Does anyone have one these switches, and does it look anything like that?
There's at least two things wrong with that "photo":
- it's got the old Cherry logo, when all my MX RGB switches use the new logo (since they use new shell moulds), and
- the whole thing is uniformly colourless translucent, when real Cherry MX RGB switches have a transparent top and a cream-tinted translucent base
Many of Cherry's switch photos are fake, being bad Photoshop¹ jobs where they've slapped a slider of some other colour onto an existing photo, and seemingly just recoloured the slider from a single photo.
However, this photo doesn't even look like any part of the shell is off anything that ever went into production!
Sadly I've only got hold of a few of the new types, and this isn't one of the types I've found for sale yet, so I can't verify it. It's also got the old slider type, but at the time it was introduced, that appears to be correct.
¹ or other equivalent image editor! ;-)