Round 5 and Round 6 kits for sale!

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30 Apr 2014, 20:29

In fact, the deadlines are all fake. I still wait for the invoice from SP.

Kits of the day:
price: $1

price: $1

price: $3

price: $4

price: $16

price: $12

price: $3

price: $5

price: $10


Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
SPH/SHIFT225             |    3|  1|    2|USD|SPH-style repair kit
HONEY/TKL/BASE/NOFUN     |   14| 23|   19|USD|TKL base no func keys kit
HONEY/TKL/BASE/WHITE     |    8| 39|   49|USD|TKL base white kit
HONEY/TKL/BASE/RED       |    3| 39|   36|USD|TKL base red kit
HONEY/TKL/BASE/BLACK     |    5| 39|   36|USD|TKL base black kit
HONEY/ALPHA/RED          |    4| 49|   39|USD|ALPHA kit in red
HONEY/ALPHAINT           |    3| 31|   21|USD|ALPHA kit for DE-IT
HONEY/ALPHAINT/RED       |   10| 31|   26|USD|ALPHA kit for DE-IT in red
HONEY/ALPHAINT/BLACK     |    7| 31|   25|USD|ALPHA kit for DE-IT in black
HONEY/INTER/OVR2         |    1| 43|   29|USD|language kit overrun
HONEY/INTER/RED          |    8| 38|   36|USD|language kit for DE,DK,NO,SE
HONEY/INTER/RED/OVR      |    9| 35|   25|USD|language overrun kit DK,NO
HONEY/INTER/BLACK        |    2| 44|   39|USD|language kit for DE-IT
HONEY/INTER/BLACK/OVR    |   15| 42|   29|USD|language kit for DE-IT overrun
HONEY/DE                 |    5| 22|   16|USD|DE language kit
HONEY/DK                 |    1| 21|   19|USD|DK language kit
HONEY/NO                 |    1| 21|   18|USD|NO language kit
HONEY/IT                 |    3| 19|   12|USD|IT language kit
HONEY/FR                 |    7| 27|   19|USD|FR language kit
HONEY/UK                 |    2|  6|    6|USD|UK language kit
HONEY/UK/BLACK           |   17|  6|   10|USD|UK black language kit
HONEY/US                 |    2| 20|   16|USD|US language kit
HONEY/US/RED             |    1| 20|   19|USD|US red language kit
HONEY/US/BLACK           |    6| 20|   16|USD|US black language kit
HONEY/BEPOALPHA          |    3| 51|   39|USD|BEPO ALPHA language kit
HONEY/BEPO/OVR           |    8| 30|   19|USD|BEPO ALPHA language overrun kit
HONEY/COLRAK             |    8| 31|   29|USD|COLEMAK and DVORAK language kit
HONEY/7BIT               |   12| 12|    9|USD|7BIT language kit
HONEY/ISO                |   16|  4|    8|USD|ISO kit in grey
HONEY/ISO/WHITE          |    5|  4|    7|USD|ISO kit in white
HONEY/ISO/RED            |    8|  4|    9|USD|ISO kit in red
HONEY/ISO/BLACK          |    6|  4|    9|USD|ISO kit in black
HONEY/MODIFIER/OVR1      |    3| 61|   35|USD|Modifier overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/OVR2      |    3| 49|   33|USD|Modifier overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/OVR3      |    1| 32|   32|USD|Modifier overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/OVR4      |    1| 17|   19|USD|Modifier overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/OVR5      |    3|  7|    6|USD|Modifier overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/WHITE/OVR1|    4| 40|   35|USD|Modifier white overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/WHITE/OVR2|    3| 36|   25|USD|Modifier white overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/WHITE/OVR3|    9|  4|    5|USD|Modifier white overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/RED/OVR1  |    5| 32|   32|USD|Modifier red overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/RED/OVR2  |    2| 22|   29|USD|Modifier red overrun kit
HONEY/FUN125/RED         |    8|  1|    2|USD|FUN key kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/FUN125/BLACK       |   17|  1|    2|USD|FUN key kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/WINDOWS125/RED     |    7|  3|    4|USD|WINDOWS kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/WINDOWS125/BLACK   |    4|  3|    4|USD|WINDOWS kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/WINDOWS150         |   10|  3|    5|USD|WINDOWS kit (1.5 units)
HONEY/APPLE125           |    3|  4|    4|USD|APPLE kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/APPLE125/BLACK     |    5|  4|    4|USD|APPLE kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/MOD150/BLACK/OVR1  |    3| 11|   15|USD|Modifier 1.5 units black kit
HONEY/MOD175S            |   21|  2|    5|USD|Modifier 1.75 stepped kit
HONEY/MODEXTRA125        |    1| 10|   19|USD|Modifier Extra 1.25 units kit
HONEY/MODEXTRA150/OVR    |   11| 12|    9|USD|Modifier Extra 1.5 units kit
HONEY/MODEXTRA150/R4     |    3|  8|    9|USD|Modifier Extra 1.5 u (row 4)
HONEY/MODEXTRA175        |   14|  8|   27|USD|Modifier Extra 1.75 units kit
HONEY/MODSYM100          |    6|  9|    7|USD|Modifier symbols 1 unit kit
HONEY/MODSYM100/OVR      |   12|  7|    6|USD|Modifier symbols 1 unit kit
HONEY/MODSYM125          |   10|  8|    9|USD|Modifier symbols 1.25 units kit
HONEY/MODSYM150          |   12|  9|   21|USD|Modifier symbols 1.5 units kit
HONEY/MODSYM200POS       |   19|  4|    6|USD|Modifier symbols 2 units POS
HONEY/MODSYM100/BLACK    |   21|  8|   19|USD|Modifier symbols 1 unit black
HONEY/MODSYM125/BLACK    |   19|  8|   19|USD|Modifier symbols 1.25 units
HONEY/CURSOR/OVR3        |   10|  4|    2|USD|Cursors kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R24         |    2|  8|    9|USD|Cursor row 2/4 kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R24/TEXT    |    5|  4|    3|USD|Cursor row 2/4 text kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R3/TEXT     |   14|  4|    2|USD|Cursor row 3 text kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R34/ARR     |    2|  4|    3|USD|Cursor row 3/4 arrow kit
HONEY/CURSORBASE/RED     |   12|  9|    7|USD|Cursor base kit
HONEY/CURSORS/RED        |    5| 22|   29|USD|Cursors red kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R24/RED     |    8|  8|   13|USD|Cursor row 2/4 red kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R3/RED      |   15|  8|    6|USD|Cursor row 3 red kit
HONEY/CURSOR/OVR/RED     |   10|  6|    5|USD|Cursor row 3/4 red kit
HONEY/CURSOR/OVR1/RED    |    1|  5|    3|USD|Cursor row 3/4 red kit
HONEY/CURSORS/BLACK      |    4| 22|   19|USD|Cursors black kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R34/BLACK   |    8|  8|    6|USD|Cursor row 3/4 black kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R4/BLACK    |    1|  8|    8|USD|Cursor row 4 black kit
HONEY/CURSYM100/RED      |    1| 10|    9|USD|Cursor triangle kit (rows 2-4)
HONEY/CURSYM100/R3/RED   |    2|  9|    8|USD|Cursor triangle kit (row 3)
HONEY/CURSYM100/OVR/RED  |    1|  5|    5|USD|Cursor triangle kit (row 3)
HONEY/CURSYM100/R3/BLACK |    1|  9|    8|USD|Cursor triangle kit (row 3)
HONEY/CURSYM100/OVR/BLACK|    1|  5|    5|USD|Cursor triangle kit (row 3)
HONEY/CURSYM125          |    4|  4|    5|USD|Cursor triangle kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/CURSYM125/RED      |    9|  4|    5|USD|Cursor triangle kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/NUMPAD/GREY        |    5| 24|   21|USD|Numpad grey kit
HONEY/NUMPAD/WHITE       |    1| 24|   27|USD|Numpad white kit_(LQ3)
HONEY/NUMPAD/RED         |    4| 24|   25|USD|Numpad red kit_(LQ2)
HONEY/NUMNUM/GREY        |   12| 14|   13|USD|Numpad number keys grey
HONEY/NUMNUM/WHITE/OVR   |    2| 12|    9|USD|Numpad number keys white
HONEY/NUMNUM/RED         |    4| 14|   14|USD|Numpad number keys red
HONEY/NUMOP/GREY         |    5| 10|    8|USD|Numpad operator keys grey
HONEY/NUMOP/GREY/OVR     |    6| 10|    5|USD|Numpad operator keys grey
HONEY/NUMOP/BLACK        |    3| 10|    9|USD|Numpad operator keys black
HONEY/NUMERIC7/GREY      |    8| 32|   29|USD|Numeric7 grey kit (row 3)
HONEY/NUMERIC7/WHITE     |    8| 32|   29|USD|Numeric7 white kit (row 3)
HONEY/NUMROW/WHITE       |    5| 23|   38|USD|Numrow white kit
HONEY/NUMROW/WHITE/OVR   |   11| 13|   12|USD|Numrow white overrun kit
HONEY/NUMROW             |    6| 40|   59|USD|Numrow 0-9 kit
HONEY/NUMROW/GREY        |    7| 10|   19|USD|Numrow 0-9 grey kit
HONEY/NUMROW/RED         |   12| 10|   16|USD|Numrow 0-9 red kit
HONEY/NUMROW/BLACK       |   11| 10|   19|USD|Numrow 0-9 black kit
HONEY/FUNMOD/BLACK/OVR2  |    5| 21|   19|USD|Function and mod. kit black
HONEY/FUNCTION/R1        |    1| 35|   29|USD|Function row 1 kit_(LQ2)
HONEY/FUNCTION/R2        |    4| 11|   19|USD|Function row 2 kit
HONEY/FUNCTION/R3        |   13| 24|   36|USD|Function row 3 kit
HONEY/FUNCTION2          |    6| 16|   24|USD|Function 2 kit (rows 1-4)_(LQ1)
HONEY/FUNCTION7B         |    5| 42|   29|USD|Function 7bit kit (rows 1-4)
HONEY/FUNCTION7C         |    2| 36|   15|USD|Function 7bit kit (rows 1-4)
HONEY/FUNCTION7D         |    5| 28|   14|USD|Function 7bit kit (rows 1-4)
HONEY/FUNCTION7E         |    1| 27|   12|USD|Function 7bit kit (rows 1-4)
HONEY/FUNCTION7F         |    2| 10|    9|USD|Function 7bit kit (rows 1-4)
HONEY/FUNCTION/RED       |    4| 23|   24|USD|Function and modifier red kit
HONEY/FUNCTION/RED/OVR1  |    7| 22|   19|USD|Function and modifier red kit
HONEY/FUNCTION/RED/OVR2  |    2| 19|   12|USD|Function and modifier red kit
HONEY/FUNCTION/R1/RED    |   15| 10|    9|USD|Function row 1 red kit
HONEY/F1TOF12            |    2| 12|    8|USD|F1-F12 in grey (row 1)
HONEY/F13TOF24           |    6| 12|   29|USD|F13-F24 in grey (row 1)
HONEY/F1TOF24            |   11| 24|   19|USD|F1-F24 in grey (row 1)
HONEY/F1TOF12/H7         |    1| 12|   10|USD|F1-F12 in grey (for Hyper7)
HONEY/F1TOF12/WHITE      |    1| 12|    9|USD|F1-F12 in white (row 1)
HONEY/F13TOF24/WHITE     |   19| 12|    9|USD|F13-F24 in white (row 1)
HONEY/F1TOF24/WHITE      |    1| 24|   19|USD|F1-F24 in white (row 1)
HONEY/TRASH1             |    2| 69|   25|USD|Sym, Fun and Numeric keys
HONEY/TRASH2             |    1| 29|    9|USD|Sym, Fun and Numeric keys
HONEY/TRASH3             |    1| 15|    7|USD|Sym, Fun and Numeric keys
HONEY/TRASH4             |    3|  5|    4|USD|Symbol and Numeric keys
HONEY/TRASH5             |    5|  4|    3|USD|Symbol and Numeric keys
HONEY/POS/PACK1          |    9|  8|   12|USD|POS pack 1 (2 units)
HONEY/POS/PACK2          |   10|  6|    8|USD|POS pack 2 (2 units)
HONEY/POS/PACK3          |   10|  8|    8|USD|POS pack 3 (2 units)
HONEY/POS/PACK4          |   10|  8|    8|USD|POS pack 4 (2 units)
HONEY/JRET               |    5|  1|    6|USD|J-Return key (grey)
HONEY/JRET/WHITE         |    7|  1|    6|USD|J-Return key (white)
HONEY/JRET/RED           |   12|  1|    6|USD|J-Return key (red)
HONEY/JRET/BLACK         |    2|  1|    6|USD|J-Return key (black)
HONEY/CAPS175            |   18|  1|    2|USD|CAPS LOCK key 1.75 units
HONEY/CAPS175/RED        |    9|  1|    2|USD|CAPS LOCK key 1.75 units
HONEY/CAPS175S/RED       |   13|  1|    5|USD|CAPS LOCK key 1.75 units, step
HONEY/CAPS175/BLACK      |   10|  1|    2|USD|CAPS LOCK key 1.75 units
