Well, I immediately noticed that nobody, except for me, took any bidding interest in the CRT/terminals, but the keyboards seemed to have immediate bidding activity...even the one with the missing keys!
Now, I'm not surprised, because learning about the passions of the keyboard experts and aficionados here, I immediately thought that someone who saw the beauty, art, and quality in these keyboards, took an immediate interest to them. (and yes, the keyboards most likely are the same magnetic reed KeyTronic type just like I posted about a few months back viewtopic.php?f=2&t=21996 )
Well, I'm here both to report, and to apologize for, my selfishness to have and desire to pay the extra money to outbid all bidders, and be certain that these keyboards stayed with their CRT/Terminals. You see, I really wanted to be certain that I would be able to assure myself, and all the world's vintage computer fans, that they would be restored to their (mostly) original functioning glory, connected to their original terminal/CRT units, and then further connected to their originally intended host system. And, I've realized, that I may be one of only two people in the world restoring Entrex/Nixdorf 620 systems that they are from http://Entrex480.com ...and I'm helping the other guy get his running!...but I digress.
Anyway, I post this here not to brag or to boast, but rather to offer a very backwards yet quite sincere apology of sorts. I had a strong feeling that one or more members of this group, might be some of the individuals that I outbid for this.
So, for what it's worth, I'm sorry, truly. I only hope that it's some comfort to offer the knowledge and the assurance that I, the very person who outbid you, will indeed preserve these keyboards back to full functioning status, and keep them matched with their original terminals, which will in turn keep those matched with their original, obscure, nearly extinct host Nixdorf 620 system.
AND, I plan to share these with all interested at future VCF shows around the US (and possibly world) as these projects progress...perhaps I'll see some of you there when that time comes?
Anyway, I hope this rambling of mine has found (or helped create) a somewhat humorous mood in the midst of this holiday season.
Best always, everyone...