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Filco MJ2 MultiCam
Posted: 27 Sep 2011, 13:31
by laggy-gaga
Posted: 27 Sep 2011, 13:49
by webwit
What keyboard? I only see a bunch of keycaps floating in nowhere. What magic is this??
Posted: 27 Sep 2011, 13:56
by fossala
^^first time I have craked up in ages, Thanks.
Posted: 27 Sep 2011, 14:13
by Gunny
Posted: 28 Sep 2011, 03:45
by calavera
That would look boss with some matching key caps. I like the greenish wasd key caps too.
Posted: 29 Sep 2011, 00:06
by JBert
webwit wrote:What keyboard? I only see a bunch of keycaps floating in nowhere. What magic is this??
See, it needs camouflage keycaps!
Posted: 29 Sep 2011, 00:11
by webwit
You mean like this?
Posted: 29 Sep 2011, 00:28
by JBert
Brilliant, now nobody can complain when you put Colemak keycaps on it.
... You might want to make sure nobody moves your keyboard though...
Posted: 30 Sep 2011, 07:13
by litster
it is the new otaku!
Posted: 01 Oct 2011, 04:36
by demik
what switches are available? blue, brown and black?
Posted: 02 Oct 2011, 03:24
by laggy-gaga
blue , brown and black, but no red,
it seams Filco stops making red switches boards in the rest of 2011.
Posted: 02 Oct 2011, 19:37
by kaiserreich
败家馆 (SHOPU CHINA) posted some MX reds at almost same price as the MX blues.
The guy seems to be adept at getting rare stuff.
Posted: 02 Oct 2011, 19:58
by litster
Does 败家馆 have its own website, or do they only sell on taobao? I can't seen to find their own site if there is one.
Posted: 03 Oct 2011, 15:34
by rouston
I don't really like the colored keys on this one. Even the Filco's black keys are not fitting the keyboard.
I would put something like a set of vintage doubleshots gray beige like ASCAII is selling on it.
Would fit better than the black ones IMO.
Is it water proof and sperm-projection proof as well?
Posted: 04 Oct 2011, 02:31
by jinhan108
Green keycaps! Then it would truly be 'Multicam'.
Posted: 04 Oct 2011, 02:37
by webwit
Jungle keyboard warfare is sooo out of fashion. This won't do in my desert battles.
Posted: 09 Oct 2011, 01:11
by ripster
I'm going Commando! The only thing between us is a thin layer of gaberdine.
Posted: 09 Oct 2011, 02:28
by webwit
Hey, that one has a different print.
Posted: 09 Oct 2011, 02:35
by sixty
I remember reading on the Diatec page that due to the method they are painted with, none will have the same pattern.
Posted: 09 Oct 2011, 02:54
by webwit
I like that, as a concept. Don't really dig the camo version though. Too toylike, and the keys should have been green. Maybe nice if you're a gamer.
The white otaku is the best looking version for me. Excellent for polar warfare.
Posted: 09 Oct 2011, 03:20
by ripster
I like the generic Filco boxes.
THOSE will be collector items someday.
Posted: 09 Oct 2011, 03:32
by webwit
They aren't rare, the ISO versions of keyboardco also have this box. I like 'em better than the full-color boxes.
Now this is a Filco box!