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by gnarlsagan
30 Apr 2022, 13:56
Forum: Group buys
Topic: F104+SSK+122+62+77+50+Ergo orders now open! New Kishsaver+Industrial Model F Keyboards
Replies: 9189
Views: 4793803

Re: F62+F77 orders now open! New Kishsaver+Industrial Model F Keyboards

I finally received the rest of my order, mostly keycaps, originally placed on January 26th, 2016. Crazy Ellipse has stuck it out this long and delivered such a high quality product.
by gnarlsagan
14 Aug 2021, 02:21
Forum: Group buys
Topic: Beam Spring 104+SSK Reproduction Project! First Batch In Stock, Shipping early next year after New Model F Project
Replies: 869
Views: 3766001

Re: Beam Spring 104+SSK Reproduction Project! First Batch In Stock, Shipping early next year after New Model F Project

The switch feel is, by far, the most important factor for me, and I'll be super happy to use it no matter what the case looks like. Still though, I think it'd be cool to have it in a case that's at least inspired by the original design.

Here's a quick little mockup for kicks and giggles. I ...
by gnarlsagan
12 Aug 2021, 23:22
Forum: Group buys
Topic: Beam Spring 104+SSK Reproduction Project! First Batch In Stock, Shipping early next year after New Model F Project
Replies: 869
Views: 3766001

Re: Beam Spring 104+SSK Reproduction Project! First Batch In Stock, Shipping early next year after New Model F Project

Re: the case, basically having the keys inset just a bit rather than floating would make the case look much less spartan. Currently, the case looks more like an afterthought, rather than something designed with purpose or a design goal.

I'm a huge beam spring fan (they're the greatest switches ...
by gnarlsagan
09 Aug 2017, 17:54
Forum: Keyboards
Topic: Success! Displaywriter Beamspring using a Model F Xwhatsit Controller!
Replies: 29
Views: 11353

I tend to agree with everyone here that auto voltage calibration tends to not work. 120 usually works on the displaywriters but does vary from board to board. Kind of odd that it worked at first before modifying the voltage as there shouldn't be any damage done by picking a different value and ...
by gnarlsagan
05 Aug 2017, 04:35
Forum: Keyboards
Topic: Success! Displaywriter Beamspring using a Model F Xwhatsit Controller!
Replies: 29
Views: 11353

Have you opened up the board module and cleaned between the PCB and the switches and all that? Cause it just takes a few little chunks of stuff to get down in there and cause chatter. 107 also seems a little low. I had to set mine around 138 I think.

You should have a couple reference pads show up ...
by gnarlsagan
05 Aug 2017, 04:07
Forum: Keyboards
Topic: Success! Displaywriter Beamspring using a Model F Xwhatsit Controller!
Replies: 29
Views: 11353

I had the same symptoms as well with random keys showing up as grey or actuated. I literally started at 200 and worked my way down, one increment at a time until more and more keys started to register and the random key presses disappeared. It was like a fine line between madness and genius for me ...
by gnarlsagan
04 Aug 2017, 19:01
Forum: Group buys
Topic: Round 5 and Round 6 kits for sale!
Replies: 15480
Views: 4847962

zslane wrote: Darn. No BLACK/NUMPAD or BLACK/NUMOP. :(
I tried too and failed. :cry:
by gnarlsagan
04 Aug 2017, 17:53
Forum: Keyboards
Topic: Success! Displaywriter Beamspring using a Model F Xwhatsit Controller!
Replies: 29
Views: 11353

@orihalcon I'm having an issue with my xwhatsit Displaywriter controller and was hoping you could offer some insight.
I had some chatter, and some keys not registering, but most registered fine, so I thought I would adjust the voltage. After setting the voltage to something like 80, none of the ...
by gnarlsagan
04 Aug 2017, 17:41
Forum: Keyboards
Topic: Success! Displaywriter Beamspring using a Model F Xwhatsit Controller!
Replies: 29
Views: 11353

