White space above #wrapper

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18 Feb 2016, 16:47


is this white space above the banner something like a feature? I find it a bit irritating...
dt.JPG (269.59 KiB) Viewed 3586 times
I tried the following to change some CSS but that changed the layout completely...

Code: Select all

#wrapper {
    padding-top: 0px;
A dirty hack is setting it to 0.001em which results in a nicer top of the page:
dt2.JPG (273.07 KiB) Viewed 3586 times
Is any of this intended? :D

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18 Feb 2016, 17:09

I think it's on purpose. I've long noticed the gap but shrugged it off as in keeping with DT's light, white background style.

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18 Feb 2016, 17:11

I'm pretty sure it's on purpose. I agree it's not needed, but I can live with it (like the weird padding on the "spy" tab)

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18 Feb 2016, 20:57

I expect this to be part of the design and it really fits imo. At least on a desktop where you don't need to cramp a lot of info in as little space as possible.

That said, the first thing I do after I see the banner is eiter clicking on Spy, clicking on the logo or scrolling down. It really serves no function, only form.

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16 Feb 2017, 17:35

OK, I had another look at this... If the following three rules are removed, the gap will disappear and the site will still look work.

For #header: position: absolute;

For #wrapper: padding-top: 20px;

For #container: margin-top: 190px;

Not that this really needs to be implemented... I mean, it's just a little gap. How could someone find a little white gap on a website irritating?

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