Best deskthority contributor 2014
Posted: 03 Dec 2014, 01:00
Please vote for your winner of the award for the Best deskthority contributor in 2014.
By voting in this category you can win a NovaTouch TKL and Reaper from Cooler Master|CM Storm!
This is the final round. See the first round and second round for reference.
The final round ends on Monday 8 December, 20:00hrs UTC. You can change your vote until the end of the round. The winner and full results will be released soon after the vote closes.
The official nominees are:
Daniel Beardsmore: Wiki Master
Deskthority is a wiki just as much as it's a forum. In fact, that's our biggest traffic draw and the real face of DT to the world. One contributor stands above all the rest when it comes to the wiki. While the rest of us oggle pretty keycap porn or bash out our thoughts on one switch versus another, Daniel's deep in the salt mines wiki, piecing together the history of our favourite designs, that the world would otherwise so easily forget.
Face it, this man wrote the better half of everything you know!
HaaTa: Relic Hunter Extraordinaire
There's collectors, who live to stock their stash, and then there's HaaTa. He doesn't just fill his shelves, he gets down and dirty and dissects these rarities, so the rest of us can have a look! He's the Smithsonian of the keyboard world, with more than just a hint of Doc Brown…
Ever dreamed of being the Indiana Jones of keyboards? HaaTa's living it for real.
Matt3o: for his projects and group buys
The forum's busiest robot, matt3o forged ahead with another remarkable year. Armed with his own CNC machine, his projects are shifting up a gear. And he showed the keyboarding world precisely how a group buy should be done, starting from the comprehensive interest check and ending in some of the best caps of this, or any, year.
What's better than dreaming up a sweet idea? Actually making it happen!
Muirium: Master Poster and Secretary
After winning the award for best forum contributor last year, Muirium didn't rest on his laurels. Cruising past, well, everybody in the total posts list, he is always helpful, interested, inquisitive and responsive. He also became our club's first secretary, helping with a lot of club duties.
Muirium's Happy Hacking Kishsaver.