In fact I went TKL, vertical enter is the only thing I miss.
Me too I don't exactly like QWERTY,
and I searched a better layout for me, I thought a lot of,
and ended up to the conclusion that even if standards are not optimized,
they are everywhere immediately accessible so for me it was ephemeral to go to my personal choice,
because of no evident BIG benefit.
But it's good to have choices as it's good to know many languages.
I think qwerty is like english, you have to know it, you need it,
then if you know other languages that's good too,
but it depends on your job how much professional you need to speak that language.
many other thing I would like to use as more efficent
starting from the operating system, that nowadays are just all caos (all of them).
Remapping follow the same thought,
I dedicated so much time to analize a good solution,
I thought eurkey
was the best, but then again you have to work to install, distribute...
So at the end International English is everywhere yet.
I found my "optimal middle" was