Search found 28 matches

by Toast
06 Jun 2013, 23:25
Forum: Workshop
Topic: Aluminium Filco/Phantom Case - PROTOTYPE PICS IN!!!
Replies: 146
Views: 40626

That's looking amazing. I don't know if you're keeping track somewhere but count me in for one. : ] Just to make sure I understand... you're offering different combos of stuff so to speak right?

Like, for example.... Someone could order a winkey version of the case, with a plate that supports 1.25u ...
by Toast
06 Jun 2013, 23:11
Forum: Workshop
Topic: Aluminium Filco/Phantom Case - PROTOTYPE PICS IN!!!
Replies: 146
Views: 40626

:D This project looks great. For a bit now I've been looking into making an acrylic case/custom plate for a custom PCB of my own make. This could work for me too though if you do a group buy.

I noticed in the first pics your custom plate allows for Stepped and non-Stepped Caps Lock positions but ...
by Toast
30 May 2013, 20:48
Forum: Keyboards
Topic: Costar Stabilizer Plate Measurements
Replies: 5
Views: 7353

Nice! That's above and beyond man. : ) Thank you.

Hopefully I can find a nice place to do my CNC work on the plate and this all works out. Nearly done designing my custom! :D Yay.
by Toast
30 May 2013, 19:54
Forum: Workshop
Topic: Building a custom keyboard from the ground up
Replies: 263
Views: 334780

Am curious, what will you use to glue the aluminum and acrylic layers together? Is the aluminum anodized or just bare?

The design looks super slick. Grats.
by Toast
30 May 2013, 19:31
Forum: Keyboards
Topic: Costar Stabilizer Plate Measurements
Replies: 5
Views: 7353

Oh! I was worried that might be the case. I'd appreciate it, or even a rough diagram as long as it shows exact measurements.

I appreciate as much accuracy as you can provide. : ) Will save me a good chunk of time and money for sure if they're dead on.
by Toast
30 May 2013, 19:21
Forum: Keyboards
Topic: Costar Stabilizer Plate Measurements
Replies: 5
Views: 7353

Just so it's clear. What I mean by "stabilizer hole" is the hole in the steel plate which accepts the black lower piece of the costar stabilizer.
by Toast
30 May 2013, 19:14
Forum: Keyboards
Topic: Costar Stabilizer Plate Measurements
Replies: 5
Views: 7353

Costar Stabilizer Plate Measurements

Hi again,

You guys were so helpful last time I've got 2 new questions! : ) Hopefully someone can assist again.

What's the optimal dimensions for the rectangular hole to fit costar stabilizers?
Does the actual stabilizer peg line up dead center of the stabilizer hole once everything is assembled?
by Toast
27 May 2013, 01:36
Forum: Keyboards
Topic: Stepped Caps-Lock Measurements
Replies: 7
Views: 4945

Oooookay! : D I get it now. Poifect.

Hm.. while I'm at it, I see a lot of references to measurements for spacebar stems (40mm and 50mm) also in metric. Is there a better way to get the positions? Or are those pretty much spot on in metric?

Thanks a lot guys.
by Toast
27 May 2013, 01:16
Forum: Keyboards
Topic: Stepped Caps-Lock Measurements
Replies: 7
Views: 4945

Awesome. That's a better number than I had I'm guessing. Could you help explain just so I'm confident in this...

Besides the width of keycap where do the numbers come from in the equation? o.o
by Toast
27 May 2013, 00:24
Forum: Keyboards
Topic: Stepped Caps-Lock Measurements
Replies: 7
Views: 4945

Stepped Caps-Lock Measurements

I'm working on a keyboard project and am having a heck of a time finding a good source on this. Looking for the precise difference between a center-stemmed and stepped caps lock (measured from the center point of each stem).

The type of the stepped caps lock I'm thinking of is (I think) the more ...
by Toast
23 Apr 2011, 22:08
Forum: Gallery
Topic: Leo fc200r w/Replacement Keys
Replies: 1
Views: 1649

Leo fc200r w/Replacement Keys

This is my first mech keyboard and I love it.
fc200r with some old double shots I bought from a very kind fellow on this forum.

There are keys I couldn't replace. Planning to mod the doubleshot capslock so I can swap that in.