HONEY/CAPS175S/BLACK     |   20|  1|    4|USD|CAPS LOCK key 1.75 units, step
HONEY/BACKSPACE200/BLACK |    8|  1|    2|USD|BACK SPACE key 2 units (row 1)
HONEY/RETURN175          |   11|  1|    3|USD|Return (1.75 units; grey)
HONEY/RETURN225/RED      |   14|  1|    3|USD|Return (2.25 units; red)
HONEY/SHIFT100           |    2|  1|    1|USD|SHIFT key 1 unit (row 3)
HONEY/SHIFT150           |    4|  1|    1|USD|SHIFT key 1.5 units (row 3)
HONEY/SHIFT175           |   20|  1|    2|USD|SHIFT key 1.75 units (row 3)
HONEY/SHIFT225           |   14|  1|    2|USD|SHIFT key 2.25 units (row 3)
HONEY/SHIFT275           |   10|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 2.75 units (row 3)
HONEY/SHIFT175/R4        |    1|  1|    2|USD|SHIFT key 1.75 units (row 4)
HONEY/SHIFT200/R4        |   18|  1|    5|USD|SHIFT key 2 units (row 4)
HONEY/SHIFT125/WHITE     |    9|  1|    1|USD|SHIFT key 1.25 units (row 3)
HONEY/SHIFT100/RED       |   22|  1|    6|USD|SHIFT key 1 unit (row 3; red)
HONEY/SHIFT125/RED       |   21|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 1.25 units (row 3; red)
HONEY/SHIFT175/RED       |    2|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 1.75 units (row 3; red)
HONEY/SHIFT200/RED       |    4|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 2 units (row 3; red)
HONEY/SHIFT225/RED       |    6|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 2.25 units (row 3; red)
HONEY/SHIFT275/RED       |   20|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 2.75 units (row 3; red)
HONEY/SHIFT100/R4/RED    |   22|  1|    6|USD|SHIFT key 1 u. (row 4; red)
HONEY/SHIFT200/R4/RED    |   22|  1|    5|USD|SHIFT key 2 u. (row 4; red)
HONEY/SHIFT100/BLACK     |   17|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 1 u. (row 3; black)
HONEY/SHIFT125/BLACK     |    4|  1|    1|USD|SHIFT key 1.25 u. (row 3; black)
HONEY/SHIFT200/BLACK     |    4|  1|    4|USD|SHIFT key 2 u. (row 3; black)
HONEY/SHIFT225/BLACK     |    2|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 2.25 u. (row 3; black)
HONEY/SHIFT275/BLACK     |   18|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 2.75 u. (row 3; black)
HONEY/COMMA              |   15|  1|    2|USD|numpad comma (row 3; white)
HONEY/COMMA/GREY         |   20|  1|    4|USD|numpad comma (row 3; grey)
HONEY/GTLT               |    3|  1|    1|USD|greater less (row 4; white)
HONEY/GTLT/GREY          |   10|  1|    2|USD|greater less (row 4; grey)
HONEY/GTLT/RED           |    7|  1|    2|USD|greater less (row 4; red)
HONEY/GTLT/BLACK         |   19|  1|    2|USD|greater less (row 4; black)
HONEY/FJ                 |   22|  2|    2|USD|F and J (row 3; white)
HONEY/FJ/GREY            |    8|  2|    2|USD|F and J (row 3; grey)
HONEY/FJ/BLACK           |   12|  2|    2|USD|F and J (row 3; black)
HONEY/GHB/GREY           |   19|  3|    2|USD|G, H and B (grey)
HONEY/GHB/WHITE          |   14|  3|    2|USD|G, H and B (white)
HONEY/GHB/RED            |   17|  3|    2|USD|G, H and B (red)
HONEY/GHB/BLACK          |   18|  3|    2|USD|G, H and B (black)
HONEY/TILDEBPRIME/GREY   |    9|  1|    1|USD|tilde backprime (row 1; grey)
HONEY/TILDEBPRIME/WHITE  |   12|  1|    1|USD|tilde backprime (row 1; white)
HONEY/TILDEBPRIME/RED    |    7|  1|    1|USD|tilde backprime (row 1; red)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R1         |   15|  1|    1|USD|vert bslash (row 1; white)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R2         |   20|  1|    4|USD|vert bslash (row 2; white)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R3         |    7|  1|    1|USD|vert bslash (row 3; white)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R4         |   23|  1|    2|USD|vert bslash (row 4; white)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R1/RED     |    7|  1|    1|USD|vert bslash (row 1; red)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R3/RED     |    9|  1|    1|USD|vert bslash (row 3; red)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R1/BLACK   |   11|  1|    1|USD|vert bslash (row 1; red)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R3/BLACK   |    1|  1|    1|USD|vert bslash (row 3; red)
HONEY/VERTBSL150         |   13|  1|    2|USD|vert bslash (row 2; white)
HONEY/VERTBSL150/BLACK   |    4|  1|    2|USD|vert bslash (row 2; black)
HONEY/REDESCAPE/R3       |    7|  1|    1|USD|ESCAPE key (row 3; red)
HONEY/SPACE100           |   14|  2|    3|USD|Space (1 units; white)
HONEY/SPACE100/GREY      |   15|  2|    3|USD|Space (1 units; grey)
HONEY/SPACE100/BLACK     |   14|  2|    3|USD|Space (1 units; black)
HONEY/SPACE150           |   13|  2|    5|USD|Space (1.5 units; white)
HONEY/SPACE150/GREY      |    8|  2|    3|USD|Space (1.5 units; grey)
HONEY/SPACE150/RED       |   19|  2|    7|USD|Space (1.5 units; red)_(LQ2)
HONEY/SPACE150/BLACK     |   17|  2|    6|USD|Space (1.5 units; black)_(LQ2)
HONEY/SPACE400/GREY      |   14|  1|    8|USD|Space (4 units; grey)
HONEY/SPACE400/RED       |   21|  1|    8|USD|Space (4 units; red)
HONEY/SPACE400/BLACK     |   20|  1|    8|USD|Space (4 units; black)
HONEY/SPACE450           |    6|  1|    8|USD|Space (4.5 units; white)
HONEY/SPACE450/GREY      |   19|  1|    9|USD|Space (4.5 units; grey)
HONEY/SPACE450/RED       |   20|  1|    9|USD|Space (4.5 units; red)
HONEY/SPACE450/BLACK     |   18|  1|    9|USD|Space (4.5 units; black)
HONEY/SPACE625           |   21|  1|    2|USD|Space (6.25 units white)
HONEY/SPACE625/GREY      |    2|  1|    2|USD|Space (6.25 units; grey)
HONEY/SPACE625/RED       |   13|  1|    3|USD|Space (6.25 units; red)
HONEY/SPACE625/BLACK     |   10|  1|    3|USD|Space (6.25 units; black)
HONEY/SPACE700           |   19|  1|    3|USD|Space (7 units white)
HONEY/SPACE700/GREY      |    9|  1|    3|USD|Space (7 units; grey)
HONEY/SPACE700/RED       |   27|  1|    3|USD|Space (7 units; red)
HONEY/SPACE700/BLACK     |    2|  1|    3|USD|Space (7 units; black)
HONEY/DT/GREY            |   26|  2|    2|USD|DT keys (rows 1 and 3; grey)
HONEY/DT/WHITE           |   27|  2|    2|USD|DT keys (rows 1 and 3; white)
HONEY/DT/RED             |   19|  2|    2|USD|DT keys (rows 1 and 3; red)
HONEY/DT/BLACK           |   18|  2|    2|USD|DT keys (rows 1 and 3; black)
HONEY/VIM                |    2|  4|    8|USD|VIM key in all 4 colors (row 1)
HONEY/HELVETICA          |    7|  2|    2|USD|Swiss flag (rows 1 and 3)
HONEY/HELVETICA125       |   14|  1|    2|USD|Swiss flag (row 3)
HONEY/HELVETICA150       |   16|  1|    2|USD|Swiss flag (row 3)
HONEY/ERGOKEY/R3         |    3|  2|    2|USD|ERGO DOX keys (row 3; red)
HONEY/ERGOKEYS           |    7|  4|    4|USD|ERGO DOX keys (row 1 and 3; red)
HONEY/KBDRUNNER          |    6|  1|    1|USD|Keyboard runner (row 1; grey)
HONEY/KBDRUNNER/WHITE    |    9|  1|    1|USD|Keyboard runner (row 1; white)
HONEY/KBDRUNNER/RED      |   33|  1|    1|USD|Keyboard runner (row 1; red)
HONEY/KBDRUNNER/RED/R2   |   18|  1|    1|USD|Keyboard runner (row 2; red)
HONEY/KBDRUNNER/RED/R3   |    3|  1|    1|USD|Keyboard runner (row 3; red)
HONEY/KBDRUNNER/BLACK    |    9|  1|    1|USD|Keyboard runner (row 1; black)
HONEY/LOTUSESC           |   10|  1|    1|USD|Lotus key (row 1; grey)
HONEY/LOTUSESC/RED       |    1|  1|    1|USD|Lotus key (row 1; red)
HONEY/LOTUSESC/BLACK     |   13|  1|    1|USD|Lotus key (row 1; black)
HONEY/LOTUS100           |    8|  1|    1|USD|Lotus key (row 3; grey)
HONEY/LOTUS125           |   10|  1|    2|USD|Lotus key (row 3; grey)
HONEY/LOTUS150           |   16|  1|    3|USD|Lotus key (row 3; grey)
HONEY/LOTUS175           |   18|  1|    7|USD|Lotus key (row 3; grey)
HONEY/LOTUS175S          |    9|  1|    5|USD|Lotus key (row 3; grey)
HONEY/LOTUS100/RED       |    1|  1|    1|USD|Lotus key (row 3; red)
HONEY/LOTUS125/RED       |   18|  1|    2|USD|Lotus key (row 3; red)
HONEY/LOTUS175S/RED      |   16|  1|    7|USD|Lotus key (row 3; red)
HONEY/LOTUS100/BLACK     |    7|  1|    1|USD|Lotus key (row 3; black)
HONEY/LOTUS175S/BLACK    |   21|  1|    9|USD|Lotus key (row 3; black)
BLANK/R1U100/GREY        |   10|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R2U100/GREY        |    2|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey; same as R4)
BLANK/R3U100/GREY        |    8|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R3U100C/GREY       |   14|  1|    4|USD|blank key center nub (grey)
BLANK/R3U100D/GREY       |   11|  1|    3|USD|blank key deep dish (grey)
BLANK/R3U125/GREY        |   11|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R1U150/GREY        |   21|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R2U150/GREY        |    3|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey; same as R4)
BLANK/R3U150/GREY        |    1|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R2U175/GREY        |   22|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R3U175/GREY        |   10|  1|    3|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R3U175S/GREY       |   17|  1|    3|USD|blank stepped key (grey)
BLANK/R1U200/GREY        |   11|  1|    4|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R2U200/GREY        |   21|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey; same as R4)
BLANK/R3U200P/GREY       |    8|  1|    1|USD|blank POS fits on 2 sws (grey)
BLANK/R3U275/GREY        |   12|  1|    3|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R1U100/WHITE       |   16|  1|    1|USD|blank key (white)
BLANK/R2U100/WHITE       |   10|  1|    1|USD|blank key (white)
BLANK/R3U100/WHITE       |    3|  1|    1|USD|blank key (white)
BLANK/R4U100/WHITE       |   10|  1|    1|USD|blank key (white)
BLANK/R3U100C/WHITE      |    9|  1|    3|USD|blank key center nub (white)
BLANK/R3U100D/WHITE      |    5|  1|    1|USD|blank key deep dish (white)
BLANK/R1U150/WHITE       |   12|  1|    1|USD|blank key (white)
BLANK/R2U150/WHITE       |    1|  1|    2|USD|blank key (white)
BLANK/R3U150/WHITE       |    1|  1|    2|USD|blank key (white)
BLANK/R2U200/WHITE       |   18|  1|    3|USD|blank key (white)
BLANK/R1U100/RED         |    2|  1|    1|USD|blank key (red)
BLANK/R2U100/RED         |   16|  1|    1|USD|blank key (red)
BLANK/R3U100C/RED        |   18|  1|    3|USD|blank key center nub (red)
BLANK/R3U100D/RED        |   20|  1|    3|USD|blank key deep dish (red)
BLANK/R1U150/RED         |    3|  1|    1|USD|blank key (red)
BLANK/R2U150/RED         |   17|  1|    2|USD|blank key (red)
BLANK/R3U150/RED         |    8|  1|    1|USD|blank key (red)
BLANK/R3U100/BLACK       |    3|  1|    1|USD|blank key (black)
BLANK/R3U100C/BLACK      |   10|  1|    3|USD|blank key center nub (black)
BLANK/R3U100D/BLACK      |   16|  1|    3|USD|blank key deep dish (black)
BLANK/R3U125/BLACK       |   20|  1|    3|USD|blank key (black)
BLANK/R2U150/BLACK       |   14|  1|    2|USD|blank key (black)

