Search found 150 matches

by Glissant
01 Sep 2018, 23:15
Forum: For sale
Topic: MX-miniU 75%
Replies: 4
Views: 2951

Ok how about this price then.

Last price.
by Glissant
07 Jul 2018, 21:56
Forum: For sale
Topic: MX-miniU 75%
Replies: 4
Views: 2951

phatskin wrote: Pming.
Replied :)
by Glissant
06 Jul 2018, 13:01
Forum: For sale
Topic: MX-miniU 75%
Replies: 4
Views: 2951

MX-miniU 75%

Thanks for looking at my thread. Here's what I have available right now:

Item Pictures Price Status MX-miniU 75% Linear 67g gold spring switches. Lubed and stickered MX-miniU #1 - MX-miniU #2 - MX-miniU #3 - MX-miniU USB $130 Shipped. Tracked shipping+$35 SOLD Ctrlalt Round 1 Penumbra base ...
by Glissant
11 Oct 2015, 15:46
Forum: Keyboards
Topic: Ergodox issue
Replies: 4
Views: 1404

Awesome that you got it working. Enjoy! :)
by Glissant
11 Oct 2015, 13:24
Forum: Keyboards
Topic: Ergodox issue
Replies: 4
Views: 1404

When I had a similar issue with my Ergodox I think my fix was to reflow solder on the controller.
It's been over two years since I had the issue, so I don't have the exact details anymore, but that was the fix that worked for me.
Here's what my issue looked like, so it's not exactly the same, but ...
by Glissant
30 Sep 2012, 20:05
Forum: Geekhacker refugee camp
Topic: Banned from Geehack
Replies: 872
Views: 378751

Re: Banned from Geehack

Ripster is self centered ;).
by Glissant
08 Sep 2012, 09:30
Forum: Off-topic
Topic: Glissant's giveaway! WINNERS ANNOUNCED INSIDE.
Replies: 168
Views: 56302

You should message demik about your prize if you haven't heard anything yet :). I forwarded all the necessary information a month ago.
by Glissant
07 Sep 2012, 15:51
Forum: Off-topic
Topic: Glissant's giveaway! WINNERS ANNOUNCED INSIDE.
Replies: 168
Views: 56302

net2522 is nowhere to be found, so it looks like I will have to dig for something in my stores to replace the mint gum skull. I'll let you know what that is later tonight or tomorrow. It won't be a skull unfortunately, but I will see if I can find something of interest.

Sorry to cyngguru for this ...
by Glissant
01 Sep 2012, 21:33
Forum: Off-topic
Topic: Is Ripster banned?
Replies: 46
Views: 11506

Re: Is Ripster banned?

It's funny how you can't even talk about it at geekhack without some person closing your thread without an answer.
Why would you not let people talk about one of the most known people of your forum and why you decided to ban said person?
by Glissant
24 Aug 2012, 01:10
Forum: Gallery
Topic: Clickclack keycaps
Replies: 155
Views: 50920

Re: Clickclack keycaps

webwit wrote:I'm not sure, but clickclack fans at dt might want to stay tuned... maybe the future will bring something.
You, sir, know how to get a girl wet. If I was a girl I would be soaked.
by Glissant
22 Aug 2012, 05:13
Forum: Gallery
Topic: Clickclack keycaps
Replies: 155
Views: 50920

Re: Clickclack keycaps

Lol u mad, bro?
by Glissant
21 Aug 2012, 23:05
Forum: Gallery
Topic: Clickclack keycaps
Replies: 155
Views: 50920

Re: Clickclack keycaps

If anyone is looking the thread is called something like redirect ghost.
by Glissant
21 Aug 2012, 21:36
Forum: Gallery
Topic: Clickclack keycaps
Replies: 155
Views: 50920

Re: Clickclack keycaps

guilleguillaume wrote:More secret sales... so I guess this is all about elitism and look at me so you can see how special I am :shock:
The hater is strong in this one ;-).
by Glissant
21 Aug 2012, 06:34
Forum: Off-topic
Topic: Glissant's giveaway! WINNERS ANNOUNCED INSIDE.
Replies: 168
Views: 56302

I sent out megnin's prize today :).
net2522 stopped coming online after the last message I sent him, so we just need to wait and see what happens. Sorry for making you wait, cyngguru.

Did I forget to add Ripster's winnings? Here they are:
by Glissant
19 Aug 2012, 23:58
Forum: Off-topic
Topic: Glissant's giveaway! WINNERS ANNOUNCED INSIDE.
Replies: 168
Views: 56302

Re: Glissant's giveaway! WINNERS ANNOUNCED INSIDE.

