The nominees for the Best vintage keyboard or cache category were:
Photekq's throne of G81-3100SDUs
Atomicthumbs' beam springs
Cindy's Unsaver haul
Snuci's Model M rescue
Rusty beam springs in an abandoned place
Cindy's XT and F122 haul for the MF project
The Wingnut, as voted for by the keyboard community, goes to...
Snuci's Model M rescue
I don't know where to put this but I am the happy recipient of a few IBM Model M's that were rescued from an automotive plant today. As a vintage computer collector, I have been able to acquire various items and save them from demolition. These keyboards were on the scrap pile waiting to be sent out but I managed to trade a couple of vintage computers for the lot. I figured you guys might like to see my progress with these.
All told, there are 20 keyboards. More info and pics to come later. This is probably the norm for clickykeyboards or elecplus but I'm pretty pumped about this find.
2nd place: Photekq's throne of G81-3100SDUs
Lots and lots of NIB Cherry G81-3100SDUs! They all survived the trip from Canada to Wales. I also made a throne. I didn't think I'd ever get another chance to be a true Cherry King!
3rd place: Cindy's XT and F122 haul for the MF project
Our respected senior member and official club secretary, known for her legendary keyboard hauls across continents, contributed to lot_lizard's great Model MF - Remodeling the Model M project by supplying these 30 F122s.
Honorable mentions:
Rusty beam springs in an abandoned place
While this photo technically wasn't taken by Madhias, it was posted by him.
An interesting place, we could play how much nice keyboards are hidden in that picture
Atomicthumbs' beam springs
Yes, I know what they are, and yes, I did find them in the trash. I work at an electronics recycler. There are three of them; one is typewriter-layout, two have APL tripleshots, and one has the Attribute Select keys; a keyboard enthusiast coworker took the typewriter one.
Cindy's Unsaver haul
Cindy, A.K.A. elecplus, regularly acquires lots of vintage keyboards. The Unsavers didn't last long when marketed to Deskthority users!
Congratulations to all participants. Thanks for making the 2016 DTAs extraordinary!