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[url] Tag fails at some unescaped special characters

Posted: 25 Apr 2012, 23:07
by RC-1140
I just noticed, that the url Tag fails at some special characters like Umlauts. If I want to link to this page e.g.:örterbuch:_Anführungszeichen

and place it inside of the url tags it appears as follows:


It simply doesn't display the Links due to the Umlauts. If I escape the symbols though (replacing ü with %FC and ö with %F6) it works. I don't know how flexible phpBB is, but if you can find a way to escape special characters in URLs it should work.


Posted: 25 Apr 2012, 23:29
by webwit
Seems to be a phpbb issue:
I'll look into it if there's an easy fix.

Posted: 01 May 2012, 01:50
by xbb
Should be fixed, thanks for reporting.

Posted: 03 May 2012, 21:04
by 7bit