Surprised I missed it, as I regularly view Convergent Technologies items on eBay
So, I'm curious...did this happen to go to anyone here?
What grabs me about this auction description is that the person listing seems to have a firm grasp on the collectability of certain keyboards, more importantly than anything about the machine that it could be from. Which I'm not used to seeing (but then again, I'm not a keyboard collector per se...)
My interest in this keyboard is only because I own 4 machines that it plugs into...the Convergent "AWS" Workstation (pre-NGEN), and Burroughs B-20, which is the Burroughs equivalent of the same machine, again, manufactured by Convergent Technologies, just branded for Burroughs. ... ation.html
As far as I know, I'm the only one who is reporting to attempt to restore any of these vintage of Convergent AWS workstations.
So, the reason I bring it up here, is, not only to learn everyone's perspective here, but to remark that I have several of these keyboards myself. The only thing is that I don't have an equal matching number of keyboards vs machines. Instead, I have more machines than keyboards, so I am short a few, but that's OK. (Yes, my web page linked above states that I don't have a keyboard, but I got a few when I acquired several more of these machines the following year...)
As I've stated here before on other posts, my main goal is to restore and preserve systems as a whole, and I do have at least 2 or 3 keyboards to the 4 or 5 AWS workstations that I have. So as long as I have enough keyboards to get 2 or 3 full systems working (which I do), that is sufficient for me.
BTW, I haven't gotten any to work yet, it's been a crazy year for sure, for everyone!
Anyway, I'm just curious enough to track where this Convergent AWS keyboard might end up, in who's collection, and what it means to them. All good stuff!
Thanks, all!