DTA 2019 Phase 2 - Finds / Collections / Restorations
The time has come! Cast your final vote to the best find, coolest collection or most incredible restoration.
You have one week to vote (ends 2019-12-01).
Winner gets a Wingnut keycap, who gets the most votes between all categories will receive a Gold wingnut!
The nominees are
*** Heikkonen's beamspring find ***
*** karlmartin95’s F77 find ***
*** Alps discovery by XTaran ***
*** unusual Alps switches by snacksthecat ***
*** kmnov2017 for the Model F restoration ***
*** Darcruix's beamspring and F107 collection ***
*** Tron's collection of beamsprings ***
*** Mattr567 for restoring and saving his G80-2100 ***
*** ZedTheMan's triple Beamspring restoration ***
*** redmaus for his massive haul from Computer Reset ***