Round 5 / Grab Boxes / more crap added!!!

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30 Mar 2015, 21:34

Last update: 2015-04-05

I need a fresh start for the sellout.

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I will pack some keys together at lower prices to get rid of all the crap, because I need some room for sorting Round 5 keys ...

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Order-ID             |Stock|Price|Cur|  Pcs|Description
DCS/POS2X2/KIT1      |    1|    1|EUR|    4|4 different 2X2-POS keys(row 1)

DSA/DPINK/POS        |    1|    4|EUR|   25|dpink diverse keys (2u POS)

DCS/PINK/LOD         |    2|    1|EUR|    1|black on pink LOD (row 1)
DCS/PINK/R1U100      |    1|    6|EUR|   90|blank pink keys (row 1)
DCS/PINK/TXT100      |    1|    5|EUR|   75|pink text-keys (row 1)
DCS/PINK/TRASH100    |    1|    2|EUR|   25|pink trash-keys (row 1)
DCS/DPINK/F6         |    8| 0.05|EUR|    1|black dpink F6 (2u POS)
DCS/DPINK/R1U100L    |    2|  0.5|EUR|    1|dpink red-lens key (row 1)
DCS/DPINK/SYSRQ      |    1|  0.1|EUR|    1|dpink SysRq key (row 2)

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Order-ID             |Stock|Price|Cur|  Pcs|Description
DSA/YY/FUEL/200P     |   29|  0.1|EUR|    1|YY-yellow FUEL POS-key (2 units)
DSA/YY/FUEL/200PT    |   29|  0.1|EUR|    1|YY-yellow FUEL POS-trash-key (2u)
DSA/YY/POS           |   13|  0.5|EUR|    1|YY-yellow blank POS-key (2 units)
DCS/YY/R1U100        |   28|  0.2|EUR|    1|YY-yellow blank key (row 1)
DCS/YY/POS           |    1|    2|EUR|   19|YY-yellow POS key (row 1)
DCS/YY/MIX1          |    1|    5|EUR|   31|YY-yellow mixed keys (row 1)
DCS/ALPS/YY/CENTER   |    3|  0.2|EUR|    1|YY-yellow CENTER PAGE (ALPS;r 1)

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Order-ID             |Stock|Price|Cur|  Pcs|Description
DSA/GN/SUPERSHIFT    |  230|  0.1|EUR|    1|GN-grey SUPER SHIFT key
DSA/GN/LUCKYPICK     |   25|  0.1|EUR|    1|GN-grey LUCKY PICK key
DSA/GN/SHIFT         |    4|  0.2|EUR|    1|GN-grey SHIFT key
DSA/GN/PM            |    2|  0.2|EUR|    1|GN-grey PM key
DSA/GN/ROLL          |    2|  0.2|EUR|    1|GN-grey ROLL key
DSA/GN/ARROW         |    5|  0.2|EUR|    1|GN-grey arrow-symbol key
DSA/GN/BLANKLED      |    5|  0.1|EUR|    1|GN-grey blank LED-key
DSA/GN/1LED          |    8|  0.1|EUR|    1|GN-grey 1 LED-key
DSA/GN/5LED          |   20|  0.1|EUR|    1|GN-grey 5 LED-key
DSA/GN/6LED          |   48|  0.1|EUR|    1|GN-grey 6 LED-key
DSA/GN/11LED         |   24|  0.1|EUR|    1|GN-grey 11 LED-key
DSA/GN/14LED         |   29|  0.1|EUR|    1|GN-grey 14 LED-key

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Order-ID             |Stock|Price|Cur|  Pcs|Description
YELLOW/DIAMOND100    |   43|  0.5|EUR|    1|black on yellow diamond 1 unit
YELLOW/DIAMOND125    |   94|  0.5|EUR|    1|black on yellow diamond 1.25 u
YELLOW/MARK          |   10|  0.1|EUR|    1|yellow MARK printed key
YELLOW/LEARN         |    4|  0.1|EUR|    1|yellow LEARN printed key
YELLOW/MARKLEARN     |    6|  0.1|EUR|    1|yellow MARK or LEARN printed key
DCS/YELLOW/AWESOME   |   14|  0.8|EUR|    1|white on yellow awesome (row 1)
DCS/GGM/YELLOW       |    2|  0.5|EUR|    1|GGM-grey Yellow key (row 1)

