Joystick Competition Mini w/ Teensy

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18 Apr 2021, 23:29

Comp Mini.jpg
Comp Mini.jpg (1.41 MiB) Viewed 29607 times
comp mini pcb.jpg
comp mini pcb.jpg (754.51 KiB) Viewed 29607 times
Because the pcb is also the switch holder, I reused the PCB for ground connections etc.
I replaced the switches for the directions. I could not get the original one, so I have to take every switch apart and change one internal switch pins. Alltogether it made a lot more work than I thought. :D

Nice to have a keyboard joystick. So it willl work with many OS's / Devices.


19 Apr 2021, 01:55

Cool! Did you keep the auto-fire in some way, or did anything else useful with the switch?

Hmm.. So keyboard protocol is useful for game controllers, huh? Which keys did you map?

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19 Apr 2021, 09:48

Code: Select all

# Competition Pro Mini

	scanrate 1
	debounce 5
	blocking 0

    sense           PB1         PB2         PB3         PB7      PD0    PD1
    strobe PB4  LCTRL       LALT        down     right      left      up
The auto-fire is actually not in function.


22 Apr 2021, 02:58

This is a really clean conversion, even with the translucent shell most poeple wouldn't realize it was modified.
It's the perfect size for a crowed desk. I wonder how it compares to the Logitech Wingman Attack 3 I picked up years ago.

Most joysticks that aren't terrible actually seem pretty good. Sure beat using the arrow keys anyway.


22 Apr 2021, 19:24

Rayndalf wrote: 22 Apr 2021, 02:58 I wonder how it compares to the Logitech Wingman Attack 3 I picked up years ago.
Your Logitech joystick is an analogue flight stick, whereas the Competition Pro Mini is digital, closer to an arcade stick as used for fighting games.
I also prefer joysticks over a D-pad or arrow keys: I especially find that it is easier to hit diagonals accurately with a joystick.

The digital handheld joysticks were for 8-bit and 16-bit home computers and video games, mostly from Atari and Commodore. The switches were wired directly to the plug, and if the joystick had two buttons then they most often did the same thing: only to allow the stick to be used with either the left or the right hand.
I have documented the pinout(s) and the many devices for this plug in the Wiki.
A couple years ago, I made an adaptor to USB (USB HID protocol for joysticks) with a Pro Micro and my own firmware, but I never released that. I got back to the code a few days ago, and I plan to release a revised code in a week or two. I'll definitely add keyboard protocol support in a future revision!

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