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Posted: 06 Mar 2012, 11:38
by mintberryminuscrunch
last chance to order,
and pls check here: ... B-Y-Redesc
if your order was placed correctly

Posted: 08 Mar 2012, 13:12
by korne

Posted: 08 Mar 2012, 13:38
by Ascaii

Posted: 08 Mar 2012, 17:29
by MegalomaniaC

Posted: 12 Mar 2012, 23:39
by derek
mintberryminuscrunch wrote:last chance to order,
and pls check here: ... B-Y-Redesc
if your order was placed correctly
I'm not in the list. did not take my order?

AW: [awaiting payments]Cherry RGBY Set

Posted: 12 Mar 2012, 23:52
by mintberryminuscrunch
derek wrote:
mintberryminuscrunch wrote:last chance to order,
and pls check here: ... B-Y-Redesc
if your order was placed correctly
I'm not in the list. did not take my order?
i didn't receive a pm from you. Did you read how to order?
Pm me your PayPal, address ,and sets you want.

Posted: 13 Mar 2012, 13:31
by derek

Posted: 15 Mar 2012, 22:11
by attarian
Nice organization by the way .

Posted: 15 Mar 2012, 22:43
by mintberryminuscrunch
thx :)

Posted: 23 Apr 2012, 23:23
by mintberryminuscrunch
yay :D
RRGGBBYY-s.jpg (452.46 KiB) Viewed 6600 times
colors are a bit off -> lighting

Posted: 23 Apr 2012, 23:50
by Grond
Maybe it's just the pic, but the yellow don't seem much stronger than hashbaz's rgby one. Could you post a comparative picture of the two?

Posted: 24 Apr 2012, 00:00
by gimpster
So excited to get these. :)

Posted: 24 Apr 2012, 00:05
by mintberryminuscrunch
RRGGBBYY-c.jpg (452.99 KiB) Viewed 6610 times
played a little with colour correction,
the small squares are from a picture of the hashbaz gb
the bigger ones are from some colour manipulations
doesn't fit perfectly but already looks better

Posted: 24 Apr 2012, 09:29
by Grond
Alright, thanks!

Posted: 11 May 2012, 17:06
by mintberryminuscrunch
will accept a couple of orders for the left over sets.
prices are
17$ / 13€ for a set of 2shifts,2alts, 2controls,1 redEscape, 2yellow
3$ / 2.30€for redEscape
5$ / 3.8€ for extrasywhite
?? for any other keys you want

pm me with
your address(incl. name)
sets you want (OPTIONS to chose from: ansi/iso , standard/winkeyless & standard/short right shift)
other keys
payment method (paypal address needed if paypal is chosen)

for anyone who missed the post on gh, the keys arrived, the yellow was wrong, the correct ones are being shipped right now

Posted: 11 May 2012, 17:14
by DanGWanG
Hi mbc -- I placed an order through GH (but GH is down right now) and sent you a PM about my address change. I have an address ready now, shall I PM you on DT or wait for GH to come up? Thanks :)

Posted: 11 May 2012, 17:17
by mintberryminuscrunch
just pm me here,
is the new address already valid?

Posted: 11 May 2012, 17:24
by DanGWanG
mintberryminuscrunch wrote:just pm me here,
is the new address already valid?
PM'd :)

[shipping to me] Cherry RGBY Set

Posted: 11 May 2012, 17:53
by metafour
PM sent for adding to my initial order.

Posted: 11 May 2012, 19:02
by Nask
Is there any left over sets ? :)

Re: [shipping to me] Cherry RGBY Set

Posted: 11 May 2012, 19:44
by mintberryminuscrunch
Nask wrote:Is there any left over sets ? :)

mintberryminuscrunch wrote:will accept a couple of orders for the left over sets.
prices are
17$ / 13€ for a set of 2shifts,2alts, 2controls,1 redEscape, 2yellow
3$ / 2.30€for redEscape
5$ / 3.8€ for extrasywhite
?? for any other keys you want

pm me with
your address(incl. name)
sets you want (OPTIONS to chose from: ansi/iso , standard/winkeyless & standard/short right shift)
other keys
payment method (paypal address needed if paypal is chosen)

for anyone who missed the post on gh, the keys arrived, the yellow was wrong, the correct ones are being shipped right now

Posted: 11 May 2012, 20:09
by deepfish
GH is still down, I sent my order for the extra (1 set of standard and 1 set of 1.0 extra) on GH before server down, now Im start to worry about the roll back and not sure if I should send again here ....

Re: [shipping to me] Cherry RGBY Set

Posted: 11 May 2012, 20:31
by mintberryminuscrunch
Not sure if I received it. Just send it here again. And make sure that you include the required information.

Posted: 11 May 2012, 20:52
by deepfish
PM sent, ignore the pm on GH if you received it. :)

Posted: 11 May 2012, 21:51
by Mikelittoris
is there an option to get this with a ISO-sized shift? :)

Posted: 11 May 2012, 21:54
by rindorbrot
These kits have both ANSI and ISO keys.
So, no option is needed ;)

Re: [shipping to me] Cherry RGBY Set

Posted: 12 May 2012, 04:04
by mintberryminuscrunch
Mikelittoris wrote:is there an option to get this with a ISO-sized shift? :)

rindorbrot wrote:These kits have both ANSI and ISO keys.
So, no option is needed ;)
Not the left over ones. You have to choose

mintberryminuscrunch wrote:will accept a couple of orders for the left over sets.
prices are
17$ / 13€ for a set of 2shifts,2alts, 2controls,1 redEscape, 2yellow
3$ / 2.30€for redEscape
5$ / 3.8€ for extrasywhite
?? for any other keys you want

pm me with
your address(incl. name)
sets you want (OPTIONS to chose from: ansi/iso , standard/winkeyless & standard/short right shift)
other keys
payment method (paypal address needed if paypal is chosen)

Posted: 12 May 2012, 08:33
by nntnam
How about the ANSI RGB set (not RGBY). How much is that? I sent you a message on GH but the rollback seems to take it away. Thanks.

Posted: 12 May 2012, 17:26
by mintberryminuscrunch
nntnam wrote:How about the ANSI RGB set (not RGBY). How much is that? I sent you a message on GH but the rollback seems to take it away. Thanks.
don't know, lets say 16$

PS. invoices got sent via paypal, go check

Posted: 12 May 2012, 18:36
by deepfish
Paid. Thanks for running this :D