@orihalcon I'm having an issue with my xwhatsit Displaywriter controller and was hoping you could offer some insight.
I had some chatter, and some keys not registering, but most registered fine, so I thought I would adjust the voltage. After setting the voltage to something like 80, none of the ...
by gnarlsagan
21 Jul 2017, 17:38
Forum: Group buys
Topic: [IC] Black-on-black PBT dyesub one-piece buckling spring keycaps
Replies: 56
Views: 20340

I'm in for a set.
by gnarlsagan
03 May 2017, 01:31
Forum: Group buys
Topic: Round 5 and Round 6 kits for sale!
Replies: 15480
Views: 4847962

I don't understand... How are there Round 5 keys that haven't been made yet? It's been 18 months?

Read the thread if you want to understand. Also, are you referring to Round 5 or Round 5a, also known as Round 6?

Round 5 is finished. Round 6 is only half finished. The final half of Round 6 will ...
by gnarlsagan
19 Apr 2017, 02:06
Forum: Group buys
Topic: Round 5 and Round 6 kits for sale!
Replies: 15480
Views: 4847962

Yeah. Maybe 7bit will let me just pay SP now and continue trying to get money from mashby.

I still feel like he's going to give it up. I usually have a good bullshit radar.

If not, I could always draw up a civil claim to get it. Would very much prefer not to do that.

Let's pay it for the love ...
by gnarlsagan
13 Apr 2017, 17:49
Forum: Workshop
Topic: Spherical Buckling Spring Thread
Replies: 314
Views: 98948

I am definitely in. Would love these on an F77.

Has anyone here thought to work with Ellipse who is making the new F62s and F77s? Just an idea.
by gnarlsagan
30 Mar 2017, 03:11
Forum: Group buys
Topic: Round 5 and Round 6 kits for sale!
Replies: 15480
Views: 4847962

It is worse, but I really hope it is only a technical reason that SL89 did not yet pay.

@mashby: If you read this, we can do without those $3700 but it will be nice if you pay your invoice from September 2016 right now, pleeeese!
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

How ...
by gnarlsagan
27 Mar 2017, 21:56
Forum: Group buys
Topic: Round 5 and Round 6 kits for sale!
Replies: 15480
Views: 4847962

I would be down to buy or trade for either the small legend Cadet alphas or regular legend Cadet alphas. I have regular grey R6 alphas and other kits if anyone's interested.
by gnarlsagan
27 Feb 2017, 01:59
Forum: Group buys
Topic: F104+SSK+122+62+77+50+Ergo orders now open! New Kishsaver+Industrial Model F Keyboards
Replies: 9189
Views: 4793803

I am making one piece caps which work on both Model F and Model M keyboards. They are designed to be made to the highest quality standards - similar to the XT Model F keyboards. Good PBT, flash removed, high quality dye sublimation.

Someone was talking about designing a key cover that would go ...
by gnarlsagan
07 Feb 2017, 06:22
Forum: Group buys
Topic: Round 5 and Round 6 kits for sale!
Replies: 15480
Views: 4847962

zslane wrote: This is what my home keyboard will look like once phase 2 keycaps become reality:
Were you able to secure a black numpad?
by gnarlsagan
04 Feb 2017, 05:27
Forum: Group buys
Topic: Round 5 and Round 6 kits for sale!
Replies: 15480
Views: 4847962

Super late to be asking this, but how are you guys covering your 1800 boards? Shouldn't there be an R1 PAGE DOWN and END, or do people just use R2 for those keys? I see R1 DELETE is covered in the cursorextra kits.
by gnarlsagan
02 Feb 2017, 23:16
Forum: Group buys
Topic: Round 5 and Round 6 kits for sale!
Replies: 15480
Views: 4847962

I swear there were not near enough black numpads. Looks like we will have to rotate one kit between us.
by gnarlsagan
28 Jan 2017, 02:13
Forum: Group buys
Topic: Round 5 and Round 6 kits for sale!
Replies: 15480
Views: 4847962

"7bit was made aware of this through email on Thursday, January 19th." What the fuck, dude.

