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Best input device mod 2013

Posted: 09 Dec 2013, 21:14
by The Keyboard Oracle
The nominees in the category Best input device mod 2013 are:

xwhatsit's beam spring USB controller • No one managed to crack this problem, until xwhatsit's amazing project. Moreover, he released all his research under an open source license.

Soarer's new controller firmware • The winner of last year's award makes another strong appearance with his easy to configure USB keyboard controller firmware for microcontrollers such as the Teensy 2.0 and Teensy++ 2.0.

matt3o for various builds and tutorials • Matt3o crashed into the scene with all kinds of builds and tutorials, such as the Brownfox, a guide to how to build a custom keyboard and his laser cut prototyping project.

Komar for his work on the GH60 • The GH60 programmable keyboard started as an idea by jdcarpe at geekhack, resulting in this fantastic, open source implementation by Komar.

hasu's TMK firmware • Hasu helped a lot of people with his source code repository of keyboard & converter firmware. It can drive various keyboards and protocols and supports multi-layers and USB NKRO.

And the Wingnut for Best input device mod 2013, as voted for by the members of deskthority, goes to...

No one managed to crack this problem, until xwhatsit's amazing project. Moreover, he released all his research under an open source license.

Bring your beam spring keyboard back from the dead!

Posted: 09 Dec 2013, 22:38
by webwit
Congrats! Much deserved, although I really liked matt3o's projects as well.

Posted: 10 Dec 2013, 01:01
by xwhatsit
Thank-you! A great honour!

I'm delighted to see many fantastic open-source projects on this list. Us keyboard weirdos are no longer just consumers and collectors :)

Posted: 10 Dec 2013, 10:41
by mr_a500
Congratulations, xwhatsit! This is definitely well deserved.

This post was written using my beam spring and your excellent controller. 8-)

Posted: 10 Dec 2013, 10:46
by Muirium
As much as Soarer's controller is my daily driver (and features in many schemes to come) your liberation of the beam springs got my vote, Xwhatsit. Those beasts needed freeing, and you've done it with aplomb.

Now I just gotta get another huge keyboard…

Posted: 10 Dec 2013, 10:49
by mr_a500
Muirium wrote:Those beasts needed freeing
I don't know why I read that as "Those breasts need freeing".

Breasts on the mind, I guess...

Posted: 10 Dec 2013, 11:08
by Muirium
Ah, those were the days.

Wait a minute, I wasn't alive in the sixties! Goddamn false memories from watching the era's movies. Jiggly, nonchalant, hippy ones at that.

Posted: 10 Dec 2013, 14:57
by Game Theory
Congratulations! and Thank You Xwhatsit! Your work has given me hope that other old treasures will again be made workable. Also its given me the treasure hunting bug :lol:

Posted: 10 Dec 2013, 15:27
by Halvar
Congratulations from me too, and thanks again for not only designing the controller, but also making it available to us!

Posted: 11 Dec 2013, 03:09
by webwit
I don't like hippies. Not because of what they were, but what they have become. It was all a lie.