How do I fix my Ducky's mushy spacebar and LEDs?


21 Nov 2013, 00:42

So I just got my new Ducky (Non-Shine) keyboard with Red switches and I love it.

Unfortunately, the spacebar is way too mushy and the Caps Lock and Num Lock LEDs are far too bright.

How would I fix the mushy spacebar to make it feel more tactile and disable the LEDS on those keys?

Thank you for reading.


21 Nov 2013, 16:41

What switch is in the spacebar, a red? If so I would replace it with a black switch. I always like heavier switch on spacebar. Light switches feel way too soft on such a large key.
For the led you could replace those with some that have a lower mcd (brightness) rating.


22 Nov 2013, 03:48

it might feel mushy because of the cherry stabilizers. they can be trimmed - ... 80-90.html

also, try a different spacebar, if you have one spare. my shine3 came with 2 spacebars and i found that one of them are harder to press than the other


22 Nov 2013, 18:59

Welcome to the forum!

Unfortunately, to get the Cherry plate-mounted stabilisers out, you would need to desolder the switch that they stabilise and that poses some risk. When desoldering, I would advice that you use a soldering iron that is not too hot. 15W is good. With 30W soldering iron, the risk of damaging the PCB is higher.

Once the switch is out, you press the tiny black plastic levers to unlock and then wiggle the entire stabiliser assembly out through the hole in the plate.

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