Future of DT

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06 Oct 2021, 21:17

Winter is coming. This is the season we of the north let it all grow…


07 Oct 2021, 03:59

Redmaus wrote: 05 Oct 2021, 21:03 Oh, we very much are. There is also a dedicated area for templates in outline, so it will be simple for new users to get up to date on proper style and structure. Here is our current form of the posting guidelines:
https://outline.nexthority.net/share/75 ... b754f45a69
Thanks, I joined the Discord!

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07 Oct 2021, 09:50

Redmaus wrote: 05 Oct 2021, 21:22
Muirium wrote: 05 Oct 2021, 21:19 Don’t forget the PM search function! Losing that here in the great backend transition really threw me off my game. Same for 7bit, whose empire relied on full text notification emails.
Already included. Another thing nexthority provides is group PM's! :mrgreen:
Sounds promising! If I grab an account now, can I change my username to my desired 2 letters if and when you support that?

May need to find somewhere to land if… well, you know.

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Gotta start somewhere

07 Oct 2021, 19:27

Muirium wrote: 07 Oct 2021, 09:50 Sounds promising! If I grab an account now, can I change my username to my desired 2 letters if and when you support that?

May need to find somewhere to land if… well, you know.
Should be. I will likely have to redo the entire authentication scheme as it wasn't setup properly the first time. So I wouldn't worry about name limitations, lots of things will be changed regarding auth.
linuxfanatic wrote: 07 Oct 2021, 03:59
Redmaus wrote: 05 Oct 2021, 21:03 Oh, we very much are. There is also a dedicated area for templates in outline, so it will be simple for new users to get up to date on proper style and structure. Here is our current form of the posting guidelines:
https://outline.nexthority.net/share/75 ... b754f45a69
Thanks, I joined the Discord!
Sweet, always happy to welcome new users! :)


08 Oct 2021, 04:21

Was he the one behind the SA Dasher keycaps?

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08 Oct 2021, 11:27

SK-8K wrote: 08 Oct 2021, 04:21 Was he the one behind the SA Dasher keycaps?
You asking about 7bit? No, Dasher was zslane. 7bit did Round 4, 5 and 6, massive GBs he handled himself as a shipping middleman. Huge ordeal! Zslane simply ran his via Massdrop as I recall.

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01 Nov 2021, 22:59

Made a new user—Mu—at Nexthority. Registered fine but can’t log in:
Failed to update Flarum user: The given data was invalid.
Also. So. Many. Tabs. Created. When. Browsing. Don’t do that plz thx! It’s nipping my tits.

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Gotta start somewhere

02 Nov 2021, 23:43

Muirium wrote: 01 Nov 2021, 22:59 Made a new user—Mu—at Nexthority. Registered fine but can’t log in:
Failed to update Flarum user: The given data was invalid.
Also. So. Many. Tabs. Created. When. Browsing. Don’t do that plz thx! It’s nipping my tits.
Flarum itself does not allow users that have less than three characters, I apologize for the limitation but there isn't anything to be done. If I could make it happen, I would.

More info on the tabs issue? This might just be from registering, but the forum shouldn't be creating a bunch of new tabs per click.

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09 Dec 2021, 13:24

Palatino wrote: 04 Oct 2021, 22:50 The name is snappy, but the same objection could be levelled at it as at Travelodge. Trave-lodge: what’s a Trave? Travel-odge: what’s an odge? But Travellodge is too ugly, albeit with Welsh overtones (“I’m staying at the local traah-veh-gggghhho-jah!”)

Nexthority isn’t quite so bad because “thority” is already an arbitrary string from “authority”, so why not just a shorter string, “hority”: Next-hority. Where all the keebaholics hang out… until the next Buyoutgate.

Moral: if it ain’t broke, don’t suffix it.
Not so great I say, it can get ugly: Next-horrorty, Next-horibly... And more

Do something more clever and with a relevant innuendo: as it will be the response of the community against the desk-authority, a cool name would be one that describes it: revolution, mutiny, opposition etc, e.g.:

Deskbelity (from rebelity)




Deskvolution (I like this one)



Deskrenegade (bad to the bone, baaaaad to the bone)

And so many more
Last edited by NeK on 09 Dec 2021, 13:27, edited 1 time in total.


09 Dec 2021, 13:26


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09 Dec 2021, 13:28

gianni wrote: 09 Dec 2021, 13:26Deskception
Ok this is the best one ngl :D

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09 Dec 2021, 17:34

Or the name can be a comment on the current Deskthority situation and you can just call it Desktrocity.

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19 Dec 2021, 23:58

Any idea of what happened to Nexthority? Looks to still be out of commission.

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21 Dec 2021, 23:55

Just had a look. Redmaus is busy and no one’s really checking in and posting yet. That unfortunate forced content wipe didn’t do any favours.

