Help to identify this keyboard


21 Oct 2020, 18:03

New to pre-1980 keyboards and found this interesting with the RUB OUT, LR, CR, and BREAK keys. Guessing Acorn related but not entirely certain.

IMG_2262.PNG (2.78 MiB) Viewed 1824 times


24 Oct 2020, 22:47

Well it looks like the keyboard was originally embedded in a system, so you are really trying to identify what system it was. The CR key is likely a carriage return key so the system was most likely a word processor. It may help if you show some more pictures, including a picture of the switches.

Edit: I made some silly conclusions. It could be a word processor, electric typewriter, or computer.

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25 Oct 2020, 17:54

Most likely a terminal. A word processor or typewriter wouldn't have a bit-paired ASCII layout.


02 Nov 2020, 16:20

Thank you for responding, unfortunately no additional context to share as this keyboard was found in a box by itself. The owner was a prolific hardware developer and had all sorts of prototypes and parts.

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03 Nov 2020, 19:05

Any serial numbers or markings that could help identify it?

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