I mean, this essentially says "We sent 7bit an e-mail."

Okay, that's good, but that doesn't mean he read, or received the e-mail. Not saying it's SP's fault, but it's ...
by gnarlsagan
27 Jan 2017, 22:47
Forum: Group buys
Topic: Round 5 and Round 6 kits for sale!
Replies: 15480
Views: 4847962

Aaaand I can't stop ordering more. Anyone want to join me? The more we buy the quicker we get our caps. :D
by gnarlsagan
24 Jan 2017, 19:06
Forum: Group buys
Topic: Round 5 and Round 6 kits for sale!
Replies: 15480
Views: 4847962

To chime in, I see no issue with waiting for further developments. I've waited this long already, and 7bit definitely seems personnally committed to a favorable outcome. The numbers given so far seem doable. Let's stay the course. :D
by gnarlsagan
05 Nov 2016, 20:26
Forum: Group buys
Topic: F104+SSK+122+62+77+50+Ergo orders now open! New Kishsaver+Industrial Model F Keyboards
Replies: 9189
Views: 4793803

Ellipse, did you ever get a final Pantone Silver color sample? Also, I'd like to add a set of blue keycaps to my order. Thanks!
by gnarlsagan
18 Sep 2016, 16:43
Forum: Group buys
Topic: Round 5 and Round 6 kits for sale!
Replies: 15480
Views: 4847962

7bit, did mashby ever send that payment from June like he said he would? The amount of time passing is approaching scam levels.

Am I going to need to repay for my order to clear, or what is the process if mashby doesn't send the payment?
by gnarlsagan
07 Sep 2016, 00:36
Forum: Group buys
Topic: Round 5 and Round 6 kits for sale!
Replies: 15480
Views: 4847962

7bit wrote: I still need someone to collect PayPal money. This is necessary to speed up phase 2 production!!!
7bit, should I open a dispute for my June 8th payment to mashby, or will he eventually send an update? He accepted my funds, but hasn't submitted the payment.
by gnarlsagan
31 Aug 2016, 03:06
Forum: Group buys
Topic: Round 5 and Round 6 kits for sale!
Replies: 15480
Views: 4847962

7bit, this is another reminder that my invoice says I owe $109.65, but I paid the remaining $129.00 to mashby on June 8th. Looks like a couple kits decreased in price since. Should I be concerned that this payment hasn't been recognized for almost 3 months?
by gnarlsagan
22 Aug 2016, 17:20
Forum: Group buys
Topic: Round 5 and Round 6 kits for sale!
Replies: 15480
Views: 4847962

I'm back!

Google Wallet or PayPal collector wanted!!!
Google Wallet or PayPal collector wanted!!!
Google Wallet or PayPal collector wanted!!!
Google Wallet or PayPal collector wanted!!!

I will extend the 15% rebate phase until we have one.

@armatus: Mashby told me he will ...
by gnarlsagan
16 Aug 2016, 23:53
Forum: Group buys
Topic: F104+SSK+122+62+77+50+Ergo orders now open! New Kishsaver+Industrial Model F Keyboards
Replies: 9189
Views: 4793803

Hmm really tough call between the pantone silver and industrial gray. Ellipse, is it possible to get a comparison shot, keeping in mind that the final coloring of the Silver will be less blue/light?
by gnarlsagan
01 Aug 2016, 01:06
Forum: Group buys
Topic: Round 5 and Round 6 kits for sale!
Replies: 15480
Views: 4847962

7bit, this is another reminder that my invoice says I owe $109.65, but I paid the remaining $129.00 to mashby on June 8th. Looks like a couple kits decreased in price since.

Should I be concerned that this payment hasn't been recognized for almost 2 months?

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