10 Dec 2018, 21:11
1. The wiki is the main port of call, making it easier to contribute information is key. I would also like to see it encouraged to add more information beyond the technical aspects of a board. Who made it, why, when and where? The tech industry is full of wonderful human stories. How did these devices come to be?
2. A greater focus or spotlight on projects is a great idea. So many people get into vintage keyboards because they see someone else doing something cool, in a step by step process, and start to think it might be achievable for them. I think it's imperative that the wealth of knowledge and creativity on display be the flagship feature of the forum. Like McDonalds, you go there for the Burger (Wiki), but you stay for the Shakes (Conversions, Barn Finds, Restorations, Tomfoolery)
3. Dedicated forum groups for fans of individual switches/manufacturers. Nothing stirs up activity like assigning people to arbitrary teams. ALPS deserves their own category, not just the appreciation thread. Someone who really loves Outemu switches might disappear in the "Keyboards" topic, but if they had their own place, they might find their own voice and really start to contribute their passion to the community, and get others onboard too.
4. If a software change is in the cards, I would like to put in a vote for a darker theme. I'm not saying full Geekhack, I know the contrast is somewhat intentional, just some grey tones so it's easier on the eyes. I'm thinking a Grey with White lettered double shots kind of colour scheme.
5. Getting into the less important but still relevant in a first impressions kind of way, I know it's almost blasphemous because it is a cool logo, but I've always thought it odd that the DeskThority title isn't made from a keyboard specific font, or group of of fonts. I am more than happy to lend Graphical Assistance.
6. On a board with a lean towards the vintage and classic, there is always going to be a predilection for leaving things the way they are and not changing anything. So thank you if you made it this far into my suggestions without exploding into a torrent of fiery rage and planning out your next Viking Blood Feud.