Latest News:
The Pokers will ship and leave Taiwan on the 20th. That means you can probably expect yours around the first week of July at the latest!
A few users used what appears to be disposable email addresses. If you no longer have access to those, change your email and reply to this topic immediately. The following users probably belong into this category: hate, LastChance, PrinsValium
Status so far:
7.4.2011: First Status update
7.4.2011: 11:30 Invoices sent: xbb, hate, runeazn, burr, db_Iodine, dracaXL, NewGuy, guilleguillaume, Zelaxe, hoggy, eliOcs, Overcow, Minskleip, Yomi39, WarningHPB, PrinsValium, Swede, Shiny, mr_frag, rouston
7.4.2011: 12:03 Invoices sent: Ricky, VladTepes, maattdd, javifast, Lenny_Nero, nathanscribe, Taietzel
8.4.2011: 10:40 Invoices sent: prava, roooic, 42.tar.gz, LastChance, SweetDeath, yench, qnoxluke
8.4.2011: 10:54 Invoices sent: TheSoulhunter, CeeSa, isman
8.4.2011: 11:05 Invoices sent: webwit, npd, vils, snerual, vhaarr, Rotlaus, paat
8.4.2011: 11:15 Invoices sent: Brian8bit, npz, JBert
8.4.2011 - 9.4.2011 Received a ton of payments! You guys are really fast! Updated the list of payments.
16.4.2011 Submitted the final order to VorTex - Awaiting payment instructions
[b6.5.2011[/b] Keyboard production will start next monday. The keyboards will already ship in early June!
Payments - Green indicates full payment received