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Graphon 250 Terminal Keyboard

Posted: 15 Jun 2012, 21:24
by Icarium
I took pictures of another board. This one is from a GraphOn Terminal.
graphon terminal keyboard
graphon terminal keyboard
DSC01737terminalboard.JPG (384.91 KiB) Viewed 1654 times
Notable features...none.
Well, it is constructed a bit weird, see below.
I also can't find that switch in the vintage switch wiki over on GH. Does anybody know what it is?

Here are more pictures:

After opening the case clean and simple with six screws this is what's inside:
inner part
inner part
DSC01739plate.JPG (434.67 KiB) Viewed 1654 times
Very clean. I like it.
inner part (back)
inner part (back)
DSC01752back.JPG (398.23 KiB) Viewed 1654 times
Lots of tiny little screws. This is the strange part. The switches are stuck in the front plate as usual but then the back plate is screwed to some of the switches. O_o

Under the back plate is a matrix.
matrix and switches under it
matrix and switches under it
DSC01744matrixandswitchbacks.JPG (470.24 KiB) Viewed 1654 times
The switches have a small spring inside the bottom that presses on the matrix.
DSC01748switches.JPG (256.97 KiB) Viewed 1654 times
and inside the switches is another spring that keeps the slider up.
disassembled switch
disassembled switch
DSC01747switchdisass.JPG (167.7 KiB) Viewed 1654 times
Now, what's the name of this switch? :mrgreen:

BTW: It's linear and feels neither particularly good nor bad.

Posted: 15 Jun 2012, 22:08
by Icarium
If anybody is interested in the switches, this looks like the same thing: ... 3a75910366

Posted: 16 Jun 2012, 03:25
by HaaTa
I haven't seen the switches before. But I think I've read a patent with switches that looked similar.