Keycap Size overview for common boards

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13 Feb 2013, 11:15

I would like to have a keycap size overview in the wiki. Not a big deal, but helpful.
Maybe there is some, but I did not found something.

I use the Online Keyboard Layout Editor from ne0phyte to make some:

Pure ... 5%24%24%0A
Poker ... 5%24%24%0A
Race ... 1.25%24%24
Choc Mini ... 0%20%24%24

I really don't know how to make a new section in

I need some input.
And I need a title. "Keycap Size for common boards"

Hope to get some feedback here.

Last edited by CeeSA on 13 Feb 2013, 16:12, edited 2 times in total.

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13 Feb 2013, 11:26

At least there is a page with space bar measures.

There is a 2nd one sorted by keyboard:

Just use the same concept for Esc, Tab, Caps, Control, Return, whatever ....

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13 Feb 2013, 11:48

hmm, I think it will not fit this way...
It make little sense to make this by single Keycaps. First of all the people own boards. That is what this little overview should be for. Just to check the keycap size by board.

BTW: I couldn't find 'Space' in the overview 'Pages in category ‘Keycaps’ '? Should there be a Link?

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Daniel Beardsmore

13 Feb 2013, 21:20

There are two categories here with overlap:

Category:Keycaps — don't know what this category is for honestly
Category:Keyboard keys — keys on the keyboard, e.g. Alt, Return, Fn

Space is a keyboard key, and is under the latter.
CeeSA wrote:I really don't know how to make a new section in Category:Keycaps
Easiest way is to type the name of your desired page into the search box at the top right, and search for it. The search results page will say 'Create the page "Name of page" on this wiki!' at the top — click this link to fill in page content. (Check whether anything similar comes up in the results first, in case what you were going to create, already exists)

To categorise the page, just type the following somewhere in the page, usually at the bottom:

[[Category:Name of category]]



That text doesn't show up on the page, it categorises the page instead. Note that you cannot preview categorisation; to check whether the category is correct, put a colon in front of the name, then preview, make sure the category name is blue (page exists) not red (category name mistyped), then remove the colon:


The above is a link to a category, instead of a categorisation.

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14 Feb 2013, 09:28

Thanks for the help.

I added this page

I hope I could add more and more Keyboards in the future.

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Daniel Beardsmore

14 Feb 2013, 12:19

The page doesn't work unless you open every image full size — could do with textual descriptions (tables or bullets) and maybe cropped images of specific key groups at a larger size. Textual descriptions are easier to skim read and quote, instead of trying to measure key size with your eyes or by holding a ruler to the screen :)

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14 Feb 2013, 12:31

Can't you specify a width for the images?
See ... ide_images

EDIT: Changed it. I'm not sure if that looks good yet, but you can at least read the widths without having to open each image.
Last edited by ne0phyte on 14 Feb 2013, 12:36, edited 1 time in total.

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Daniel Beardsmore

14 Feb 2013, 12:33

Yes, though the page would then be a solid wall of images, and you'd still have to spend time gauging keycap sizes with your eyeballs to figure out what the page could have said verbally in the first place :-)

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14 Feb 2013, 12:38

Well, you can still jump to a specific image by clicking on e.g. 'KBC Poker' in the Contents.

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Daniel Beardsmore

14 Feb 2013, 12:42

It's actually nice to be able to read the data off the page, ya know?

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14 Feb 2013, 13:40

Is there a use case for reading the data from the page? If yes, in which format should it be? Per Row, comma seperated?

My approach was helping the user to get all keys for his keyboard.

It would be perfect to link this to some kind of "groupbuy interface".
I always think, the majority of users would like to pick kits keyboardwise.

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Daniel Beardsmore

14 Feb 2013, 13:47

Search engines? Copy/paste? Images don't convey either indexable/searchable information or anything you can easily transfer to another page or program. Your choice.

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14 Feb 2013, 13:48

I guess some kind of list in addition to the image per key would be good.

Code: Select all

1.00 : 48
1.25 : 7
1.50 : 2
below each image.
But like you said: what format to use?

I don't really see the use of the full layout in plain text. If you want to check what size key xyz is you look at the image. If you want to order keys you have a list of total keys per size.

@CeeSA: Before you start counting... I'll add counting and generation of a list like that to the old generator later today.
Last edited by ne0phyte on 14 Feb 2013, 14:10, edited 1 time in total.

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14 Feb 2013, 14:04

there is also the code for the Online Keyboard Editor:

Code: Select all

1::1  1::1  1::1  1::1  1::1  1::1  1::1  1::1  1::1  1::1  1::1  1::1  1::1  2.0::2$$
1.5::1.5  1::1  1::1  1::1  1::1  1::1  1::1  1::1  1::1  1::1  1::1  1::1  1::1  1.5::1.5$$
1.75::1.75  1::1  1::1  1::1  1::1  1::1  1::1  1::1  1::1  1::1  1 ::1  1::1  2.25::2.25$$
2.25::2.25  1::1  1::1  1::1  1::1  1::1  1::1  1::1  1::1  1::1  1::1  1,75::1.75  1::1$$
1.25::1.25  1.25::1.25  1.25::1.25  KBT Pure 6.25::6.25  1.25::1.25  1.25::1.25  1.25::1.25  1.25::1.25$$
Copy and convert this information to an interface or program is a motivation.
Searching for this kind of text could be difficult.

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Daniel Beardsmore

14 Feb 2013, 19:43

@ne0phyte: what you could do, is have a button that:

a) shows key sizes instead of key legends (so you don't need custom code just to get the cap size view), and
b) colour-codes the keyboard according to size, e.g. pastel blue = 1, pastel cyan = 1.25, pastel deep green = 1.5, pastel lime = 1.75, pastel yellow = 2.25 etc :-) (Obviously a scheme that doesn't change over time, otherwise you'd have to redo the whole page with new colours)

(It would make the page all pretty, and make size features stand out =)

SVG output would be cool too -- and probably easy. Time-consuming, but easy, as SVG is just XML. Then we can upload SVG images to the wiki and have nice scalable images instead of PNG.


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Daniel Beardsmore

14 Feb 2013, 20:31

Actually, if you could generate colour-coded SVG, then we could have a master system to generate images such as these: ... ustrations

e.g. ... _keyboards

That second page has a much more complex image derived from my master SVG, showing all the different layers that my master image has got (which are hidden in each SVG and can be activated as needed, but you'd need to take the newest SVG to get all the latest improvements to it).

All dreaming, but maybe over time this will all converge, along with matt3o's SP Color Chooser.

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