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Order-ID             |Stock|Price|Cur|  Pcs|Description
DORANGE/LAMBDA       |   10|  1.8|EUR|    1|darker orange Lambda (row 3)
DORANGE/R3U100/BLANK |   59|    1|EUR|    1|darker orange blank (row 3)
ORANGE/WASD          |    2|    2|EUR|    1|WASD with arrows (row 1)
ORANGE/R3U100/BLANK  |   16|    1|EUR|    1|OAS-orange blank key (row 3)
DSA/ORANGE/BLANK     |    1|    1|EUR|    1|OAS-orange blank key

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Order-ID             |Stock|Price|Cur|  Pcs|Description
DCS/BROWN/R1U100     |    1|    4|EUR|   48|brown blank 48 keys
DCS/BROWN/TXT100     |    1|    2|EUR|   15|brown text keys

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Order-ID             |Stock|Price|Cur|  Pcs|Description
SPH/GREEN/VIM175     |    1|    4|EUR|    1|green VIM key (row 3)
DSA/GREEN/VIM175     |    2|  0.5|EUR|    1|VCS-green VIM-key

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Order-ID             |Stock|Price|Cur|  Pcs|Description
DCS/CREAMGREEN/POS   |    1|    3|EUR|    3|cream-green 3 POS keys (row 1)
DCS/CREAMGREEN/KIT1  |    5|    3|EUR|   14|cream-green kit (row 1)
DCS/CREAMGREEN/KIT2  |    2|  2.7|EUR|   13|cream-green kit (row 1)
DCS/CREAMGREEN/KIT3  |    6|  2.5|EUR|   12|cream-green kit (row 1)
DCS/CREAMGREEN/KIT4  |   21|    2|EUR|   11|cream-green kit (row 1)

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Order-ID             |Stock|Price|Cur|  Pcs|Description
DSA/LGREEN/PRINTLAB  |   38|  0.1|EUR|    1|light green POS key+
DSA/LGREEN/POS200    |    3|  0.5|EUR|    1|light green POS key+

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Order-ID             |Stock|Price|Cur|  Pcs|Description
DSA/BLUE/TXT100      |    2|    4|EUR|  100|100 blue keys with useless txt
DSA/BLUE/POSMIX1     |    1|    5|EUR|   22|diverse POS keys
DSA/BLUE/WORKORDER   |   42|  0.1|EUR|    1|Work Order Control (POS key)
DSA/BLUE/POS200      |    3|  0.3|EUR|    1|blank POS key

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Order-ID             |Stock|Price|Cur|  Pcs|Description
DCS/BLUE/MIX1        |    1|   12|EUR|   69|blue mixed keys (div. sizes and rows)
DCS/BLUE/MIX2        |    1|    5|EUR|   25|blue mixed keys (row 1)

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Order-ID             |Stock|Price|Cur|  Pcs|Description
DCS/GREY/BACKSPACE   |    7|  0.1|EUR|    1|grey Backspace POS-key (row 1)
DCS/GREY/LOGOFF      |    8|  0.1|EUR|    1|grey Log Off POS-key (row 1)
DCS/GREY/CALLHELP    |    9|  0.1|EUR|    1|grey Call Help POS-key (row 1)
DCS/GREY/TAB         |    4|  0.1|EUR|    1|grey Tab POS-key (row 1)
DCS/GREY/0           |    1|  0.2|EUR|    1|grey 0 POS-key (row 1)
DCS/GREY/X           |    5|  0.1|EUR|    1|grey X POS-key (row 1,vertical)
DCS/GREY/EURO        |    4|  0.1|EUR|    1|grey euro POS-key (row 1,vertical)
DCS/GREY/PICKLIST    |  100|  0.1|EUR|    1|grey Pick list POS-key (row 1)
DCS/GREY/BLANKPOS    |    8|  0.2|EUR|    1|grey blank POS-key (row 1)
DCS/GREY/BLANKPOSV   |    3|  0.2|EUR|    1|grey blank POS-key (row 1,vertical)
DCS/GREY/POSTRASH    |    1|    1|EUR|   21|grey POS-trash keys
DCS/GREY/HELPMENU    |    1|  0.1|EUR|    1|grey helpMenu 2x2-POS-key (row 1)

