Search found 447 matches

by attarian
16 Nov 2012, 13:43
Forum: En français
Topic: Distribution Noppoo / KBC Poker / Plu / KBT / Ducky
Replies: 743
Views: 193596

Je ne vends plus comme ca. Pour les noppos vous avez tout de dispo sur
by attarian
06 Sep 2012, 12:25
Forum: En français
Replies: 17
Views: 8141

Si je demande a ce qu'il soit fabriqué, il le sera, mais ca ne m'interesse pas donc il ne le sera pas pour de suite.
by attarian
06 Sep 2012, 12:24
Forum: En français
Topic: Distribution Noppoo / KBC Poker / Plu / KBT / Ducky
Replies: 743
Views: 193596

19.6% (du prix du clavier+ frais de port) + frais de dossier ( 10-20€)
by attarian
30 Aug 2012, 18:18
Forum: En français
Topic: Distribution Noppoo / KBC Poker / Plu / KBT / Ducky
Replies: 743
Views: 193596

La difference en Mx-Black, Mx Blue, Mx Brown et Mx-Red est le switch qui permet d'actionner les touches.
Le noir et le Rouge sont lineaire, ce qui est plutot adapté aux gamers. Le noir neccessite plus de force pour l'actionner.
Le bleu est "clicky", ( assez bruyant et également conseillé pour la ...
by attarian
30 Aug 2012, 16:56
Forum: En français
Topic: Distribution Noppoo / KBC Poker / Plu / KBT / Ducky
Replies: 743
Views: 193596

@amasokin: qualité meilleure que filco

@gandjhalfL non désolé je ne propose pas d' ISO en fullsize pour lemoment. ( je ne suis pas tres fullsize d'ailleurs).

EN fullsize iso tu as les merdes habituelles de Razer, ou tu as Filco, Zowie , Steelseries...
by attarian
29 Aug 2012, 22:35
Forum: En français
Replies: 17
Views: 8141

Non pas de KBC poker, que des KBT pure, tu as des KBT Pure avec les touches en PBT à 99€
by attarian
27 Aug 2012, 23:10
Forum: En français
Topic: Réparation / Remplacement [Switch / Led]
Replies: 15
Views: 4672

justement.... pile au moment ou on me les a envoyé.

Tu veux quand même ces led ? si oui tu me dis plus ou moins le nombre et l'addresse..
by attarian
27 Aug 2012, 23:08
Forum: En français
Replies: 17
Views: 8141

pour le noppoo je conseille le repose poignet KBC, parfait en taille et hauteur.
Le repose poignet keycool est bien adapté au keycool qui est un poil plus large ( quelques centimetres).
by attarian
24 Aug 2012, 16:40
Forum: En français
Topic: Distribution Noppoo / KBC Poker / Plu / KBT / Ducky
Replies: 743
Views: 193596

Ca fait cher, très cher même
by attarian
24 Aug 2012, 11:40
Forum: En français
Topic: Distribution Noppoo / KBC Poker / Plu / KBT / Ducky
Replies: 743
Views: 193596

Je pourrai mais ce n'est pas dans mes prioritées a l'heure actuelle, donc je te conseille de l'acheter direct.
by attarian
19 Aug 2012, 23:00
Forum: En français
Topic: Distribution Noppoo / KBC Poker / Plu / KBT / Ducky
Replies: 743
Views: 193596

En ISO FR - DE - UK et ES oui. (octobre)
en ANSI pour debut 2013
by attarian
17 Aug 2012, 20:27
Forum: En français
Topic: Distribution Noppoo / KBC Poker / Plu / KBT / Ducky
Replies: 743
Views: 193596


Je deconseille les clavier noppoo rétro-éclairés, les touches sont de mauvaise qualité.

La difference entre le White PBT et black POM est la qualité des touches. Ils sont tout deux dispo sur amazon.
by attarian
11 Aug 2012, 22:34
Forum: En français
Topic: Distribution Noppoo / KBC Poker / Plu / KBT / Ducky
Replies: 743
Views: 193596

@mebius tu as des reposes poignet Ducky sur amazon. C'est la même qualité.
by attarian
11 Aug 2012, 03:18
Forum: Group buys
Topic: [Cancelled] VorTex RACE 75% - EUROPEAN DISTRIBUTION
Replies: 486
Views: 133390

But thee will not be any ISO SE ...
by attarian
11 Aug 2012, 03:05
Forum: Group buys
Topic: [Cancelled] VorTex RACE 75% - EUROPEAN DISTRIBUTION
Replies: 486
Views: 133390

There is never ISO layout. Never.

