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Re-soldering wires to DIN5 connector - Chicony KB5581

Posted: 27 Apr 2023, 17:07
by GobLean
Hi Deskthority,

Been lurking for quite a while :) Now I've f*cked up and need assistance!

As the title says, I need help in re-soldering wires to a broken off DIN5 180° connector.

I recently bought a Chicony KB5581 with MX Blues. Equal to this one: Image

Aaaand, I accidentally twisted the connector in my converter whilst putting it in the motherboard and heard/felt the wires disconnecting inside the connector.

Thing is... I like collecting keyboards and typing on them... I've done a LITTLE bit of tinkering, but here I'm at a loss.

The connector has 5 pins, but there's 7 wires in the cord itself. I've tried to research on the field of colorcoding and diagrams of DIN5 connectors, but I can't seem to figure out what wire goes where. I've tried looking at the internals but couldn't figure out sh*t.



The bare metal wire is shielding I pressume - but when I pulled out the metal housing in the connector-end, that wire had a hard black tube (loosly) around it?

This is by far the coolest keyboard in my collection and I'd really like to enjoy it to the fullest by actually being able to type on it!

Currently waiting for a RS232 adapter to try and get the trackball working as well :)

Re: Re-soldering wires to DIN5 connector - Chicony KB5581

Posted: 27 Apr 2023, 23:57
by Muirium


Doesn’t look too hard to work out. ;)

Only 4 of them do anything (numbers 1, 2, 4 and 5).
And it’s the same on AT and XT so no need to worry about that. The above diagram applies equally to both and should really be labelled as such, but I merely pinched it. Just warding off pedants in advance. :ugeek:
All you really need to do is work out which wire is which from the other end of the cable.

Re: Re-soldering wires to DIN5 connector - Chicony KB5581

Posted: 01 May 2023, 21:02
by GobLean
Thanks for your reply, Muirium.

Figuring out which wire is which is hard to figure out - there's no legends indicating anything :-/

Re: Re-soldering wires to DIN5 connector - Chicony KB5581

Posted: 01 May 2023, 21:02
by GobLean
And sorry for the late reply, didn't notice before now.