Visual Technology Keyboard Convert
Posted: 23 May 2022, 07:32
Came across this visual technology keyboard and I’ve been working on trying to create a converter so I can use it on a modern PC. Connected it up to a soarers logic analyzer and used HID listen to detect key presses. (detects all keys btw) and I think, although I’m not 100% sure, it’s sending data over serial. Came to this conclusion from the readings that I got from using soarers logic analyzer and PulseView. I got as far as trying to figure out baud rate, which I want to say is 600 baud according to measurements I made on the shortest pulses in the trace but I can’t be certain. I’m not very well versed in this sort of thing so basically I’ve hit a roadblock. Hoping someone here could lend me some insight on what to do next to get this thing converted!