The Death Of Hobbyist Forums


26 Jun 2012, 21:14


27 Jun 2012, 15:01

Threads like this are why I think Reddit type up vote systems are the future.

Stupid answers are down voted, good are up voted. ... _that_are/

Of course this also implies a future of cute animal pictures dominating online discussion.


27 Jun 2012, 15:10

Djuzuh reminds me of tp4tissue.

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27 Jun 2012, 15:11

@rip: whoring is never the future.


27 Jun 2012, 15:21

Off, Admit it. You'd UPVOTE this.


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27 Jun 2012, 15:24

and that's exacly my point.


27 Jun 2012, 15:27

For someone that says they are trying to post less here you spend a LOT of time reading and replying to my posts.

You are starting to remind me of Rknozy.

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27 Jun 2012, 15:29

Your posts really don't take long to read.
And 'that was yesterday'.

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Daniel Beaver

27 Jun 2012, 15:41

Eventually all the noobs will migrate over to Deskthority and RUIN IT FOREVER. At which point there will be an exodus to a newer, more snobby elite forum.


27 Jun 2012, 15:46

Wait, but I thought you liked being snobby?

Anyway GH will ALWAYS be the place to buy overpriced pieces of Signature Plastic plastic.

iMav's groub buys sure seem to be taking a while...My Vortex took 4 days after ordering.


27 Jun 2012, 17:57

So to get back on topic THIS I found interesting.

OCN truly is in the tank with page views:

SAME Content!!! ... tml#p55796 ... x-red-pics
5 posts 139 views
36 posts 444 views
Don't get Mad OCN'rs like Reaper And Waar/Demik. I do it FOR SCIENCE!

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27 Jun 2012, 18:01

Stop posting that damn pure! Everytime I see it I want to order one just to remember why I didn't a split-second later.


27 Jun 2012, 18:10

Here are my PortaPotty pics instead....Please Upvote Them to take your mind off your loss. ... ghborhood/


27 Jun 2012, 18:43

Meanwhile at Geekhack.
Will The Last Geekhacker Please Turn Off The Lights.PNG
Will The Last Geekhacker Please Turn Off The Lights.PNG (26.35 KiB) Viewed 4579 times
Boy, constant Trojan/Virus attacks sure doesn't help viewership.

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27 Jun 2012, 19:50

ripster wrote:Meanwhile at Geekhack.

Will The Last Geekhacker Please Turn Off The Lights
Wake up Ripster, you're nodding off & dreaming again, :lol:

ripster wrote:Boy, constant Trojan/Virus attacks sure doesn't help viewership.
Or being down so long, gives folks a chance to look up from the screen and see there is a whole world out there...


27 Jun 2012, 19:55

It cracks me up when people spend the time to post that I shouldn't post so much.
Or being down so long, gives folks a chance to look up from the screen and see there is a whole world out there...
It is Irony at its best.

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27 Jun 2012, 19:57

ripster wrote:It cracks me up when people spend the time to post that I shouldn't post so much.
Post what?! BE SPECIFIC MAN, how else can I form a proper ironical response?


27 Jun 2012, 19:58

Why bother? Your responses are always duller than mine so I only use you to set up jokes.

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27 Jun 2012, 20:02

ripster wrote:Why bother? Your responses are always duller than mine so I only use you to set up jokes.
Confirmed, you're going passive-aggressive abrasive negativist on me again. Even so, I'll admit you usually aren't dull, although less entertaining when you get frustrated and snippy.


27 Jun 2012, 20:06

Being always right on a Hobbyist Forum also irritates people online no end I have found.


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27 Jun 2012, 20:36

Could the OCN posting please stop?
As in, DT and GH and OCN are three different beasts, let's keep it that way. Same for reddit.
OCN is good in it's own right, as is GH (though becoming OCNified, quite probably in no small part to the above poster). . .


27 Jun 2012, 20:39

Dude, please read the post title. This is about as ontopic as you can get.

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27 Jun 2012, 20:47

Di d I call it offtopic?

My point is exactly ontopic, namely, you are killing hobbyist forums by interbreeding them into a new reddit.


27 Jun 2012, 20:50

Well, THAT might be true...I AM a Karma Whore.

But I am only one person. History is rarely turned by one person unless he is a Kennedy.

Maybe an Obama.

And DEFINITELY a ClickClack.

If Webwit wanted to bring everybody over all he'd have to do was convince ClickClack that uptime here is a TAD better than Geekhack. Plus you don't have to reload all your photos. ... _key_pics/


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28 Jun 2012, 00:17

Is it me or does the dramatic decline at both and signal the end of hobbyist forums?
I have been posting on bulletin boards and forums for a very long time now and although I am sure you will assert that you have been posting on them far longer than me and that my opinion is invalid I can say that the statement made above is something I have seen time and time again. I do not think it signals the end of anything. Nostalgia is a hell of a thing.

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28 Jun 2012, 00:33

Everything today is improved and I don't like it. I hate it! In my day we didn't have hair dryers. If you wanted to blow dry your hair you stood outside during a hurricane. Your hair was dry but you had a sharp piece of wood driven clear through your skull and that's the way it was and you liked it! You loved it. Whoopee! These young punks nowadays? They ain’t paid no dues. Act like they invented the dadgum Internet! Them and their Tweetdecks and “social networking” and what-have you. By cracky, when I was their age, a computer had punch-cards and was the size of a Buick! Dang smart-alecky upstarts want to tell me about this here “blogging” stuff, do they? GET OFF MY LAWN!


28 Jun 2012, 01:02

TexasFlood wrote:Everything today is improved and I don't like it. I hate it! In my day we didn't have hair dryers. If you wanted to blow dry your hair you stood outside during a hurricane. Your hair was dry but you had a sharp piece of wood driven clear through your skull and that's the way it was and you liked it! You loved it. Whoopee! These young punks nowadays? They ain’t paid no dues. Act like they invented the dadgum Internet! Them and their Tweetdecks and “social networking” and what-have you. By cracky, when I was their age, a computer had punch-cards and was the size of a Buick! Dang smart-alecky upstarts want to tell me about this here “blogging” stuff, do they? GET OFF MY LAWN!


28 Jun 2012, 01:56

I dunno. IMav sure is doing a good impression of MySpace.

Terrible uptime.

Privacy hazards(your IP address and email are exposed to 23 HS/college students)

Little innovation.

Stupid posts by teens.

Massive bailouts of longtime users: Maybe one or two Senior Geekhackers left there.
Can't EVEN post pics like that any more!
Geekhack is up but attachments are currently broken. This is, primarily, to allow for group buys to continue. More info will be provided later.


28 Jun 2012, 19:30

Wait, this Can NOT be a good sign...........

Latest Group Buy at Geekhack.



(images virus checked and uploaded to IMGUR so you can click without fear of being infected)

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28 Jun 2012, 20:22

Yikes. I figured you'd come up with something else though...
sheepkeys.jpg (26.42 KiB) Viewed 4455 times

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