Needs a real launch.

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22 Dec 2021, 10:54

Nexthority had a lot of momentum initially, but both the forum and wiki have been rebooted and that sort of killed the momentum IMO.
I personally prefer discord for banter, forum for documentation/elaboration, and wiki to present facts and have a place to make any info from the forums easily searchable.
Of those 3 things I could handle the loss of the forums the most. A lot of information gets lost because people don't put it on the wiki so it gets forgot about. Since it is mostly forgot about and hard to find anyway though I think that part dyeing out would be bearable. The wiki is the most important piece of the pie by far and any place people jump ship to has to come with a strong wiki IMO. That's where the rich knowledge of the community lives. There's a million places to shoot the shit about keyboards but exactly 1 keyboard wiki.


22 Dec 2021, 11:29

It looked initially like a good candidate to become "next Deskthority", and people started to register & submit the content - but actions like deletion of all the users and wiping of content produced predictable result. I myself in particular totally lost any interest to that site.

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22 Dec 2021, 12:47

Yeah, that's unfortunate. I dunno if Nexthority will get critical mass. And to be quite honest, that's a euphemism!

Take a look at this:
https://web.archive.org/web/20190123082 ... ehype.net/

TypeHype looked pretty good for a while, around 2019. I wasn't looking for another place to go, but Trev's Realforce R2 review caught my interest and I liked the site. (If not the name!) Trouble is: that link's to the Wayback Machine for a reason. TypeHype sunk. RIP.


22 Dec 2021, 13:52

Wow, Tangent triple trackball! :o

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22 Dec 2021, 15:41

Oh, that’s what it is? I just assumed it was some whimsical looking set of desktop speakers or decoration on a monitor stand! :roll:

Strange space to put a pointing device. Might just be for show, I guess. But, uh, why three? A pointing device for an Octopus?

Ohhh… I see.
https://www.avantadigital.com/tangent-r ... oller.html

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08 Jan 2022, 00:13

Jesus, it seems I missed everything.

It's a pity, Deskthority used to be a nice place.

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08 Jan 2022, 10:35

It certainly used to be a busier place. (And a bit less spammy, when we had a mod or two!)

Something will happen regards the ownership. Can't see this paid hiatus lasting forever

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The Tiproman

18 Jan 2022, 13:24

kossmoss wrote: 18 Jan 2022, 12:41
__red__ wrote: 17 Dec 2018, 02:20 I just wanted to say that your English is excellent so please don't ever think that that is any kind of issue for you to contribute to the English language wiki.

(It's a wiki - you can make your own spanish section) ;-)
Yes bro agree post. my suggtion is same..

[spam link]
Obvious SPAM quoting a 4 years old post.

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21 Jan 2022, 12:56

You can tell things are going great when our SPAMmy echo is parroting forum complaints now as well as old keyboard threads…

How long until he's duplicating these spam reports, I wonder? Save us the effort and tag yourself, mate!


21 Jan 2022, 20:40

Wonder if we should make a "Join Nexthority" thread and get someone to pin it to the top of the forum.

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22 Jan 2022, 01:13

Our Someone, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name…

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22 Jan 2022, 15:30

Yeah lets find someone. I know he is somewhere that someone.


25 Jan 2022, 22:55

It's really sad seeing this forum slowly fall apart. Haven't been here long, but even before joining the DT wiki was one of the best places to look up info on a keyboard. Seems like nexthority got off to a rocky start but just made an account there in case it takes off and the decline here proves to be terminal

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25 Jan 2022, 23:03

Actually, it’s been worse. At least post traffic (ignoring spam) is higher now than it was a year or two ago. There was a while when DT was about as quiet as Nexthority is, but without the excuse of being brand new.

Making an account there is a smart move. I suggest everyone prepares, just in case. Right now, there is no business model for DT. Who pays the server bills? Well… it could wind up being our good friend Someone.

(They don’t exist!)

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25 Jan 2022, 23:12

Muirium wrote: 25 Jan 2022, 23:03 Actually, it’s been worse. At least post traffic (ignoring spam) is higher now than it was a year or two ago. There was a while when DT was about as quiet as Nexthority is, but without the excuse of being brand new.

Making an account there is a smart move. I suggest everyone prepares, just in case. Right now, there is no business model for DT. Who pays the server bills? Well… it could wind up being our good friend Someone.

(They don’t exist!)
I agree with Mu. Let's just all make ourselves ready for moving, just in case.

I don't understand what the new owner was anticipating with his purchase of this site (if he even had plans to begin with).

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05 Feb 2022, 22:52

So, sounds like we've got moderation now, finally... but what does the ownership/funding status of the forum look like? Or the back-end maintenance?

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