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Re: Mechanical Mice Modifications?

Posted: 01 Jan 2022, 14:52
by Muirium
Spam: ... fications/

Assuming you’re a bot like the rest of them. Feel free to correct me otherwise! ;)

Re: Mechanical Mice Modifications?

Posted: 04 Jan 2022, 23:05
by Yasu0
Can we get some of the regulars upgraded to moderator magic already? WTF is the hold up?

Re: Mechanical Mice Modifications?

Posted: 04 Jan 2022, 23:29
by zrrion
None of the regulars want to work as mods when oliver doesn't seem to care about the forum. He seems to want the folks here to do all the work for him essentially and considering a business owns the forum that feels like working for free aka only something a chump would do.

Good thing we have a quality shop though

Re: Mechanical Mice Modifications?

Posted: 05 Jan 2022, 09:55
by Muirium
zrrion wrote: 04 Jan 2022, 23:29 None of the regulars want to work as mods […] only something a chump would do.
Umm… two of us have offered! :lol:

DT's never had paid mods. (I used to do a bit of it myself, back in 2015 or so.) Besides, the "transition" to new ownership doesn't seem to have resulted in anything but lack of moderation to keep the spam man at bay. I'd rather have the power to delete him than nothing.

Re: Mechanical Mice Modifications?

Posted: 05 Jan 2022, 10:58
by zrrion
Honestly spam wouldn't be a problem if mods had to approve new posts.

DT never had paid mods before but DT also wasn't a part of a corporate social media portfolio or whatever the industry term is. When the community owned it the community ran it. Now not so much.

Re: Mechanical Mice Modifications?

Posted: 05 Jan 2022, 11:03
by Muirium
Where is all that stuff anyway? I know DT changed hands, but I don't see ads or any sign of monetisation; competent or otherwise! It's just the same old sleepy forum far as I've noticed.

Re: approving posts. Nah. Just deleting powers is quite enough. Much less work for mods, actually, and less onerous for true new users too.

Re: Mechanical Mice Modifications?

Posted: 05 Jan 2022, 11:31
by Bjerrk
This post is pending moderation.

Re: Mechanical Mice Modifications?

Posted: 05 Jan 2022, 11:33
by Muirium
^ Ah, shit, I clicked the wrong button on you. Sorry Bjerrk!

Re: Mechanical Mice Modifications?

Posted: 05 Jan 2022, 12:37
by zrrion
Funny enough, I was going to link the stupid shop Oliver set up a while back (that shop is truly a masterclass in not knowing your market) as a gotcha about how they have fucked around with DT but I don't actually know how to get to it as it doesn't appear to be linked to anywhere :lol: Guess he can't even be bothered to half-ass adding the shop and stopped at quarter-assing it instead. I'd honestly be fine with him fucking around and throwing adds everywhere if it meant he stopped in to fix stuff too. Visual editor's been down since he bought the place and the cert still isn't (afaik) set up for auto-renewal so it'll go down again next time it comes due.

Re: Mechanical Mice Modifications?

Posted: 05 Jan 2022, 13:21
by Muirium
The danger then is DT just drops dead next time there’s a regular payment (especially the server) left ignored.

You guys can find me on Nexthority if and when that happens! It’s probably the one event that could launch it. :lol:

Re: Mechanical Mice Modifications?

Posted: 05 Jan 2022, 19:13
by Yasu0
I throw my hat in the ring to be elected part time chump too.. site owner please consider this post my official offer. I mean no promises on effort but come on, its such a simple task to remove obvious spam posts.

Re: Mechanical Mice Modifications?

Posted: 05 Jan 2022, 20:38
by Muirium
Yasu0 wrote: 05 Jan 2022, 19:13 site owner please…
You think he reads?

Re: Mechanical Mice Modifications?

Posted: 06 Jan 2022, 02:38
by Yasu0
Well one can lead a horse to mods, but one cannot make it approve said mods. All we can do is offer, if he doesn't read the forum that would not surprise me.