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30 Apr 2014, 22:35

7bit wrote:In fact, the deadlines are all fake. I still wait for the invoice from SP.
The meaningful one was when you finalised your order with SP. Before that point, we could order anything from the entire Round 5 lineup. Afterwards: only from the limited "stock" you have ordered. I'd get really itchy trying to devise a new order now. It was much easier when everything was on the table.

Now fingers crossed SP answers soon, and with the right kind of number. Don't want any bad surprises…


30 Apr 2014, 23:12

The rolling deadline has one benefit: I keep buying keyboards so I can put all the keycaps I ordered...

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30 Apr 2014, 23:19


Please pardon me for my ignorance. I've tried my best to read through the order sheet and figure out what's still in stock and what's sold out. According to the wiki, there is a list of leftovers that I can order from. I'm also reading conflicting posts stating that nothing is really "sold out" and that the deadline is a "soft deadline".

I'm absolutely in love with these keycaps and would love to order some items that may no longer be available. Primarily the HONEY/ALPHA/GREY (ALPHA kit in grey | $45) set along with black modifiers. I'm also a bit unsure of whether, in the event I only want 1 key from a set, I need to order the entire row.

I'm sure if I spent more time reading through the wiki, I can get a better understanding of the ordering process but as the deadline is so close, I am asking for someone's assistance here. Again, my apologies for my ignorance and thanks in advance for any responses.

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Mad Dasher

30 Apr 2014, 23:23

Muirium wrote:I'd get really itchy trying to devise a new order now. It was much easier when everything was on the table.
I'll admit it's a different game, but it can be quite good fun making up layouts from the leftovers. In more artistic disciplines, I have seen it said that working with limited resources can help inspire creativity :)
olive wrote:The rolling deadline has one benefit: I keep buying keyboards so I can put all the keycaps I ordered...
Which could also encourage a circular/secondary rolling effect. Actually I still haven't bought the G80-8200 I planned for this round!

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30 Apr 2014, 23:26

kudosgodspeed wrote:I'm sure if I spent more time reading through the wiki, I can get a better understanding of the ordering process but as the deadline is so close, I am asking for someone's assistance here. Again, my apologies for my ignorance and thanks in advance for any responses.
Hey Kudos, don't worry about the deadline: it's yet another virtual one. Watch it change tomorrow!

The scrolling list that 7bit made a few posts ago is the stock you can order from. Anything you can't find there, you'll have to try getting in trades with the rest of us! I'll eventually trade a few things myself, but not the alphas you're looking for. Well, not until I've tried them…

And yes, when buying from 7bit, you need to get a whole kit. Those are his plaything, can't you tell?
facetsesame wrote:
Muirium wrote:I'd get really itchy trying to devise a new order now. It was much easier when everything was on the table.
I'll admit it's a different game, but it can be quite good fun making up layouts from the leftovers. In more artistic disciplines, I have seen it said that working with limited resources can help inspire creativity :)
Very true. Hence the lasting popularity of Haiku. And tweets, I suppose… But the puzzle here is more complex. We have to fit keyboards, with their own fixed form, using caps that vary in size, row profile, colour and legend! Multidimensional chess it is then.
Last edited by Muirium on 30 Apr 2014, 23:31, edited 1 time in total.

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30 Apr 2014, 23:30

Hi Muirium,

Thank you so much for the quick response. If you don't mind answering my question, do you know if the leftovers list on the wiki is accurate and whether or not I can still order from it? If not, where can I find the list that 7-Bit posted? Thanks so much :)

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30 Apr 2014, 23:32

Here you go, scroll down past the "kits of the day":

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Mad Dasher

30 Apr 2014, 23:36

kudosgodspeed wrote:Hello,

Please pardon me for my ignorance. I've tried my best to read through the order sheet and figure out what's still in stock and what's sold out. According to the wiki, there is a list of leftovers that I can order from. I'm also reading conflicting posts stating that nothing is really "sold out" and that the deadline is a "soft deadline".

I'm absolutely in love with these keycaps and would love to order some items that may no longer be available. Primarily the HONEY/ALPHA/GREY (ALPHA kit in grey | $45) set along with black modifiers. I'm also a bit unsure of whether, in the event I only want 1 key from a set, I need to order the entire row.

I'm sure if I spent more time reading through the wiki, I can get a better understanding of the ordering process but as the deadline is so close, I am asking for someone's assistance here. Again, my apologies for my ignorance and thanks in advance for any responses.
Hi, welcome to Round 5!

There is a whole mess of history in this topic... currently this group buy has passed its fundamental deadline of sending the order to the manufacturer. This means that what will be made (production hasn't started yet afaik) has been finalised and will not be changed (excluding manufacturer overproduction/errors which we don't know about yet).

Currently still for sale are (as I understand it) extra kits deliberatly allocated as buffer for additional sales but mainly to optimise production costs. These are listed in the R5 leftovers wiki page and the latest green text post from 7bit. The deadline currently being talked about is artifical and is to try encourage the sale of these leftovers.
I refer you to member Muirium's more prompt post!

Sadly the grey alphas kits due to be produced have sold out, but you may be able to trade for one after the buy is complete.

To order, follow the instructions at the top of the Round 5 wiki page and in the How to order section.
Tips: the 7bot doesn't read your message, only the e-mail it generates, so the private message will sit in your Outbox appearing to be unread.You'll then receive an e-mail with confirmation of the items you secured (including the remaining stock available) and payment information.
The order confirmation e-mails are only sent out when then human(?) 7bit runs a script to do so, so this may take a little while.

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01 May 2014, 00:25

kudosgodspeed wrote:Please pardon me for my ignorance. I've tried my best to read through the order sheet and figure out what's still in stock and what's sold out. According to the wiki, there is a list of leftovers that I can order from. I'm also reading conflicting posts stating that nothing is really "sold out" and that the deadline is a "soft deadline".
It's pretty simple, the way I understand it is that the amount that will be produced of each kit is already fixed. A good lot of them have already been spoken for, so unless someone cancels their order at the last minute, they're no longer available. What you see in R5_Leftovers is basically that: leftovers, but you can still combine them to make a full kit.

So in a sense the deadline has already passed, but in another sense there's no deadline at all and you can order stuff until it's permanently sold out.