As I have told you in more than a few threads my friend :)

Would you be happy to be wrong?

Yes, please prove them wrong by providing an ISO

Wait a couple of month and they'll be wrong.


by the way, Sixty dedicated a lot of time to create that ...
by attarian
11 Aug 2012, 02:52
Forum: Group buys
Topic: [Cancelled] VorTex RACE 75% - EUROPEAN DISTRIBUTION
Replies: 486
Views: 133390

hamza_tm wrote:
maxrunner wrote:Iso Layout??? if yes i want one mxred and mxblue :)
To Portugal.
There is never ISO layout. Never.

As I have told you in more than a few threads my friend :)
Would you be happy to be wrong?
by attarian
08 Aug 2012, 12:41
Forum: En français
Topic: Distribution Noppoo / KBC Poker / Plu / KBT / Ducky
Replies: 743
Views: 193596

J'envoie tout depuis la france a part pour quelques caps, mais a terme tout se fera depuis la france .
Je ne prends jamais de "vacances".
by attarian
22 Jul 2012, 23:56
Forum: En français
Replies: 17
Views: 8141

40-50 environ . ( enfin a la base)
Début aout tu en auras encore ( jusqu'à décembre environ je pense d'ailleurs).

Envoyé de france pour tout ce qui concerne amazon .
by attarian
22 Jul 2012, 23:55
Forum: En français
Topic: Réparation / Remplacement [Switch / Led]
Replies: 15
Views: 4672

Normalement ca vient dans 1 semaine... c'était quelle couleur de diodes?
by attarian
22 Jul 2012, 23:54
Forum: En français
Topic: Distribution Noppoo / KBC Poker / Plu / KBT / Ducky
Replies: 743
Views: 193596


Out of stock and discountinued.

by attarian
08 Jul 2012, 06:37
Forum: En français
Replies: 17
Views: 8141

TeNSHi wrote:Any news about kbt race LE at amazon?
Yep, they're arrived in amazon center on Jully 4th.But the weird thing is that they're still in the "packages" , not on the shelves....
by attarian
30 Jun 2012, 14:05
Forum: En français
Topic: Distribution Noppoo / KBC Poker / Plu / KBT / Ducky
Replies: 743
Views: 193596

Sinon je n'ai pas de touches grises. Et les KBT pure seront dispo en Blue / Green et "No Light" d'ici 15 jours.
by attarian
30 Jun 2012, 14:03
Forum: En français
Topic: Distribution Noppoo / KBC Poker / Plu / KBT / Ducky
Replies: 743
Views: 193596


I'm searching for a Poker with MX-Brown switches. Any chance you could help me out, attarian?
I know I'm kinda late for the party... :oops:

you can have KBT pure with brown, but trying to find a kbc poker is kind of hopeless.


Pour les autres:

Le rétroéclairage se fait a ...
by attarian
13 Jun 2012, 19:48
Forum: Group buys
Topic: [taobao goods (updatedx4)interest check]
Replies: 75
Views: 16146

You can in theory

Especially when the distributor is underperforming what this mean, my english is really sucks,
Sorry about that
事实上、从中国买的话: 键盘+运费+税费 ...
by attarian
13 Jun 2012, 19:01
Forum: Group buys
Topic: [taobao goods (updatedx4)interest check]
Replies: 75
Views: 16146

Which board ? too many...

for example: try to find :
KBT keyboards in china
KBC keyboard in china
Noppoo Choc in black case

All of them have been sold out for 1 to 5 months now. But they're still listed.

For your "second hand board", do you really think that seller would have 340 SSK in stock ...
by attarian
13 Jun 2012, 17:19
Forum: Group buys
Topic: [taobao goods (updatedx4)interest check]
Replies: 75
Views: 16146

On your listed items, 2 are cheaped by me and are sold out... but seller still list them.
by attarian
13 Jun 2012, 16:48
Forum: Group buys
Topic: [taobao goods (updatedx4)interest check]
Replies: 75
Views: 16146

attarian wrote:Half of the products are out of stock!
I''m sorry to quote myself, but as stated before half of the products are NOT in stock.
by attarian
12 Jun 2012, 19:37
Forum: Group buys
Topic: [taobao goods (updatedx4)interest check]
Replies: 75
Views: 16146

Half of the products are out of stock!
by attarian
07 Jun 2012, 21:16
Forum: Gallery
Topic: IBM SSK White frame.
Replies: 12
Views: 4079

It's not grey, 400 g ( that's the same weight with KBT Pure / Poker )


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