Does the persons gender matter? change the he parts to she parts if that's what's important to you.
by Glissant
19 Aug 2012, 23:33
Forum: Off-topic
Topic: Glissant's giveaway! WINNERS ANNOUNCED INSIDE.
Replies: 168
Views: 56302

He has sent me three private messages and posted in the thread asking for the skull, and I have told him to wait for me to send him an update every time, so I don't think he means net2522 at all.
I don't think it's hard to await an update when you are told an update will be given as soon as humanly ...
by Glissant
19 Aug 2012, 19:22
Forum: Off-topic
Topic: Glissant's giveaway! WINNERS ANNOUNCED INSIDE.
Replies: 168
Views: 56302

Re: Glissant's giveaway! WINNERS ANNOUNCED INSIDE.

Wooow. I've already replied to your messages twice and put some information in the thread as to why you haven't gotten the skull yet. net2522 has gone missing for some reason.

You have no right to say people are being irresponsible just because you didn't get your free shit instantly. Wait ...
by Glissant
16 Aug 2012, 06:28
Forum: Off-topic
Topic: Glissant's giveaway! WINNERS ANNOUNCED INSIDE.
Replies: 168
Views: 56302

I just want to remind everyone that some people will only be posting in either thread, so if you are looking to see what people got, the thread at GH is a good place to check

I am still waiting for net2522 to send me the mintgum green skull, but it seems ...
by Glissant
15 Aug 2012, 23:15
Forum: Gallery
Topic: Let's see some Pokers!
Replies: 327
Views: 96824

I like that sticker too :D. Wouldn't mind having a couple of those too, actually. Where did you get those, lysol?
by Glissant
15 Aug 2012, 19:09
Forum: Gallery
Topic: Let's see some Pokers!
Replies: 327
Views: 96824

Re: Let's see some Pokers!

lysol wrote:My full color Cherry sticker is cooler!
What are you talking about?
by Glissant
15 Aug 2012, 10:21
Forum: Gallery
Topic: Let's see some Pokers!
Replies: 327
Views: 96824

Re: Let's see some Pokers!

A member here sent me a couple of those and three smaller ones. I think he got them from a guy that had participated in a group buy on one of the Korean forums :).
I was hoping we would do something similar here or at GH, but I haven't seen it yet. I would buy plenty of these vinyl stickers if they ...
by Glissant
15 Aug 2012, 10:18
Forum: Off-topic
Topic: Glissant's giveaway! WINNERS ANNOUNCED INSIDE.
Replies: 168
Views: 56302

Re: Glissant's giveaway! WINNERS ANNOUNCED INSIDE.

One of the honorable mentions posted a picture of what he got.
Check it out here ... confidence
by Glissant
14 Aug 2012, 22:55
Forum: Gallery
Topic: Let's see some Pokers!
Replies: 327
Views: 96824

Switched from ghetto greens (I really can't type for long periods on blues, the sound is just annoying. I did keep one ghetto green on my spacebar) to blacks and dressed the poker up in a pink clickclack skull and imsto's thick blank pbts.
Oh, and I added a chrome Cherry vinyl sticker ...
by Glissant
14 Aug 2012, 06:55
Forum: Gallery
Topic: Let's see some Pokers!
Replies: 327
Views: 96824

This picture does not have the contrasting etc.
RA 2.0 real colors
RA 2.0 real colors
P9135514.jpg (385.33 KiB) Viewed 7678 times
by Glissant
14 Aug 2012, 03:34
Forum: Gallery
Topic: Let's see some Pokers!
Replies: 327
Views: 96824

Re: Let's see some Pokers!

It's just lighting and contrast to make the red pop :).
by Glissant
14 Aug 2012, 02:37
Forum: Gallery
Topic: Let's see some Pokers!
Replies: 327
Views: 96824

You should definitely get an aluminum case for that setup. It will be glued to your desk by gravity alone :D.

I added ghetto greens and RA 2.0 to my Poker today.
RA 2.0 poker
RA 2.0 poker
P9135512.jpg (516.4 KiB) Viewed 7691 times
Ghetto greens
Ghetto greens
P9135507.jpg (637.31 KiB) Viewed 7691 times
by Glissant
14 Aug 2012, 01:51
Forum: Gallery
Topic: Let's see some Pokers!
Replies: 327
Views: 96824

Re: Let's see some Pokers!

White case, squirrel! Will make the plate pop :D. Nice setup by the way ;)
by Glissant
10 Aug 2012, 08:08
Forum: Off-topic
Topic: Glissant's giveaway! WINNERS ANNOUNCED INSIDE.
Replies: 168
Views: 56302

I got all the honorable mentions packed and ready to go, but I still need to wait for the skull from net2522 and the tsangan kit before I can send out the prizes for megnin and cyngguru.
The winners if the keyboards have been forwarded to demik, who will deal with those prizes.

http://img ...
by Glissant
05 Aug 2012, 06:05
Forum: Off-topic
Topic: Glissant's giveaway! WINNERS ANNOUNCED INSIDE.
Replies: 168
Views: 56302

I just got some messages out to people. It's slightly difficult to remember to check both sites every day, but nothing important happened, and I am still waiting for some of the honorable mentions to get back to me before I ship everything out.

Please get back to me about your address if you haven ...

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