Anyone, feel free to correct if I'm wrong ;)
kudosgodspeed wrote: I'm absolutely in love with these keycaps and would love to order some items that may no longer be available. Primarily the HONEY/ALPHA/GREY (ALPHA kit in grey | $45) set along with black modifiers.
HONEY/ALPHA/GREY is no longer available, so you can either choose something else or hope that someone cancels their order.
kudosgodspeed wrote: I'm also a bit unsure of whether, in the event I only want 1 key from a set, I need to order the entire row.
It doesn't work that way, you have to buy the entire set, you can't just pick one key. It's only normal, otherwise 7bit would be stuck with an unsellable set with 1 key missing. Imagine if you could just pick the F1 key of a function row set, then he'd be stuck with all the F2-F12 keys, because nobody would want a function row with the F1 key missing.

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01 May 2014, 01:01

Hey guys,

I just wanted to let you know that I placed an order with 7-bit and I couldn't have done it without the help of Muirium, facetsesame and javnkn (and also my gf for spotting these in the first place). I'm super excited as a fairly new lover of mechanical keyboards and member of DeskThority. It's so nice to meet such a helpful community.

A few more questions. I wrote in a subject under the subject line when I submitted the order to 7-bit with the order. Do you think that might mess up the order? Also, what can I expect moving forward? I saw mention that I will see my message in the outbox followed by confirmation of order. Will I be expecting confirmation via my E-mail address or through DT? When will payment need to be posted after confirmation?

Thanks again to the great DT community. Hopefully, someone will grow tired of their grey alphas and want to trade down the line :)

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01 May 2014, 01:08

You get an invoice via email after orderding telling you how to pay. It says in the email that you have to pay within 7 days.

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01 May 2014, 01:11

you can write any subject you want in the PM for 7bot :)

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01 May 2014, 01:22

Thanks guys :)


01 May 2014, 08:15

I pieced together using the leftovers for my recently built ergodox. Here are some layouts I an do with the pieces I ordered.
honey_layout_1.jpg (88.47 KiB) Viewed 5391 times
honey_layout_2.jpg (88.34 KiB) Viewed 5391 times
honey_layout_3.jpg (98.37 KiB) Viewed 5391 times
honey_layout_4.jpg (95.48 KiB) Viewed 5391 times
- Garrett

