Glissant's giveaway! WINNERS ANNOUNCED INSIDE.

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15 Aug 2012, 10:18

One of the honorable mentions posted a picture of what he got.
Check it out here ... confidence


15 Aug 2012, 21:52

Thank you for the prize, Glissant.
Glissant1.jpg (114.45 KiB) Viewed 5346 times

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16 Aug 2012, 06:28

I just want to remind everyone that some people will only be posting in either thread, so if you are looking to see what people got, the thread at GH is a good place to check

I am still waiting for net2522 to send me the mintgum green skull, but it seems like he is dodging me for some reason. I hope he contacts me soon.


19 Aug 2012, 11:56

I havent received my gift till today which is very dissapointing. not very responsible in a way.
Its sad to see people has received their gift except me :( Any news yet?


19 Aug 2012, 12:48

cyngguru wrote:Hi.
I havent received my gift till today which is very dissapointing. not very responsible in a way.
Its sad to see people has received their gift except me :( Any news yet?
I guess you don't mean it the way it sounds to me

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19 Aug 2012, 19:22

Wooow. I've already replied to your messages twice and put some information in the thread as to why you haven't gotten the skull yet. net2522 has gone missing for some reason.

You have no right to say people are being irresponsible just because you didn't get your free shit instantly. Wait patiently like a good person and pray that net2522 still wants to give you his skull.

Edit: and I now see that you messaged me again, cyngguru. I told you I would let you know when I know more. Stop pressuring me. I can't force people to do anything.
I can't stand it when people get impatient about FREE stuff.


19 Aug 2012, 21:18

maybe he mean net2522.. haha.. i think we had miss communication over here..

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19 Aug 2012, 23:33

He has sent me three private messages and posted in the thread asking for the skull, and I have told him to wait for me to send him an update every time, so I don't think he means net2522 at all.
I don't think it's hard to await an update when you are told an update will be given as soon as humanly possible.

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19 Aug 2012, 23:43

Isn't he a she? :mrgreen:


19 Aug 2012, 23:51

Mrinterface wrote:Isn't he a she? :mrgreen:
probably so. I'm basing it the keyboard posted
edit: gender isn't important, just posting for fun
Last edited by asdf on 20 Aug 2012, 00:07, edited 1 time in total.

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19 Aug 2012, 23:58

Does the persons gender matter? change the he parts to she parts if that's what's important to you.


20 Aug 2012, 11:25

Hi all. what i mean is not you Glissant. I meant net2522 :(
Sorry for the unclear statement.

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21 Aug 2012, 06:34

I sent out megnin's prize today :).
net2522 stopped coming online after the last message I sent him, so we just need to wait and see what happens. Sorry for making you wait, cyngguru.

Did I forget to add Ripster's winnings? Here they are:


21 Aug 2012, 09:32

:D :D be patient cyngguru, again patient is the key :D :D


21 Aug 2012, 09:35

Okay dont worry. I'll wait.
Sorry again, Glissant. That was misunderstanding.

Thanks :)

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22 Aug 2012, 20:37

Glissant, thank you and your wife very much for doing this givaway! I really love the prizes, a full Ragnarok 104 set with Tsangan compatibility kit and a full switch sample bag from Mrinterface! :D :D :) :D



Installed on White Filco w/ MX Brown Switches:


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07 Sep 2012, 15:51

net2522 is nowhere to be found, so it looks like I will have to dig for something in my stores to replace the mint gum skull. I'll let you know what that is later tonight or tomorrow. It won't be a skull unfortunately, but I will see if I can find something of interest.

Sorry to cyngguru for this, but it was out of my hands.

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08 Sep 2012, 09:17

Hey Glissant, I sent you my address yet I still haven't received a quote on postage?

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08 Sep 2012, 09:30

You should message demik about your prize if you haven't heard anything yet :). I forwarded all the necessary information a month ago.

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