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Order-ID             |Stock|Price|Cur|  Pcs|Description
DCS/GGM/R1U100       |  185|  0.2|EUR|    1|GGM-grey blank-key (row 1)+
DCS/GGM/R2U100       |   20|  0.2|EUR|    1|GGM-grey blank-key (row 2)+
DCS/GGM/R3U100       |   70|  0.2|EUR|    1|GGM-grey blank-key (row 3)+
DCS/GGM/R3U100B      |   12|  0.2|EUR|    1|GGM-grey blank-bottom nub(r3)+
DCS/GGM/TRASH        |    1|    1|EUR|   25|GGM-grey trash kit+
DCS/GGM/ESC          |   12|  0.2|EUR|    1|GGM-grey Esc-key (row 1)+
DCS/GGM/ESCX         |    3|  0.1|EUR|    1|GGM-grey Esc-trash key (row 1)+
DCS/GGM/KIT2         |    1|    3|EUR|    8|GGM-grey keys (row 1)+
DCS/GGM/KIT3         |    1|  2.5|EUR|    8|GGM-grey keys (row 1)+
DCS/GGM/KIT4         |    1|    2|EUR|    6|GGM-grey keys (row 1)+
DCS/GGM/KIT5         |    1|    1|EUR|    3|GGM-grey keys (row 1)+
DCS/GGM/R3KIT        |    1|    4|EUR|   60|GGM-grey keys (row 3)+
DCS/GGM/R3FUN        |    1|    2|EUR|   38|GGM-grey function kit (r3)+
DCS/GGM/MIX          |    1|    3|EUR|   48|GGM-grey mixed kit (row 1)+
DCS/GGM/RED          |    2|  0.5|EUR|    1|GGM-grey Red key (row 1)+
DCS/GGM/CYAN         |    5|  0.5|EUR|    1|GGM-grey Cyan key (row 1)+
DCS/GGM/MGNTA        |    3|  0.5|EUR|    1|GGM-grey Mgnta key (row 1)+
DCS/GGM/GREEN        |   11|  0.5|EUR|    1|GGM-grey Green key (row 1)+
DCS/GGM/WHITE        |    2|  0.5|EUR|    1|GGM-grey White key (row 1)+
DCS/GGM/YELLOW       |    2|  0.5|EUR|    1|GGM-grey Yellow key (row 1)+
DCS/GGM/BLUE         |    3|  0.5|EUR|    1|GGM-grey Blue key (row 1)+

