Round 5 and Round 6 kits for sale!

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09 Nov 2013, 22:38

HONEY/KBDRUNNER -- wiki says its row3, but in invoice it is row1. Which one is correct?

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09 Nov 2013, 22:39

I will soon update the wiki.

Please wait right here, or over at the wiki ...

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09 Nov 2013, 22:43

I'll like HONEY/SHIFT125/RED so I can complement a red tkl with ISO to get both.

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09 Nov 2013, 23:28

7bit wrote:I will soon update the wiki.

Please wait right here, or over at the wiki ...
Thanks for the update. :)

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09 Nov 2013, 23:33

Price for the HONEY/ALL kit is $779 .

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10 Nov 2013, 00:12

i know that you've already spoke about "exotic" size row 4 shift (is that still on your mind?), but i think that would be nice to also have some common modifiers keys like shift, alt, control, function in 1 unit size and different row and color in order to fit some future pcb like gh60 or hypermini.


10 Nov 2013, 09:21

This might sound stupid, But the orders are still open, right?


10 Nov 2013, 09:34

7bit wrote:Function row is now row 1 profile. I just did not manage to update everything.
Woohoo! My order has begun--more sets to be added; which ones depend on the answers to the following:

Any chance of adding the R2 "Up" keys to HONEY/CURSORS/*?
In light of the quote above, will HONEY/FUNCTION7 now be all R1 as well?

If so, I'd personally love to see an "OPEN" (or in keeping with the retro theme, "LOAD"?) added in place of one of the ?'s.
That one addition would have me ordering a HONEY/FUNCTION7 and HONEY/FUNCTION/R1 to accurately label all of my hotkeys! (Unless, of course, HONEY/FUNCTION is also due to be updated with the left-hand block + bottom line of R3's changing to R1. I'm not sure what board layout you have in mind with those...surely they're all shaped like mine, no? :lol: )

I'd also like to vote for availability of the grey R1 [ ` ~ ] either individually or as part of HONEY/STANDARD125 (with R2 [ \ | ]). Otherwise, I could always switch my order to HONEY/TENKLESS125 since I'm planning on HONEY/NUMPAD/GREY anyway!

(Edited for visual clarity--and to add the last paragraph.)
Last edited by nerdvana on 10 Nov 2013, 10:01, edited 1 time in total.

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10 Nov 2013, 09:56

R3 UP added to CURSORS.

HONEY/FUNCTION7 will be all row 3. I'm still not 100% finished with the function keys. HONEY/FUNCTION/R1 will be row 1, as the name suggests, HONEY/FUNCTION will contain a mix from other function kits.
HydraDyne wrote:This might sound stupid, But the orders are still open, right?
Yes! Please order now!

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Britney Spears

10 Nov 2013, 10:08

I think this has been asked (and maybe even been answered) before, though I'm unable to find the relevant post right now, but isn't the German language kit missing the Z key in row 2. Looking done on the QWERTZ board in front of me, I can see one in between T and U. ;)



10 Nov 2013, 10:47

I see HONEY/FUNCTION2/RED has disappeared? Does that affect me if I already ordered one?

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10 Nov 2013, 10:59

I renamed it to HONEY/FUNCTION/R1/RED and Z from row 4 is the same as Z from row 2, because row 2 and row 4 are made with the same tools with the legends upside down!


10 Nov 2013, 11:12

Didn't it used to be row 3 though? Or am I remembering it wrong?

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10 Nov 2013, 11:16

MAIL, TERM CALC are supposed to go into the same row as F1-F12, PRINT, SCROLL LOCK etc, so they are now row 1.


10 Nov 2013, 11:17

Very well :) Thanks as always for your selfless commitment to madness :)

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Britney Spears

10 Nov 2013, 12:02

7bit wrote:...Z from row 4 is the same as Z from row 2, because row 2 and row 4 are made with the same tools with the legends upside down!
Thanks 7bit, I get it. Sorry for my stupid noob question. You spent all your time organizing this group buy and then people like me came along and ask dumb question. Let me tell you, your work is highly appreciated.


10 Nov 2013, 12:22

7bit wrote:HONEY/FUNCTION7 will be all row 3. I'm still not 100% finished with the function keys. HONEY/FUNCTION/R1 will be row 1, as the name suggests, HONEY/FUNCTION will contain a mix from other function kits.
That makes enough sense! Might I throw myself upon your mercy to add "OPEN" to HONEY/FUNCTION/R1 to complement the existing "SAVE" in that set, then? Just a thought, but one that would make my keyboard (and life, by extension) complete.

