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Subscriptions vs Bookmarks

Posted: 08 Feb 2013, 23:35
by sordna
What are the differences between Subscriptions and Bookmarks, exactly?
Also, could we add a feature, like a link on the front page (call it "your stuff" or whatever) that will show all of:
{View your posts, Subscribed topics, Bookmarked topics} in the same list ?
That would make it easy to see new posts belonging to any of these 3 buckets in a single click.

Posted: 08 Feb 2013, 23:44
by webwit
It's a question in the FAQ (see top of page) ;)

I like that idea but in general custom phpBB development is a real time sink, so it's not realistic for me to make promises.

Posted: 09 Feb 2013, 03:36
by sordna
I just read that FAQ question, but since I have set "Notify me upon replies by default: no" in my preferences, I was wondering if there is any other difference, since now Subscriptions and Bookmarks appear to be doing the same thing; they just end up in different buckets in the Control Panel, and require 2 clicks to get to from the main DT page.

The FAQ does talk about "preferred method or methods" of notification. Apart from email, what ohter methods of notification are there for subscribed topics?

Posted: 09 Feb 2013, 03:57
by webwit
No email is sent when a new post appears in a bookmarked topic, unlike with subscriptions. So it's only a list of bookmarked topics. Also you can subscribe on an entire subforum, not only topics.

Posted: 09 Feb 2013, 04:23
by sordna
Ok, thanks. I was hoping one of the two would options offer access to new posts with 1 click right on the home page (like "View your posts" does) instead of 2 (control panel, manage XYZ).

Anyway, my "your stuff" feature request, to show everything of interest bundled together, still stands :-)