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Order-ID             |Stock|Price|Cur|  Pcs|Description
DCS/GRX/R1U100       |  125|  0.2|EUR|    1|GRX-white blank (row 1)
DCS/GRX/ARROWUP      |   12|  0.2|EUR|    1|GRX-white arrow up key (row 1)
DCS/GRX/ARROWDOWN    |    7|  0.2|EUR|    1|GRX-white arrow down key (row 1)
DCS/GRX/NUMBERS      |    1|    4|EUR|   10|GRX-white 0-9 centered numbers
DCS/GRX/A            |   30|  0.1|EUR|    1|GRX-white A centered
DCS/GRX/B            |   20|  0.1|EUR|    1|GRX-white B centered
DCS/GRX/C            |   30|  0.1|EUR|    1|GRX-white C centered
DCS/GRX/D            |   27|  0.1|EUR|    1|GRX-white D centered
DCS/GRX/F            |   26|  0.1|EUR|    1|GRX-white F centered
DCS/GRX/P            |    7|  0.1|EUR|    1|GRX-white P centered
DCS/GRX/Z            |   12|  0.1|EUR|    1|GRX-white Z centered
DCS/GRX/CP           |   36|  0.1|EUR|    1|GRX-white CP centered
DCS/GRX/DT           |   21|  0.4|EUR|    1|GRX-white DT centered
DCS/GRX/PL           |   15|  0.1|EUR|    1|GRX-white PL centered
DCS/GRX/ST           |    9|  0.2|EUR|    1|GRX-white ST centered
DCS/GRX/OFF          |   11|  0.1|EUR|    1|GRX-white OFF centered
DCS/GRX/0TO9         |    4|    2|EUR|   10|GRX-white 0 to 9 kit (row 1)
DCS/GRX/0            |    9|  0.1|EUR|    1|GRX-white 0 key (row 1)
DCS/GRX/1            |    6|  0.1|EUR|    1|GRX-white 1 key (row 1)
DCS/GRX/2            |   10|  0.1|EUR|    1|GRX-white 2 key (row 1)
DCS/GRX/3            |    9|  0.1|EUR|    1|GRX-white 3 key (row 1)
DCS/GRX/5            |   10|  0.1|EUR|    1|GRX-white 5 key (row 1)
DCS/GRX/6            |    1|  0.1|EUR|    1|GRX-white 6 key (row 1)
DCS/GRX/7            |    8|  0.1|EUR|    1|GRX-white 7 key (row 1)
DCS/GRX/8            |    4|  0.1|EUR|    1|GRX-white 8 key (row 1)
DCS/GRX/9            |    3|  0.1|EUR|    1|GRX-white 9 key (row 1)
DCS/GRX/F3           |    1|  0.1|EUR|    1|GRX-white F3 centered (r4)

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Order-ID             |Stock|Price|Cur|  Pcs|Description
SPH/GBA/0            |   55|  0.5|EUR|    1|GBA-grey key (row 3)
SPH/GBA/1            |   17|  0.5|EUR|    1|GBA-grey key (row 3)
SPH/GBA/4            |   25|  0.5|EUR|    1|GBA-grey key (row 3)
SPH/GBA/6            |    6|  0.5|EUR|    1|GBA-grey key (row 3)
SPH/GBA/8            |   30|  0.5|EUR|    1|GBA-grey key (row 3)
SPH/GBA/9            |    6|  0.5|EUR|    1|GBA-grey key (row 3)
SPH/GBA/69TRASH      |    1|    3|EUR|   30|GBA-grey trash kit (30 keys;row 3)
SPH/GBA/SITE         |   18|  0.5|EUR|    1|GBA-grey key (row 3)
SPH/GBA/OPEN         |   59|  0.5|EUR|    1|GBA-grey key (row 3)
SPH/GBA/CLOSE        |    2|  0.8|EUR|    1|GBA-grey key (row 3)
SPH/GBA/MINUS        |    4|  0.8|EUR|    1|GBA-grey key (row 3)
SPH/GBA/PRESET       |   95|  0.5|EUR|    1|GBA-grey key (row 3)
SPH/GBA/OFF          |   29|  0.5|EUR|    1|GBA-grey key (row 3)
SPH/GBA/ON           |   11|  0.5|EUR|    1|GBA-grey key (row 3)
SPH/GBA/NO           |   12|  0.5|EUR|    1|GBA-grey key (row 3)
SPH/GBA/ON/PG        |    1|    1|EUR|    1|GBA-grey with front printing (r3)
SPH/GBA/R3U100       |  242|  0.8|EUR|    1|GBA-grey blank key (row 3)