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01 May 2014, 09:10

Kits of the day:
price: $3

price: $3

price: $6

price: $4

price: $2

price: $27


Code: Select all

Order-ID                 |Stock|Pcs|Price|Cur|Description
SPH/SHIFT225             |    2|  1|    2|USD|SPH-style repair kit
HONEY/TKL/BASE/NOFUN     |   13| 23|   19|USD|TKL base no func keys kit
HONEY/TKL/BASE/WHITE     |    8| 39|   49|USD|TKL base white kit
HONEY/TKL/BASE/RED       |    3| 39|   36|USD|TKL base red kit
HONEY/TKL/BASE/BLACK     |    4| 39|   36|USD|TKL base black kit
HONEY/ALPHA/RED          |    4| 49|   39|USD|ALPHA kit in red
HONEY/ALPHAINT           |    2| 31|   21|USD|ALPHA kit for DE-IT
HONEY/ALPHAINT/RED       |   10| 31|   26|USD|ALPHA kit for DE-IT in red
HONEY/ALPHAINT/BLACK     |    7| 31|   25|USD|ALPHA kit for DE-IT in black
HONEY/INTER/OVR2         |    1| 43|   29|USD|language kit overrun
HONEY/INTER/RED          |    8| 38|   36|USD|language kit for DE,DK,NO,SE
HONEY/INTER/RED/OVR      |    9| 35|   25|USD|language overrun kit DK,NO
HONEY/INTER/BLACK        |    2| 44|   39|USD|language kit for DE-IT
HONEY/INTER/BLACK/OVR    |   15| 42|   29|USD|language kit for DE-IT overrun
HONEY/DE                 |    5| 22|   16|USD|DE language kit
HONEY/DK                 |    1| 21|   19|USD|DK language kit
HONEY/NO                 |    1| 21|   18|USD|NO language kit
HONEY/IT                 |    3| 19|   12|USD|IT language kit
HONEY/FR                 |    7| 27|   19|USD|FR language kit
HONEY/UK                 |    2|  6|    6|USD|UK language kit
HONEY/UK/BLACK           |   17|  6|   10|USD|UK black language kit
HONEY/US                 |    1| 20|   16|USD|US language kit
HONEY/US/RED             |    1| 20|   19|USD|US red language kit
HONEY/US/BLACK           |    6| 20|   16|USD|US black language kit
HONEY/BEPOALPHA          |    3| 51|   39|USD|BEPO ALPHA language kit
HONEY/BEPO/OVR           |    8| 30|   19|USD|BEPO ALPHA language overrun kit
HONEY/COLRAK             |    8| 31|   29|USD|COLEMAK and DVORAK language kit
HONEY/7BIT               |   12| 12|    9|USD|7BIT language kit
HONEY/ISO                |   16|  4|    8|USD|ISO kit in grey
HONEY/ISO/WHITE          |    4|  4|    7|USD|ISO kit in white
HONEY/ISO/RED            |    8|  4|    9|USD|ISO kit in red
HONEY/ISO/BLACK          |    6|  4|    9|USD|ISO kit in black
HONEY/MODIFIER/OVR1      |    3| 61|   35|USD|Modifier overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/OVR2      |    3| 49|   33|USD|Modifier overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/OVR3      |    1| 32|   32|USD|Modifier overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/OVR4      |    1| 17|   19|USD|Modifier overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/OVR5      |    3|  7|    6|USD|Modifier overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/WHITE/OVR1|    4| 40|   35|USD|Modifier white overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/WHITE/OVR2|    3| 36|   25|USD|Modifier white overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/WHITE/OVR3|    9|  4|    5|USD|Modifier white overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/RED/OVR1  |    5| 32|   32|USD|Modifier red overrun kit
HONEY/MODIFIER/RED/OVR2  |    2| 22|   29|USD|Modifier red overrun kit
HONEY/FUN125/RED         |    8|  1|    2|USD|FUN key kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/FUN125/BLACK       |   17|  1|    2|USD|FUN key kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/WINDOWS125/RED     |    7|  3|    4|USD|WINDOWS kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/WINDOWS125/BLACK   |    4|  3|    4|USD|WINDOWS kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/WINDOWS150         |   10|  3|    5|USD|WINDOWS kit (1.5 units)
HONEY/APPLE125           |    3|  4|    4|USD|APPLE kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/APPLE125/BLACK     |    5|  4|    4|USD|APPLE kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/MOD150/BLACK/OVR1  |    3| 11|   15|USD|Modifier 1.5 units black kit
HONEY/MOD175S            |   21|  2|    5|USD|Modifier 1.75 stepped kit
HONEY/MODEXTRA125        |    1| 10|   19|USD|Modifier Extra 1.25 units kit
HONEY/MODEXTRA150/OVR    |   11| 12|    9|USD|Modifier Extra 1.5 units kit
HONEY/MODEXTRA150/R4     |    3|  8|    9|USD|Modifier Extra 1.5 u (row 4)
HONEY/MODEXTRA175        |   14|  8|   27|USD|Modifier Extra 1.75 units kit
HONEY/MODSYM100          |    6|  9|    7|USD|Modifier symbols 1 unit kit
HONEY/MODSYM100/OVR      |   12|  7|    6|USD|Modifier symbols 1 unit kit
HONEY/MODSYM125          |   10|  8|    9|USD|Modifier symbols 1.25 units kit
HONEY/MODSYM150          |   12|  9|   21|USD|Modifier symbols 1.5 units kit
HONEY/MODSYM200POS       |   19|  4|    6|USD|Modifier symbols 2 units POS
HONEY/MODSYM100/BLACK    |   21|  8|   19|USD|Modifier symbols 1 unit black
HONEY/MODSYM125/BLACK    |   19|  8|   19|USD|Modifier symbols 1.25 units
HONEY/CURSOR/OVR3        |   10|  4|    2|USD|Cursors kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R24         |    2|  8|    9|USD|Cursor row 2/4 kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R24/TEXT    |    5|  4|    3|USD|Cursor row 2/4 text kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R3/TEXT     |   14|  4|    2|USD|Cursor row 3 text kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R34/ARR     |    1|  4|    3|USD|Cursor row 3/4 arrow kit
HONEY/CURSORBASE/RED     |   12|  9|    7|USD|Cursor base kit
HONEY/CURSORS/RED        |    5| 22|   29|USD|Cursors red kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R24/RED     |    8|  8|   13|USD|Cursor row 2/4 red kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R3/RED      |   15|  8|    6|USD|Cursor row 3 red kit
HONEY/CURSOR/OVR/RED     |   10|  6|    5|USD|Cursor row 3/4 red kit
HONEY/CURSOR/OVR1/RED    |    1|  5|    3|USD|Cursor row 3/4 red kit
HONEY/CURSORBASE/BLACK   |    1|  9|    7|USD|Cursor base black kit
HONEY/CURSORS/BLACK      |    5| 22|   19|USD|Cursors black kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R34/BLACK   |    8|  8|    6|USD|Cursor row 3/4 black kit
HONEY/CURSOR/R4/BLACK    |    1|  8|    8|USD|Cursor row 4 black kit
HONEY/CURSYM100/RED      |    1| 10|    9|USD|Cursor triangle kit (rows 2-4)
HONEY/CURSYM100/R3/RED   |    2|  9|    8|USD|Cursor triangle kit (row 3)
HONEY/CURSYM100/OVR/RED  |    1|  5|    5|USD|Cursor triangle kit (row 3)
HONEY/CURSYM100/R3/BLACK |    1|  9|    8|USD|Cursor triangle kit (row 3)
HONEY/CURSYM100/OVR/BLACK|    1|  5|    5|USD|Cursor triangle kit (row 3)
HONEY/CURSYM125          |    4|  4|    5|USD|Cursor triangle kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/CURSYM125/RED      |    9|  4|    5|USD|Cursor triangle kit (1.25 units)
HONEY/NUMPAD/GREY        |    5| 24|   21|USD|Numpad grey kit
HONEY/NUMPAD/WHITE       |    1| 24|   27|USD|Numpad white kit_(LQ3)
HONEY/NUMPAD/RED         |    4| 24|   25|USD|Numpad red kit_(LQ2)
HONEY/NUMNUM/GREY        |   12| 14|   13|USD|Numpad number keys grey
HONEY/NUMNUM/WHITE/OVR   |    2| 12|    9|USD|Numpad number keys white
