Interest Check - Rebel RGB v1.5 Winkey (1.25 sized + MOAR)

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19 Jun 2011, 10:59

So what's up with this? :D

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20 Jun 2011, 02:12

Yes, an update would be nice, even if there isn't any just so people know this is still on.
Also, I'm in for 3 sets for sure. may be even more ;)


20 Jun 2011, 04:57

Is it too late to jump on board? I'd like to join in if not.

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23 Jun 2011, 07:41

I would like to get in on this if this is still happening. Thanks.

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23 Jun 2011, 08:10

If there is any left, I am in for a set as well.


29 Jun 2011, 06:10

If this is still open, I'd like a set.

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29 Jun 2011, 17:07

I just realized this is the set I want. If this is still open, I would like 2 sets. Thanks.


29 Jun 2011, 17:18

In for a set. Thanks.


30 Jun 2011, 09:22

Noob question: These won't work on this board right?

If they do, count me in!

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