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Order-ID             |Stock|Price|Cur|  Pcs|Description
SPH/WQ/2             |    4|  0.8|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/3             |    6|  0.8|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/4             |   12|  0.5|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/5             |    4|  0.8|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/6             |    3|  0.8|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/7             |    5|  0.8|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/8             |    3|  0.8|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/9             |    3|  0.8|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/48T           |    1|    8|EUR|    6|WQ-white 6 trash keys (row 3)
SPH/WQ/MINUS         |   14|  0.5|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/MOD           |    7|  0.5|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/DOT           |   10|  0.5|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/VERT          |   14|  0.5|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/DIV           |    4|  0.5|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/SRCH          |    6|  0.8|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/REV           |    2|    1|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/CATTOT        |    3|  0.8|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/SEC           |   12|  0.5|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/SECTOT        |   14|  0.5|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/ALPHA         |    6|  0.8|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/MENU          |   15|  0.5|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/MENU/T        |    6|  0.5|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/X200V         |   10|  0.5|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (2u vertical;r3)
SPH/WQ/CLEAR200V     |   14|  0.5|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (2u vertical;r3)
SPH/WQ/ENTER200V     |    4|  0.8|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (2u vertical;r3)
SPH/WQ/CATEGORY200   |    8|  0.5|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (2u;r3)
SPH/WQ/0200          |    2|    1|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (2u;r3)
SPH/WQ/0300          |    6|  0.5|EUR|    1|WQ-white 0-key (3u;r3)
SPH/WQ/0300T         |    7|  0.5|EUR|    1|WQ-white trash key (3u;r3)
SPH/WQ/CATEGORY300   |    6|  0.5|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (3u;r3)
SPH/WQ/CATEGORY300T  |    4|  0.2|EUR|    1|WQ-white trash key (3u;r3)
SPH/WQ/R3U100        |   86|  0.8|EUR|    1|WQ-white blank key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/R3U200        |   19|  0.5|EUR|    1|WQ-white blank key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/R3U300        |    4|  0.5|EUR|    1|WQ-white blank key (row 3)

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Order-ID             |Stock|Price|Cur|  Pcs|Description
SPH/R3U100/A/BLUE    |    2|  0.5|EUR|    1|letter A (blue)
SPH/R3U100/M/BLUE    |    1|  0.4|EUR|    1|letter M (blue)
SPH/R3U100/N/BLUE    |    2|  0.4|EUR|    1|letter N (blue)
SPH/R3U100/H/BLUE    |    2|  0.3|EUR|    1|letter H (blue)
SPH/R3U100/K/BLUE    |    4|  0.3|EUR|    1|letter K (blue)
SPH/R3U100/G/BLUE    |    2|  0.3|EUR|    1|letter G (blue)
SPH/R3U100/D/BLUE    |    3|  0.3|EUR|    1|letter D (blue)
SPH/R3U100/S/BLUE    |    1|  0.5|EUR|    1|letter S (blue)
SPH/R3U100/T/BLUE    |    2|  0.3|EUR|    1|letter T (blue)
SPH/R3U100/L/BLUE    |    1|  0.4|EUR|    1|letter L (blue)
SPH/R3U100/J/BLUE    |    1|  0.5|EUR|    1|letter J (blue)
SPH/BLUE/GREY/GH     |    1|    5|EUR|    1|blue on grey Geek Hack (row 1)
SPH/BLUE/LBLUE/KIT   |    1|    6|EUR|   20|lblue on dblue kit
SPH/BLUE/DIVERSE     |    1|    6|EUR|   24|diverse blue keys

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Order-ID             |Stock|Price|Cur|  Pcs|Description
SPH/BROWN/KIT1       |    1|    6|EUR|   31|white on brown keys
SPH/BBROWN/F         |    1|  0.5|EUR|    1|beige on brown (row 3)
SPH/BBROWN/5         |    3|  0.5|EUR|    1|beige on brown (row 3)
SPH/BBROWN/PRINT     |   16|  0.2|EUR|    1|beige on brown (row 3)
SPH/BBROWN/PAUSE     |   16|  0.2|EUR|    1|beige on brown (row 3)
SPH/BBROWN/POS1      |    2|  0.5|EUR|    1|beige on brown (row 3)
SPH/BBROWN/POS1X     |   11|  0.2|EUR|    1|beige on brown trash (row 3)
SPH/BBROWN/ECHAP     |    2|  0.5|EUR|    1|beige on brown (row 3)
SPH/BBROWN/0AT       |    2|  0.5|EUR|    1|beige on brown (row 3)
SPH/BBROWN/ENTF      |    2|  0.5|EUR|    1|beige on brown (row 2)
SPH/BBROWN/ENDE      |    2|  0.5|EUR|    1|beige on brown (row 2)
SPH/BBROWN/BILD      |    1|  0.5|EUR|    1|beige on brown (row 2)
SPH/BBROWN/DRUCK     |    9|  0.2|EUR|    1|beige on brown (row 2)
SPH/BBROWN/SCROLL    |    3|  0.2|EUR|    1|beige on brown (row 2)
SPH/BBROWN/SCROLLX   |    2|  0.2|EUR|    1|beige on brown trash (row 2)
SPH/BBROWN/ENTER200V |    2|  0.5|EUR|    1|beige on brown (row 3)
SPH/BBROWN/0INS200   |    3|  0.5|EUR|    1|beige on brown (row 3)
SPH/BBROWN/PLUS200V  |    2|  0.5|EUR|    1|beige on brown (row 3)
SPH/BBROWN/BLANK     |    1|  0.5|EUR|    1|beige on brown (row 2;4)
SPH/BBROWN/BLANK200  |    1|  0.5|EUR|    1|beige on brown (row 3)

