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Vote in this round for a chance at winning an Excalibur SE Spectrum keyboard from Tesoro.
Round 3 rules:
It's time to choose this year's winner. Please vote to determine the best modern keyboard or company of 2016.
See the first and second round for reference. Congratulations to all participants.
The final round ends on Saturday 10 December, 20:00 UTC. You can change your vote until the end of the round by resubmitting the poll. The winner and full results will be released soon after the vote closes.
Official nominees:
VE.A by Oddforge
VE.A by Oddforge for their pursuit of "a very high standard that many others do not even consider"

Cooler Master
CM has been an active member of the keyboard community. We'll all miss their Novatouch, so consider this its last hurrah.

Zeal has been "aggressively innovating in the Keyboard space, instead of just using what has gone before."

XMIT Hall Effect Keyboard by XMIT Keyboards
XMIT revived a great technology and tuned it to enthusiasts' taste.

MiniVan by TheVan Keyboards
The MiniVan is the one 40% that nails it. The tiny keyboard made a huge splash in the community.