Free beer for the 4000th post!

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15 Mar 2011, 04:30

YetAnotherDeveloper wrote:
Minskleip wrote:What does it taste like?
Awesome in your mouth!

no really its a strong Belgian beer (9%) that is super easy to drink for a darkish beer and i suck at describing beer/wine/etc so i will just steal this one from the web.

more reviews here
A: Dark and hazy brown appearance. 1 1/2 fingers of tan, Pours dark brown with a creamy fizzy head.

S: Raisins and plums... dark fruits...a bit of a port aroma. Fairly sweet. Altogether, fairly subdued.

T: Dark fruits...raisins and brown sugar....cherry, and an touch of sweet chocolate...smooth peppery spiciness. A touch of well integrated alcohol presence. Just flat out outstanding.

M: Moderately high carbonation. Crisp, medium feel.

D: Excellent. Given it's 9% ABV....insanely drinkable.
edit: if you haven't tried and loved a Belgian beer then this will convert you.
That sure sounds good. I'll write it down to try the next time I'm out amongs humans

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Wild Duck

15 Mar 2011, 04:34

I'm more of a witbier fan. Especially during summer.


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15 Mar 2011, 04:35

webwit wrote:I'm more of a witbier fan. Especially during summer.

Is it made of duckies?

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Wild Duck

15 Mar 2011, 04:38

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15 Mar 2011, 04:45

The last time I drank wheat beer I got sick and it ruined my night :(


15 Mar 2011, 04:46

I honestly don't get beer. Every beer I've tried just tastes like crap.

What I'm about to say is probably blasphemous:

If the point is to drink something that tastes good, drink a soda or a wine cooler or something.

If the point is to get drunk, a couple of shots of straight vodka will do it for most people. Me it's more like 10, but anyway...

So the way I see it there is no good time to drink beer. To get drunk would require insane amounts of it and it tastes bad.

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Wild Duck

15 Mar 2011, 04:47

Witbier is best enjoyed during summer on a Dutch beach while enjoying the view like these two guys on the left.
beach.jpg (278.44 KiB) Viewed 5358 times

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15 Mar 2011, 04:50

False_Dmitry_II wrote:I honestly don't get beer. Every beer I've tried just tastes like crap.

bout to say is probably blasphemous:
What I'm a
If the point is to drink something that tastes good, drink a soda or a wine cooler or something.

If the point is to get drunk, a couple of shots of straight vodka will do it for most people. Me it's more like 10, but anyway...

So the way I see it there is no good time to drink beer. To get drunk would require insane amounts of it and it tastes bad.
Wait.. what!? The only type of "people" which drink beer who doesn't like it are 14 year olds. Beer is a beautiful nectar which is best perceived with whisky. :shock:

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15 Mar 2011, 05:02

9 times out of 10 i'm drinking a bourbon not beer and i almost never drink wine.
Last edited by YetAnotherDeveloper on 15 Mar 2011, 05:08, edited 1 time in total.

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Wild Duck

15 Mar 2011, 05:05

I don't like strong drinks because I only taste the alcohol and I get sick before I get drunk (i.e. I don't get drunk). I like wine, but only with food.

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15 Mar 2011, 05:08

I mostly get drunk when I drink strong drinkgs too, lest I get sick. Or sick/drunk like last time, which was very weirds haha.

The best is getting really drunk and then get sick in the morning haha


15 Mar 2011, 06:44

Like I said.

Not only do I not like beer, I prefer the taste of striaght vodka.

Count Troller

15 Mar 2011, 12:21

Wheat beer / Witbier / Weissbier / Weizenbier is my fav. Sign me in.


15 Mar 2011, 15:55

I'm fan of Lager beer... Sorry guys :-)

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15 Mar 2011, 17:07

YetAnotherDeveloper wrote:my favorite is the blue.
+1, sir. I share your taste.


15 Mar 2011, 19:02

webwit wrote:I'm more of a witbier fan. Especially during summer.
Akh no! Interbrew ruined Hoegaarden for me!

I haven't tried the Hoegaarden Grand Cru though, don't know if that is more like the old recipe.


18 Mar 2011, 17:16

JelinaNU wrote:
YetAnotherDeveloper wrote:my favorite is the blue.
+1, sir. I share your taste.
Another +1.
There are a bunch of good Trappist beers, not just the Chimay ( It is one of the most famous though ).
You should check out some more Trappist beer if you don't know others than the Chimay. Personally I also enjoy the beer from the Rochefort Brewery.


19 Mar 2011, 01:50

My favorite beer is "Kölsch" ( It is a local beer from Cologne. There are serveral producer of Kölsch like Sünner, Früh, Gilden but my personal favorite is Gaffel. Kölsch means also the dialect in Cologne, so it is the only language you can drink :)


love it <3

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19 Mar 2011, 09:52

I've been really enjoying Racer 5 IPA lately.


23 Mar 2011, 04:08

:mrgreen: Mr. green smiley?

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Wild Duck

28 Sep 2011, 22:12

Lots of surprises in this Belgium beer test (includes some foreign beers). Aldi beer is best buy, Heineken is in the top along some famous Belgium beers. ... d=Q33G9DA7 ... ertest.jpg


28 Sep 2011, 23:37

Ouch, pwned by Germans...

I'm not so much a fan of pilsner though...

Count Troller

29 Sep 2011, 08:58

Whenever you go to Prague, czech this out:

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30 Sep 2011, 18:18

Vitamalz and Tigerblood!


30 Sep 2011, 20:50

Minskleip wrote:I mostly get drunk when I drink strong drinkgs too, lest I get sick. Or sick/drunk like last time, which was very weirds haha.

The best is getting really drunk and then get sick in the morning haha
How is this the best ? I prefer to get sick before going to bed... then drink water in the night (spill everywhere but who cares)... thats the best !


01 Oct 2011, 06:29

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Wild Duck

01 Oct 2011, 11:50

4000 spam posts in the clone thread!


01 Oct 2011, 11:55

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01 Oct 2011, 21:39

Orval rules

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03 Oct 2011, 03:15

I'm hoping this beer comes with this included? Not the prettiest, but works for sure. :lol:


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