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Order-ID             |Stock|Price|Cur|  Pcs|Description
SPH/CREAM/KIT        |    1|    4|EUR|    6|grey on cream keys
SPH/WHITE/OPEN       |    3|    1|EUR|    1|black on white (row 3)
SPH/WHITE/CAM        |    4|    1|EUR|    1|black on white (row 3)
SPH/WHITE/SITE       |    3|    1|EUR|    1|black on white (row 3)
SPH/WHITE/INK/ENBL   |    9|  0.5|EUR|    1|black on white (row 3)
SPH/WHITE/VAC        |    1|    1|EUR|    1|black on white (row 3)
SPH/WHITE/PRE/SET    |    4|  0.8|EUR|    1|black on white (row 3)
SPH/M9/INK/ENBL      |    5|  0.3|EUR|    1|black on white (row 3;not MX)
SPH/M9/Z             |    1|  0.5|EUR|    1|black on white (row 3;not MX)
SPH/TRASH            |    1|    6|EUR|  130|130 spherical trash keys
SPH/RED/F1           |    1|  0.5|EUR|    1|white on RA-red F1 (row 3)
SPH/RED/F11          |    3|  0.2|EUR|    1|white on RA-red F11 (row 3)
SPH/RED/J            |    2|  0.2|EUR|    1|white on RA-red J (row 3)

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Order-ID             |Stock|Price|Cur|  Pcs|Description
SPH/GE/INTERNET175   |    7|    1|EUR|    1|GE-grey INTERNET (row 3)
SPH/GE/VOLUME/UP175  |    6|  0.5|EUR|    1|GE-grey VOLUME up (row 3)
SPH/GE/VOLUME/DN175  |    3|  0.6|EUR|    1|GE-grey VOLUME down (row 3)
SPH/GE/EMAIL175      |    1|    2|EUR|    1|GE-grey E-MAIL (row 3)
SPH/GE/FILES175      |    5|  0.8|EUR|    1|GE-grey FILES (row 3)
SPH/GX/CONTROL175    |    2|  1.5|EUR|    1|GX-vdgrey CONTROL (row 3)
SPH/GX/CAPSLOCK175   |    2|    1|EUR|    1|GX-vdgrey CAPS LOCK (row 3)
SPH/GX/R3U175        |    4|    1|EUR|    1|GX-vdgrey blank (row 3)


To order:

Send a message to user CherryMX.

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30 Mar 2015, 21:34

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30 Mar 2015, 21:34

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30 Mar 2015, 21:35

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30 Mar 2015, 21:35

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30 Mar 2015, 21:35

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30 Mar 2015, 21:35

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30 Mar 2015, 21:35

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30 Mar 2015, 21:35

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30 Mar 2015, 21:35

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30 Mar 2015, 21:35

Someone stop this spammer!
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User avatar

30 Mar 2015, 21:35

Perfect. :D I will be watching very closely.

User avatar

30 Mar 2015, 22:50

Thanks for watching!

Now, you can order.

User avatar

30 Mar 2015, 22:57

Great, got some new Vim keys and, finally, a DSA JRET.