HONEY/NUMNUM/RED         |    4| 14|   14|USD|Numpad number keys red
HONEY/NUMOP/GREY         |    5| 10|    8|USD|Numpad operator keys grey
HONEY/NUMOP/GREY/OVR     |    6| 10|    5|USD|Numpad operator keys grey
HONEY/NUMOP/BLACK        |    3| 10|    9|USD|Numpad operator keys black
HONEY/NUMERIC7/GREY      |    8| 32|   29|USD|Numeric7 grey kit (row 3)
HONEY/NUMERIC7/WHITE     |    8| 32|   29|USD|Numeric7 white kit (row 3)
HONEY/NUMROW/WHITE       |    5| 23|   38|USD|Numrow white kit
HONEY/NUMROW/WHITE/OVR   |   11| 13|   12|USD|Numrow white overrun kit
HONEY/NUMROW             |    6| 40|   59|USD|Numrow 0-9 kit
HONEY/NUMROW/GREY        |    7| 10|   19|USD|Numrow 0-9 grey kit
HONEY/NUMROW/RED         |   12| 10|   16|USD|Numrow 0-9 red kit
HONEY/NUMROW/BLACK       |   11| 10|   19|USD|Numrow 0-9 black kit
HONEY/FUNMOD/BLACK/OVR2  |    5| 21|   19|USD|Function and mod. kit black
HONEY/FUNCTION/R1        |    1| 35|   29|USD|Function row 1 kit_(LQ2)
HONEY/FUNCTION/R2        |    4| 11|   19|USD|Function row 2 kit
HONEY/FUNCTION/R3        |   13| 24|   36|USD|Function row 3 kit
HONEY/FUNCTION2          |    6| 16|   24|USD|Function 2 kit (rows 1-4)_(LQ1)
HONEY/FUNCTION7B         |    5| 42|   29|USD|Function 7bit kit (rows 1-4)
HONEY/FUNCTION7C         |    2| 36|   15|USD|Function 7bit kit (rows 1-4)
HONEY/FUNCTION7D         |    5| 28|   14|USD|Function 7bit kit (rows 1-4)
HONEY/FUNCTION7E         |    1| 27|   12|USD|Function 7bit kit (rows 1-4)
HONEY/FUNCTION7F         |    2| 10|    9|USD|Function 7bit kit (rows 1-4)
HONEY/FUNCTION/RED       |    4| 23|   24|USD|Function and modifier red kit
HONEY/FUNCTION/RED/OVR1  |    7| 22|   19|USD|Function and modifier red kit
HONEY/FUNCTION/RED/OVR2  |    1| 19|   12|USD|Function and modifier red kit
HONEY/FUNCTION/R1/RED    |   15| 10|    9|USD|Function row 1 red kit
HONEY/F1TOF12            |    2| 12|    8|USD|F1-F12 in grey (row 1)
HONEY/F13TOF24           |    6| 12|   29|USD|F13-F24 in grey (row 1)
HONEY/F1TOF24            |   11| 24|   19|USD|F1-F24 in grey (row 1)
HONEY/F1TOF12/H7         |    1| 12|   10|USD|F1-F12 in grey (for Hyper7)
HONEY/F1TOF12/WHITE      |    1| 12|    9|USD|F1-F12 in white (row 1)
HONEY/F13TOF24/WHITE     |   19| 12|    9|USD|F13-F24 in white (row 1)
HONEY/F1TOF24/WHITE      |    1| 24|   19|USD|F1-F24 in white (row 1)
HONEY/TRASH1             |    2| 69|   25|USD|Sym, Fun and Numeric keys
HONEY/TRASH2             |    1| 29|    9|USD|Sym, Fun and Numeric keys
HONEY/TRASH3             |    1| 15|    7|USD|Sym, Fun and Numeric keys
HONEY/TRASH4             |    3|  5|    4|USD|Symbol and Numeric keys
HONEY/TRASH5             |    5|  4|    3|USD|Symbol and Numeric keys
HONEY/POS/PACK1          |    9|  8|   12|USD|POS pack 1 (2 units)
HONEY/POS/PACK2          |   10|  6|    8|USD|POS pack 2 (2 units)
HONEY/POS/PACK3          |   10|  8|    8|USD|POS pack 3 (2 units)
HONEY/POS/PACK4          |   10|  8|    8|USD|POS pack 4 (2 units)
HONEY/JRET               |    5|  1|    6|USD|J-Return key (grey)
HONEY/JRET/WHITE         |    7|  1|    6|USD|J-Return key (white)
HONEY/JRET/RED           |   12|  1|    6|USD|J-Return key (red)
HONEY/JRET/BLACK         |    2|  1|    6|USD|J-Return key (black)
HONEY/CAPS175            |   18|  1|    2|USD|CAPS LOCK key 1.75 units
HONEY/CAPS175/RED        |    9|  1|    2|USD|CAPS LOCK key 1.75 units
HONEY/CAPS175S/RED       |   13|  1|    5|USD|CAPS LOCK key 1.75 units, step
HONEY/CAPS175/BLACK      |   10|  1|    2|USD|CAPS LOCK key 1.75 units
HONEY/CAPS175S/BLACK     |   20|  1|    4|USD|CAPS LOCK key 1.75 units, step
HONEY/BACKSPACE200/BLACK |    8|  1|    2|USD|BACK SPACE key 2 units (row 1)
HONEY/RETURN175          |   11|  1|    3|USD|Return (1.75 units; grey)
HONEY/RETURN225/RED      |   14|  1|    3|USD|Return (2.25 units; red)
HONEY/SHIFT100           |    2|  1|    1|USD|SHIFT key 1 unit (row 3)
HONEY/SHIFT150           |    4|  1|    1|USD|SHIFT key 1.5 units (row 3)
HONEY/SHIFT175           |   20|  1|    2|USD|SHIFT key 1.75 units (row 3)
HONEY/SHIFT225           |   14|  1|    2|USD|SHIFT key 2.25 units (row 3)
HONEY/SHIFT275           |   10|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 2.75 units (row 3)
HONEY/SHIFT175/R4        |    1|  1|    2|USD|SHIFT key 1.75 units (row 4)
HONEY/SHIFT200/R4        |   18|  1|    5|USD|SHIFT key 2 units (row 4)
HONEY/SHIFT125/WHITE     |    9|  1|    1|USD|SHIFT key 1.25 units (row 3)
HONEY/SHIFT100/RED       |   22|  1|    6|USD|SHIFT key 1 unit (row 3; red)
HONEY/SHIFT125/RED       |   21|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 1.25 units (row 3; red)
HONEY/SHIFT175/RED       |    2|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 1.75 units (row 3; red)
HONEY/SHIFT200/RED       |    4|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 2 units (row 3; red)
HONEY/SHIFT225/RED       |    6|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 2.25 units (row 3; red)
HONEY/SHIFT275/RED       |   20|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 2.75 units (row 3; red)
HONEY/SHIFT100/R4/RED    |   22|  1|    6|USD|SHIFT key 1 u. (row 4; red)
HONEY/SHIFT200/R4/RED    |   22|  1|    5|USD|SHIFT key 2 u. (row 4; red)
HONEY/SHIFT100/BLACK     |   17|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 1 u. (row 3; black)
HONEY/SHIFT125/BLACK     |    4|  1|    1|USD|SHIFT key 1.25 u. (row 3; black)
HONEY/SHIFT200/BLACK     |    4|  1|    4|USD|SHIFT key 2 u. (row 3; black)
HONEY/SHIFT225/BLACK     |    2|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 2.25 u. (row 3; black)
HONEY/SHIFT275/BLACK     |   18|  1|    3|USD|SHIFT key 2.75 u. (row 3; black)
HONEY/COMMA              |   15|  1|    2|USD|numpad comma (row 3; white)
HONEY/COMMA/GREY         |   20|  1|    4|USD|numpad comma (row 3; grey)
HONEY/GTLT               |    3|  1|    1|USD|greater less (row 4; white)
HONEY/GTLT/GREY          |   10|  1|    2|USD|greater less (row 4; grey)
HONEY/GTLT/RED           |    7|  1|    2|USD|greater less (row 4; red)
HONEY/GTLT/BLACK         |   19|  1|    2|USD|greater less (row 4; black)
HONEY/FJ                 |   22|  2|    2|USD|F and J (row 3; white)
HONEY/FJ/GREY            |    8|  2|    2|USD|F and J (row 3; grey)
HONEY/FJ/BLACK           |   12|  2|    2|USD|F and J (row 3; black)
HONEY/GHB/GREY           |   19|  3|    2|USD|G, H and B (grey)
HONEY/GHB/WHITE          |   14|  3|    2|USD|G, H and B (white)
HONEY/GHB/RED            |   17|  3|    2|USD|G, H and B (red)
HONEY/GHB/BLACK          |   18|  3|    2|USD|G, H and B (black)
HONEY/TILDEBPRIME/GREY   |    9|  1|    1|USD|tilde backprime (row 1; grey)
HONEY/TILDEBPRIME/WHITE  |   12|  1|    1|USD|tilde backprime (row 1; white)
