Looks very interesting, the thumb cluster looks to be a bit more accessible than it is on the ErgoDox. Do you enjoy typing on it? It's going to take some time getting used to i would imagine. Of course i enjoy typing on it! Why you even doubt? :D But you are right, right now typing on this keyboard...
How does your layout compare to an ErgoDox? I have much less keys, so the modificators are used much more instesively. Cannot tell if it is good or bad. How are the keys mapped? Default Layer: GRV, Q, W, E, R, T, Y, U, I, O, P, EQL, SLSH, A, S, D, F, G, PGUP, HOME, H, J, K, L, SCLN,QUOT, LBRC, Z, X...
https://pix.zaar.be/keyboard/overview-2.jpg Hi guys, i've just finished a working prototype of my split-hand column-layout keyboard. This is my first build report, so please do not judge me harshly. Also English is not my native language, so please excuse me for mistakes i will inevitably make. Lon...
There's a better method than drawing everything by hand. It is called "Laser Ironing", and is available with common materials at home. Basically you'll need a laser (that's very important) printer, glossy magazine cover and clothes iron. 1) Set your printer to maximum toner expense and print your pr...
I worked in office 500m away from this place few years ago :) This is a Keyboard Monument, constructed by local modern artists, mentioned even by Nicolaus Wirth. Sad to say, but that photo must be quite old. In 2011 that keyboard was "modded" by "customizers" - teenage graffiti bands, so last time i...