Edit: You don't happen to have anything in DSA, 1.75U, and off-center stem to fit a Cherry caps lock, do you?

User avatar

30 Mar 2015, 23:02

The JRET is DCS.
ImageThe JRET is DCS!!!!!!!

Code: Select all

SPH/GREEN/VIM175     |    2|    4|EUR|    1|green VIM key (row 3)+
SPH/GREEN/BLANK175   |   10|    3|EUR|    1|green blank key (row 3)+
DSA/GREEN/VIM175     |   10|  0.5|EUR|    1|VCS-green VIM-key+
DSA/GREEN/BLANK175   |    2|    1|EUR|    1|VCS-green blank-key+
DCS/RDA/SHIFT175     |    8|  0.5|EUR|    1|black on RDA Shift (r 4;1.75u)+
DCS/CYAN/CAPS175     |    1|  0.4|EUR|    1|VCO-cyan key (R2U175)+
DCS/NN/CAPS175       |   12|  0.2|EUR|    1|black Caps lock (row 3;1.75u)+
DCS/NN/CAPS175X      |    2|  0.1|EUR|    1|black Caps lock bad (row 3;1.75u)+
DCS/NN/CAPS175Y      |    1|  0.1|EUR|    1|black Caps lock bad (row 3;1.75u)+
DCS/NN/R3U175        |   12|  0.2|EUR|    1|black blank key+
No off-center 1.75 units key, try a 1.25 units key.
:cry: ----------------------------------------> :shock:

User avatar

30 Mar 2015, 23:04

That's okay, I knew as much. I know that DCS JRETs fit fine with DSA. I should have said DSA-compatible.

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31 Mar 2015, 06:22


Although it saddens me that there's a company producing high quality, versatile keycaps for Buckling Spring switches(A.K.A outdated technology used by relatively few) but no companies (to my knowledge) producing keycaps for Topre (A.K.A a thriving technology used by the majority of gamers and mechanical keyboard enthusiasts in Japan).

It doesn't matter too much, due to the extremely high quality of Topre dye-subs, but I still wish that Topre had the customizability of Cherry. :(

User avatar

31 Mar 2015, 16:17

New keys added!!!

Code: Select all

Order-ID             |Stock|Price|Cur|  Pcs|Description
SPH/GBA/0            |   55|  0.5|EUR|    1|GBA-grey key (row 3)
SPH/GBA/1            |   17|  0.5|EUR|    1|GBA-grey key (row 3)
SPH/GBA/4            |   25|  0.5|EUR|    1|GBA-grey key (row 3)
SPH/GBA/6            |    6|  0.5|EUR|    1|GBA-grey key (row 3)
SPH/GBA/8            |   30|  0.5|EUR|    1|GBA-grey key (row 3)
SPH/GBA/9            |    6|  0.5|EUR|    1|GBA-grey key (row 3)
SPH/GBA/69TRASH      |    1|    3|EUR|   30|GBA-grey trash kit (30 keys;row 3)
SPH/GBA/SITE         |   18|  0.5|EUR|    1|GBA-grey key (row 3)
SPH/GBA/OPEN         |   60|  0.5|EUR|    1|GBA-grey key (row 3)
SPH/GBA/CLOSE        |    3|  0.8|EUR|    1|GBA-grey key (row 3)
SPH/GBA/MINUS        |    4|  0.8|EUR|    1|GBA-grey key (row 3)
SPH/GBA/PRESET       |   95|  0.5|EUR|    1|GBA-grey key (row 3)
SPH/GBA/OFF          |   30|  0.5|EUR|    1|GBA-grey key (row 3)
SPH/GBA/ON           |   12|  0.5|EUR|    1|GBA-grey key (row 3)
SPH/GBA/NO           |   12|  0.5|EUR|    1|GBA-grey key (row 3)
SPH/GBA/ON/PG        |    1|    1|EUR|    1|GBA-grey with front printing (r3)
SPH/GBA/R3U100       |  250|  0.8|EUR|    1|GBA-grey blank key (row 3)

