where to find M2 nut cover in rubber or plastic

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26 May 2014, 19:55

Hello, as said in the title I am looking for a nut "cap" like this one

but I can't find it with size M2. I need it as a simple keyboard stand. Here is what I mean: the nut will fix the screw and when covered it will look better plus it will avoid scratches and sliding on the desk.
nut.jpg (100.53 KiB) Viewed 1451 times
Any clue where I could find it? Or also something similar to achieve the same result.

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26 May 2014, 20:13

That's actually a pretty decent idea. I used 3M stick-on rubber bumpers on my custom board, big ones at the back and little ones at the front. Your plan could work nicely for the front ones.

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26 May 2014, 21:30

The one you used could be an option too, are the rubber bumpers covering the nuts or just put under them?

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26 May 2014, 21:53

Beside them. Like so:

There's actually holes for screw-mounted feet that I haven't used yet. Reminds me to look into those. They can stack up for height adjustment.

Your way is more elegant for the little ones at the front. My keyboard's a stepped case, which needed extra big feet at the back, anyway. But even so, you'll want to have some angle on a flat case, too.

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26 May 2014, 22:03

I guess I will do something like that as well in the end, because I can't really find caps of the right measure, they are too big (the most little I found is M4). I found this which has some smaller measures, but it doesn't have hexagonal shape. Nice mirrored plate btw :D

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