Help us with Italian [Italiano] forum software translations
Posted: 08 Feb 2015, 18:00
We use a modified version of the phpBB forum software. phpBB offers various translation packs, and we have various of these installed. However, our custom mods and additions are not covered by these packs, so this is where we need your help.
This topic contains requests for such translations to Italian [Italiano].
You can also use it for additions, corrections and improvements.
Currently untranslated are the following texts. Please reply with the right translations. You don't have to supply everything if there's a lot to be translated, every bit helps.
This topic contains requests for such translations to Italian [Italiano].
You can also use it for additions, corrections and improvements.
Currently untranslated are the following texts. Please reply with the right translations. You don't have to supply everything if there's a lot to be translated, every bit helps.
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