Code: Select all

Order-ID             |Stock|Price|Cur|  Pcs|Description
SPH/WQ/1TO9          |    1|    8|EUR|    9|WQ-white 1-9 keys (row 3)
SPH/WQ/2             |    4|  0.8|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/3             |    6|  0.8|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/4             |   12|  0.5|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/5             |    4|  0.8|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/6             |    3|  0.8|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/7             |    5|  0.8|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/8             |    3|  0.8|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/9             |    3|  0.8|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/48T           |    1|    8|EUR|    6|WQ-white 6 trash keys (row 3)
SPH/WQ/MINUS         |   16|  0.5|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/MOD           |    9|  0.5|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/DOT           |   12|  0.5|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/VERT          |   16|  0.5|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/DIV           |    6|  0.5|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/SRCH          |    6|  0.8|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/REV           |    2|    1|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/CATTOT        |    3|  0.8|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/SEC           |   12|  0.5|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/SECTOT        |   14|  0.5|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/ALPHA         |    6|  0.8|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/LAMBDA        |    3|    6|EUR|    1|WQ-white lambda key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/MENU          |   17|  0.5|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/MENU/T        |    6|  0.5|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/X200V         |   10|  0.5|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (2u vertical;r3)
SPH/WQ/CLEAR200V     |   14|  0.5|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (2u vertical;r3)
SPH/WQ/ENTER200V     |    4|  0.8|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (2u vertical;r3)
SPH/WQ/CATEGORY200   |    8|  0.5|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (2u;r3)
SPH/WQ/0200          |    3|    1|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (2u;r3)
SPH/WQ/0300          |    7|  0.5|EUR|    1|WQ-white 0-key (3u;r3)
SPH/WQ/0300T         |    7|  0.5|EUR|    1|WQ-white trash key (3u;r3)
SPH/WQ/CATEGORY300   |    6|  0.5|EUR|    1|WQ-white key (3u;r3)
SPH/WQ/CATEGORY300T  |    4|  0.2|EUR|    1|WQ-white trash key (3u;r3)
SPH/WQ/R3U100        |   95|  0.8|EUR|    1|WQ-white blank key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/R3U200        |   21|  0.5|EUR|    1|WQ-white blank key (row 3)
SPH/WQ/R3U300        |    6|  0.5|EUR|    1|WQ-white blank key (row 3)


01 Apr 2015, 03:01

PM to CherryMX or 7bot? Last time I got no responses from CherryMX.

User avatar

01 Apr 2015, 03:12


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Un petit village gaulois d'Armorique…

01 Apr 2015, 09:40

I don't get it, why the hell SP produced Grey Vim caps, and also has so many leftover Green ones. Our GB was only from the green ones.... The ways of SP are strange :lol: Maybe I should get some Grey for my collection.


01 Apr 2015, 13:57

Ok, the bot responded this time.

4 euro shipping. Can't you just throw this in with my round 5 order?

User avatar

01 Apr 2015, 14:29

Supergeek wrote: Ok, the bot responded this time.

4 euro shipping. Can't you just throw this in with my round 5 order?
You need to order the ROUND5 kit, so the bot knows what to do with your order.

There is nothing that can't be done with a bot command.

User avatar

01 Apr 2015, 14:57

I'm sorry, but this is a bit confusing for me. If I want a key cap that is pictured in the photos but does not appear in the code boxes, it means that it's not available any more? I'm specifically referring to DSA/GREEN/VIM100.

User avatar

01 Apr 2015, 15:39

Yes, they are sold out.

Still available:


01 Apr 2015, 15:54

I like the white lambda, but not $6 like.

User avatar

01 Apr 2015, 15:58

7bit wrote: Yes, they are sold out.

Still available:
Ah, OK. Thanks. Maybe next time.

User avatar

01 Apr 2015, 16:04

Supergeek wrote: I like the white lambda, but not $6 like.
You are in luck:
In fact it is just 6 EUR, not $6.

User avatar

01 Apr 2015, 16:05

Unfortunately, those are essentially the same thing thing... :roll:


01 Apr 2015, 17:32

If I pay tomorrow, when will the order ship? Hope that round 5 sorting is not so difficult... hoping not to wait for more than usual :roll: :shock:

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