I made the wrist rest out of oak and still trying to decide if I like it ...
by Toast
06 Mar 2011, 22:25
Forum: Keyboards
Topic: EK shows Leopold on site
Replies: 32
Views: 11125

I wonder if it's worth staying up a bit to see if there's a update at midnight for the pre-orders. I don't wanna miss it. Hmm... HMM.
by Toast
05 Mar 2011, 04:26
Forum: Keyboards
Replies: 33
Views: 12744

Hope I get my Leopold form EK in time. : O
by Toast
05 Mar 2011, 01:30
Forum: News
Topic: Win a Filco Majestouch of your choice! [ended]
Replies: 429
Views: 105720

: 3 Oooh... fingers crossed. I want to touch a Majestouch.
by Toast
22 Feb 2011, 16:26
Forum: Keyboards
Topic: Cherry MX - White Keycaps - Where?
Replies: 41
Views: 16828

Er, yes, just yes. Looked at the pics you posted earlier and you mentioned they're more beige-like. I have a bad memory. : )
by Toast
22 Feb 2011, 16:21
Forum: Keyboards
Topic: Cherry MX - White Keycaps - Where?
Replies: 41
Views: 16828

Yes! : )

Similar to the vintage ones or are those considered white?
by Toast
21 Feb 2011, 04:20
Forum: Keyboards
Topic: Cherry MX - White Keycaps - Where?
Replies: 41
Views: 16828

Ah, that makes more sense I s'pose. : )

I like how it looks on there anyway. Except for maybe a couple keys that look out of place.
by Toast
21 Feb 2011, 03:37
Forum: Keyboards
Topic: Cherry MX - White Keycaps - Where?
Replies: 41
Views: 16828

Alright well, don't know if anyone else cares but I found a similar key set to the GH group buy on a FC200R.
Not sure if it actually is one of the older group buys or just a copycat. Weird that it seems to have a gray space bar too?

In case I'm not the only one. >.>

source: ...
by Toast
21 Feb 2011, 01:17
Forum: Keyboards
Topic: Cherry MX - White Keycaps - Where?
Replies: 41
Views: 16828

Yeah, I don't mind that sooo much. I think if the whole bottom row is just Leopold keys it won't stick out too much. Kinda like how \KL's black Cherry board looks with the white caps.

Guess I'll just find out. Hm... Wish I could see one before choosing. xD
by Toast
21 Feb 2011, 01:07
Forum: Keyboards
Topic: Cherry MX - White Keycaps - Where?
Replies: 41
Views: 16828

While I wait for the Leopold to come out all I can think about is which keycaps I want. >.>
GUUUH. These or the groupbuy on GH...

I think I like these keys more.
by Toast
18 Feb 2011, 21:43
Forum: Keyboards
Topic: Cherry MX - White Keycaps - Where?
Replies: 41
Views: 16828

Ah okie, dang! Am still down for a set.
Maybe will do something like this guy did. ((just attached since kbdmania is so slow))
by Toast
18 Feb 2011, 19:15
Forum: Keyboards
Topic: Cherry MX - White Keycaps - Where?
Replies: 41
Views: 16828

Hm, am curious. If I was patient and determined enough to mod all the stems of these keys to fit the FC200R...

Would the keys be the right size approximately? Shift, ctrl, alt, space, caps. This is what I hope I can do. : )
by Toast
15 Feb 2011, 00:07
Forum: Keyboards
Topic: Cherry MX - White Keycaps - Where?
Replies: 41
Views: 16828

You can consider down for a set too. : )

As long as shipping to Canada isn't a problem.
by Toast
10 Feb 2011, 00:45
Forum: Keyboards
Topic: Cherry MX - White Keycaps - Where?
Replies: 41
Views: 16828

sixty wrote:I think I have none left now. I had a few sets from a source in Taiwan, right now I have none. Please wait a while. I'll PM you.
Oi, is just cool that you offered. I'd still like to buy if and when you do get them in. (Think I'll hold out for doubleshot-whites now though.)
by Toast
09 Feb 2011, 16:32
Forum: Keyboards
Topic: Cherry MX - White Keycaps - Where?
Replies: 41
Views: 16828

Hm... wonder if I could find a way to mod the underside of the Caps Lock key so I could get it on the Leopold. Might be worth it. : 3 Some dremel action and epoxy?..
by Toast
06 Feb 2011, 21:10
Forum: Keyboards
Topic: Cherry MX - White Keycaps - Where?
Replies: 41
Views: 16828

Not a problem. : ) I'm stoked. Those look perfect. They're the same as the vintage set in the photos section I think?
by Toast
06 Feb 2011, 04:45
Forum: Keyboards
Topic: Cherry MX - White Keycaps - Where?
Replies: 41
Views: 16828

Oh sweet, that would be rocking for me. Will be watching to see what you've got.
((If there were white with black lettering double-shots that'd make me drool. But sweet either way.))

Ouch on the cuts.
by Toast
06 Feb 2011, 02:33
Forum: Keyboards
Topic: Cherry MX - White Keycaps - Where?
Replies: 41
Views: 16828

Cherry MX - White Keycaps - Where?

Figured this is as good a place as any to ask...

Where could I find some white keycaps (double shot, lasered, pad-printed, whatever) which might fit a Leopold FC200R?

Just a couple notes:
-I'm Canadian
-Not worried about every key. I know some of the Leopold keys are non-standard like the space ...

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