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MX RGB Nature White photo

Posted: 15 Apr 2017, 18:27
by Daniel Beardsmore
This is Cherry's RGB Nature White picture, found on the wiki:


Does anyone have one these switches, and does it look anything like that?

There's at least two things wrong with that "photo":
  1. it's got the old Cherry logo, when all my MX RGB switches use the new logo (since they use new shell moulds), and
  2. the whole thing is uniformly colourless translucent, when real Cherry MX RGB switches have a transparent top and a cream-tinted translucent base
(The transparent top of actual switches seems to be a really hard plastic that makes the four clips harder to prise off — some of the Taiwanese ones are even harder yet to get apart as the plastic is just that hard.)

Many of Cherry's switch photos are fake, being bad Photoshop¹ jobs where they've slapped a slider of some other colour onto an existing photo, and seemingly just recoloured the slider from a single photo.

However, this photo doesn't even look like any part of the shell is off anything that ever went into production!

Sadly I've only got hold of a few of the new types, and this isn't one of the types I've found for sale yet, so I can't verify it. It's also got the old slider type, but at the time it was introduced, that appears to be correct.

¹ or other equivalent image editor! ;-)