HONEY/TILDEBPRIME/RED    |    7|  1|    1|USD|tilde backprime (row 1; red)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R1         |   15|  1|    1|USD|vert bslash (row 1; white)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R2         |   20|  1|    4|USD|vert bslash (row 2; white)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R3         |    7|  1|    1|USD|vert bslash (row 3; white)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R4         |   23|  1|    2|USD|vert bslash (row 4; white)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R1/RED     |    7|  1|    1|USD|vert bslash (row 1; red)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R3/RED     |    9|  1|    1|USD|vert bslash (row 3; red)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R1/BLACK   |   11|  1|    1|USD|vert bslash (row 1; red)
HONEY/VERTBSL/R3/BLACK   |    1|  1|    1|USD|vert bslash (row 3; red)
HONEY/VERTBSL150         |   13|  1|    2|USD|vert bslash (row 2; white)
HONEY/VERTBSL150/BLACK   |    4|  1|    2|USD|vert bslash (row 2; black)
HONEY/REDESCAPE/R3       |    7|  1|    1|USD|ESCAPE key (row 3; red)
HONEY/SPACE100           |   14|  2|    3|USD|Space (1 units; white)
HONEY/SPACE100/GREY      |   15|  2|    3|USD|Space (1 units; grey)
HONEY/SPACE100/BLACK     |   14|  2|    3|USD|Space (1 units; black)
HONEY/SPACE150           |   13|  2|    5|USD|Space (1.5 units; white)
HONEY/SPACE150/GREY      |    8|  2|    3|USD|Space (1.5 units; grey)
HONEY/SPACE150/RED       |   19|  2|    7|USD|Space (1.5 units; red)_(LQ2)
HONEY/SPACE150/BLACK     |   17|  2|    6|USD|Space (1.5 units; black)_(LQ2)
HONEY/SPACE400/GREY      |   14|  1|    8|USD|Space (4 units; grey)
HONEY/SPACE400/RED       |   21|  1|    8|USD|Space (4 units; red)
HONEY/SPACE400/BLACK     |   20|  1|    8|USD|Space (4 units; black)
HONEY/SPACE450           |    6|  1|    8|USD|Space (4.5 units; white)
HONEY/SPACE450/GREY      |   19|  1|    9|USD|Space (4.5 units; grey)
HONEY/SPACE450/RED       |   20|  1|    9|USD|Space (4.5 units; red)
HONEY/SPACE450/BLACK     |   18|  1|    9|USD|Space (4.5 units; black)
HONEY/SPACE625           |   20|  1|    2|USD|Space (6.25 units white)
HONEY/SPACE625/GREY      |    2|  1|    2|USD|Space (6.25 units; grey)
HONEY/SPACE625/RED       |   13|  1|    3|USD|Space (6.25 units; red)
HONEY/SPACE625/BLACK     |   10|  1|    3|USD|Space (6.25 units; black)
HONEY/SPACE700           |   19|  1|    3|USD|Space (7 units white)
HONEY/SPACE700/GREY      |    9|  1|    3|USD|Space (7 units; grey)
HONEY/SPACE700/RED       |   27|  1|    3|USD|Space (7 units; red)
HONEY/SPACE700/BLACK     |    2|  1|    3|USD|Space (7 units; black)
HONEY/DT/GREY            |   26|  2|    2|USD|DT keys (rows 1 and 3; grey)
HONEY/DT/WHITE           |   27|  2|    2|USD|DT keys (rows 1 and 3; white)
HONEY/DT/RED             |   19|  2|    2|USD|DT keys (rows 1 and 3; red)
HONEY/DT/BLACK           |   18|  2|    2|USD|DT keys (rows 1 and 3; black)
HONEY/VIM                |    2|  4|    8|USD|VIM key in all 4 colors (row 1)
HONEY/HELVETICA          |    7|  2|    2|USD|Swiss flag (rows 1 and 3)
HONEY/HELVETICA125       |   14|  1|    2|USD|Swiss flag (row 3)
HONEY/HELVETICA150       |   16|  1|    2|USD|Swiss flag (row 3)
HONEY/ERGOKEY/R3         |    3|  2|    2|USD|ERGO DOX keys (row 3; red)
HONEY/ERGOKEYS           |    7|  4|    4|USD|ERGO DOX keys (row 1 and 3; red)
HONEY/KBDRUNNER          |    6|  1|    1|USD|Keyboard runner (row 1; grey)
HONEY/KBDRUNNER/WHITE    |    9|  1|    1|USD|Keyboard runner (row 1; white)
HONEY/KBDRUNNER/RED      |   33|  1|    1|USD|Keyboard runner (row 1; red)
HONEY/KBDRUNNER/RED/R2   |   18|  1|    1|USD|Keyboard runner (row 2; red)
HONEY/KBDRUNNER/RED/R3   |    3|  1|    1|USD|Keyboard runner (row 3; red)
HONEY/KBDRUNNER/BLACK    |    9|  1|    1|USD|Keyboard runner (row 1; black)
HONEY/LOTUSESC           |   10|  1|    1|USD|Lotus key (row 1; grey)
HONEY/LOTUSESC/RED       |    1|  1|    1|USD|Lotus key (row 1; red)
HONEY/LOTUSESC/BLACK     |   13|  1|    1|USD|Lotus key (row 1; black)
HONEY/LOTUS100           |    8|  1|    1|USD|Lotus key (row 3; grey)
HONEY/LOTUS125           |   10|  1|    2|USD|Lotus key (row 3; grey)
HONEY/LOTUS150           |   16|  1|    3|USD|Lotus key (row 3; grey)
HONEY/LOTUS175           |   18|  1|    7|USD|Lotus key (row 3; grey)
HONEY/LOTUS175S          |    9|  1|    5|USD|Lotus key (row 3; grey)
HONEY/LOTUS100/RED       |    1|  1|    1|USD|Lotus key (row 3; red)
HONEY/LOTUS125/RED       |   18|  1|    2|USD|Lotus key (row 3; red)
HONEY/LOTUS175S/RED      |   16|  1|    7|USD|Lotus key (row 3; red)
HONEY/LOTUS100/BLACK     |    7|  1|    1|USD|Lotus key (row 3; black)
HONEY/LOTUS175S/BLACK    |   21|  1|    9|USD|Lotus key (row 3; black)
BLANK/R1U100/GREY        |   10|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R2U100/GREY        |    2|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey; same as R4)
BLANK/R3U100/GREY        |    8|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R3U100C/GREY       |   14|  1|    4|USD|blank key center nub (grey)
BLANK/R3U100D/GREY       |   11|  1|    3|USD|blank key deep dish (grey)
BLANK/R3U125/GREY        |   11|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R1U150/GREY        |   21|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R2U150/GREY        |    3|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey; same as R4)
BLANK/R3U150/GREY        |    1|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R2U175/GREY        |   22|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R3U175/GREY        |   10|  1|    3|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R3U175S/GREY       |   17|  1|    3|USD|blank stepped key (grey)
BLANK/R1U200/GREY        |   11|  1|    4|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R2U200/GREY        |   21|  1|    1|USD|blank key (grey; same as R4)
BLANK/R3U200P/GREY       |    8|  1|    1|USD|blank POS fits on 2 sws (grey)
BLANK/R3U275/GREY        |   12|  1|    3|USD|blank key (grey)
BLANK/R1U100/WHITE       |   16|  1|    1|USD|blank key (white)
BLANK/R2U100/WHITE       |   10|  1|    1|USD|blank key (white)
BLANK/R3U100/WHITE       |    3|  1|    1|USD|blank key (white)
BLANK/R4U100/WHITE       |   10|  1|    1|USD|blank key (white)
BLANK/R3U100C/WHITE      |    9|  1|    3|USD|blank key center nub (white)
BLANK/R3U100D/WHITE      |    5|  1|    1|USD|blank key deep dish (white)
BLANK/R1U150/WHITE       |   12|  1|    1|USD|blank key (white)
BLANK/R2U150/WHITE       |    1|  1|    2|USD|blank key (white)
BLANK/R3U150/WHITE       |    1|  1|    2|USD|blank key (white)
BLANK/R2U200/WHITE       |   18|  1|    3|USD|blank key (white)
BLANK/R1U100/RED         |    2|  1|    1|USD|blank key (red)
BLANK/R2U100/RED         |   16|  1|    1|USD|blank key (red)
BLANK/R3U100C/RED        |   18|  1|    3|USD|blank key center nub (red)
BLANK/R3U100D/RED        |   20|  1|    3|USD|blank key deep dish (red)
BLANK/R1U150/RED         |    3|  1|    1|USD|blank key (red)
BLANK/R2U150/RED         |   17|  1|    2|USD|blank key (red)
BLANK/R3U150/RED         |    8|  1|    1|USD|blank key (red)
BLANK/R3U100/BLACK       |    3|  1|    1|USD|blank key (black)
BLANK/R3U100C/BLACK      |   10|  1|    3|USD|blank key center nub (black)
BLANK/R3U100D/BLACK      |   16|  1|    3|USD|blank key deep dish (black)
BLANK/R3U125/BLACK       |   20|  1|    3|USD|blank key (black)
BLANK/R2U150/BLACK       |   14|  1|    2|USD|blank key (black)

