D

Posted: 20 Feb 2011, 13:36
by daedalus
Well, if there's anyone with some leftover German Model M keycaps, I'll gladly take them. Could do with a "Rollen"...

Posted: 20 Feb 2011, 14:07
by J888www
bugfix wrote:...communists waging a hate campaign.
For decades, people fear the Communist's Communism, but no longer, but now they fear the Communist's Capitalism......

Posted: 20 Feb 2011, 14:59
by Peter
Thx for the explanation, I was wondering what the Hell that was all about ..

In some European countries they say that the shortest book ever written is
'The Complete Encyclopaedia of German Humour' ..
Well, I find this pretty hilarious, dry humour is good !!

Posted: 20 Feb 2011, 18:40
by keyboardlover
Kinda disappointed that this has nothing to do with Steve Guttenberg.


Posted: 20 Feb 2011, 18:44
by bugfix

Posted: 20 Feb 2011, 18:47
by keyboardlover

Posted: 20 Feb 2011, 19:21
by Mrinterface
Yes, now I see there is also a 'anti' guttenberg keyboard. All keys except CTRL C and V.

Posted: 20 Feb 2011, 22:00
by sixty
Yep. Description on that one says it will entirely protect you from unintended plagiarism. :lol:

Posted: 01 Mar 2011, 11:53
by sixty

Posted: 04 Mar 2011, 17:24
by v193r
perhaps to piss buyer off?

Posted: 05 Mar 2011, 07:23
by JinDesu
This was a pretty hilarious read... especially the sellers attempts at outdoing each other in descriptions

Posted: 05 Mar 2011, 09:38
by OrphaGn
Things like this need to happen more frequently.

Posted: 05 Mar 2011, 17:35
by CephalicCarnage
I love it! This made my day.

Posted: 05 Mar 2011, 18:20
by acfrazier
Hah. The fact that this happened just made my week.

Posted: 05 Mar 2011, 18:47
by Evil_Spork
It's almost funny.. but who would actually buy any of them..

Posted: 07 Mar 2011, 23:05
by pita
gotta say that was quite an idea to express opinions. nice

Posted: 08 Mar 2011, 00:59
by Koeitje
I saw of these keyboards appear on forums and such, didn't know it was such an hype on ebay. LOL