Thank you for all your hard work in both the preparation, and even more so the aftermath, of this GB!

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10 Nov 2013, 12:33

OPEN added.

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10 Nov 2013, 12:49

It seems that a few of us would like row 4 shift keys in assorted sizes. Since we're talking about that, wouldn't it be awesome to have some row 4 keys to place next to the smaller right shift?

Also, CAPS LOCK replacements anyone?
kbd.png (26.31 KiB) Viewed 9666 times
Make my life complete 7bit! ALPS MUST HAPPEN

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10 Nov 2013, 13:07

A row 4 single unit FUN key would be most sweet! How about a Row 4 mods set? For all our eclictic needs.

But Alps? Vimmy, we talked about this before. Perhaps if you had a hojillion dollars to stir SP into Alpine action…

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10 Nov 2013, 14:04

Muirium wrote:But Alps? Vimmy, we talked about this before. Perhaps if you had a hojillion dollars to stir SP into Alpine action…
If I had a gorillion dollars...
dsalps.png (153.91 KiB) Viewed 9642 times

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10 Nov 2013, 14:33

... then you would sniff your cocaine from a doublehot cap? :shock:

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10 Nov 2013, 14:36

Explains a fair bit, in fact.

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emacs -nw

10 Nov 2013, 14:43

For those without much row 3/ row 4 etc. expertise, which is the "normal looking" solution for a TKL keyboard, possible with these SPH keycaps? (not the colors, only the rows)

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Mad Dasher

10 Nov 2013, 15:03

7bit wrote:Function row is now row 1 profile.
Ah, is there any chance of getting the red row 3 POWER and RECORD keys back?
I'd buy two of a row 3 version of HONEY/FUNCTION/R1/RED.
Laser wrote:For those without much row 3/ row 4 etc. expertise, which is the "normal looking" solution for a TKL keyboard, possible with these SPH keycaps? (not the colors, only the rows)
As I understand it, there's now no option any, all sets are rows 1/2/3/4/3, with row 3 shifts on row 4. The official view on the shifts:
7bit wrote:the SHIFT key sizes are all only available in row 3 which is no problem aestetically.

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Mad Dasher

10 Nov 2013, 15:15

Thinking about new keys such as row 4 shifts, in another different completely separate group buy it would be nice to have some double stepped keys made. They already exist in the SS family, though the profile is not approrpiate for mixing with SA.

Code: Select all

STEPPED KEYS                   1    2    3    4
1 x 1.5, .5 step R with lens             M
1 x 2, .375 step L & R                        M
1 x 2.25, .5 step L & R                       M
1 x 2.5, .5 step L & R                        M

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emacs -nw

10 Nov 2013, 15:19

facetsesame wrote:
7bit wrote:Function row is now row 1 profile.
Ah, is there any chance of getting the red row 3 POWER and RECORD keys back?
I'd buy two of a row 3 version of HONEY/FUNCTION/R1/RED.
Laser wrote:For those without much row 3/ row 4 etc. expertise, which is the "normal looking" solution for a TKL keyboard, possible with these SPH keycaps? (not the colors, only the rows)
As I understand it, there's now no option any, all sets are rows 1/2/3/4/3, with row 3 shifts on row 4. The official view on the shifts:
7bit wrote:the SHIFT key sizes are all only available in row 3 which is no problem aestetically.
Roger and thanks for the encompassing answer - how about the arrow keys? to keep them aesthetically fitting.

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Mad Dasher

10 Nov 2013, 15:39

Laser wrote:Roger and thanks for the encompassing answer - how about the arrow keys? to keep them aesthetically fitting.
Right, the arrow keys... On a TKL they'll only be beside the bottom row which is all row 3, and next to right shift which will also be row 3, so all row 3 could be your answer.
For further considerations including key feel, see the poll topic with kvad's great illustration:

But anyway, what is aesthetically fitting?

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10 Nov 2013, 16:03

zhasha wrote:It seems that a few of us would like row 4 shift keys in assorted sizes. Since we're talking about that, wouldn't it be awesome to have some row 4 keys to place next to the smaller right shift?

Also, CAPS LOCK replacements anyone?
Make my life complete 7bit! ALPS MUST HAPPEN
Row 4 SHIFT keys in 1, 1.5 and 2 units will be added later.

ALPS key added to FUNCTION kits.

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10 Nov 2013, 16:05

So where did we land on the grey ANSI `~ and |\ keys, either as part of HONEY/STANDARD125 or as separate keys?

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