User avatar

01 May 2014, 16:11

7 bit - did we ever get anywhere with the VMS specific keys: Do, Help, Find, Insert Here, Remove, Select, Prev, Next, PF1-PF4? I did take a look back through the smorgasbord of function kits but don't remember finding all of them.

Cheers! Mark.

User avatar
Mad Dasher

01 May 2014, 22:47

Only a few user functions were included in the main function kits beyond the initial devlopment, a significant part of that inherited from Round 4 I believe. FUNCTION2 happened mainly due to my incessant cheerleading and subsidising, er, I mean overwhelming popular demand. I proposed PFx keys but I don't think there was any other interest.

HONEY/FUNCTION7A (sold out) and HONEY/FUNCTION7B have HELP, NEXT and FIND (row 3)
Also HONEY/FUNCTION/R2 (row 2) and HONEY/FUNCTION7B (row 3) have MARK keys :)

User avatar

02 May 2014, 03:58

Dumb question.
How do i check if my (Paypal) payment's gone through and was correctly matched to my order?


02 May 2014, 05:25

orcinus wrote:Dumb question.
How do i check if my (Paypal) payment's gone through and was correctly matched to my order?
Request an invoice.

User avatar

02 May 2014, 06:03

jefferai wrote:
orcinus wrote:Dumb question.
How do i check if my (Paypal) payment's gone through and was correctly matched to my order?
Request an invoice.

To whom do we send the invoice request?

And does it apply to Google wallet payments as well?


02 May 2014, 06:04

SL89 wrote:
jefferai wrote:
orcinus wrote:Dumb question.
How do i check if my (Paypal) payment's gone through and was correctly matched to my order?
Request an invoice.

To whom do we send the invoice request?

And does it apply to Google wallet payments as well?
All invoices come from 7bot.

User avatar

02 May 2014, 06:06

jefferai wrote: All invoices come from 7bot.
That makes sense, I just wanted to verify. 7bot must get a lot of strange and random requests and comments sent it's way.


02 May 2014, 06:31

SL89 wrote:
jefferai wrote: All invoices come from 7bot.
That makes sense, I just wanted to verify. 7bot must get a lot of strange and random requests and comments sent it's way.
Indeed. And the cool thing is that if you send it something strange and random you get an invoice back!

User avatar

02 May 2014, 13:52

I senta an order to 7bot yesterday, but I have not seen a response at all via email or pm. I pm'd 7bit but have not seen a response either. I sent 7bot a nonsense pm as described earlier, but that has not produced anything either.

Is there something wrong with the way I've sent the order, or is it normal to wait 24 hours for a reponse about a new order?


02 May 2014, 13:53

blackkat wrote:I senta an order to 7bot yesterday, but I have not seen a response at all via email or pm. I pm'd 7bit but have not seen a response either. I sent 7bot a nonsense pm as described earlier, but that has not produced anything either.

Is there something wrong with the way I've sent the order, or is it normal to wait 24 hours for a reponse about a new order?
It's normal.

User avatar

02 May 2014, 14:19

jefferai wrote: Indeed. And the cool thing is that if you send it something strange and random you get an invoice back!
Tried that, didn't quite work.
Actually, i sent my e-mail, as that previously worked to get the invoice, but now i'm not receiving anything (yes, i've waited).

I guess i'll give it another try.

User avatar

02 May 2014, 14:57

orcinus wrote:
Tried that, didn't quite work.
Actually, i sent my e-mail, as that previously worked to get the invoice, but now i'm not receiving anything (yes, i've waited).

I guess i'll give it another try.
As I understand it, 7bot works when 7bit runs the scripts for it.

I had a hard time being patient when I placed my order but the invoice came eventually.

User avatar

02 May 2014, 15:42

orcinus wrote: Actually, i sent my e-mail, as that previously worked to get the invoice, but now i'm not receiving anything (yes, i've waited).
You can't trigger an invoice by email, you have to write a PM to 7bot. 7bot sends invoices from time to time without trigger when prices or available products change, maybe it was an "incidental invoice"that you got.

User avatar

02 May 2014, 15:56

jefferai wrote:
blackkat wrote:I senta an order to 7bot yesterday, but I have not seen a response at all via email or pm. I pm'd 7bit but have not seen a response either. I sent 7bot a nonsense pm as described earlier, but that has not produced anything either.

Is there something wrong with the way I've sent the order, or is it normal to wait 24 hours for a reponse about a new order?
It's normal.
Thank you jefferai

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