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Daniel Beardsmore

23 Sep 2017, 18:28

I realise that ties to the Chinese and Japanese communities are virtually non-existent (and both KBtalKing and EnjoyClick have closed down).

However, ties to the Korean community are much stronger considering the love for Korean customs.

As such, someone is needed to work with Scarface (스카페이스) over his photos, as they are excellent and they have got to be on the wiki. For example:


Lots of stuff here, but Cafe Naver is horrible and right-click, copy and paste are all banned. (Shift+right click → Select All exists in Firefox but no text is selected.) Last time I looked, the Korean text used HTML entities instead of Unicode, so even copying from the HTML source is a headache. This information and the photos all needs to be migrated by a Korean/English speaker to the wiki where it's properly accessible.


[Edit: silly typos]
Last edited by Daniel Beardsmore on 07 Nov 2017, 22:21, edited 1 time in total.


07 Nov 2017, 20:50

This will help.
searched by nickname

http://www.kbdmania.net/xe/index.php?_f ... %A4&page=1

I found Fountain Hills - FH101 interesting.

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Daniel Beardsmore

07 Nov 2017, 22:22

Well, diagonally-printed keycaps is a new one!

However, those search results still don't help in getting the images on the wiki (preferably the full-size originals) or proper human translation of Korean to English.

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Wild Duck

07 Nov 2017, 22:52

Scarface speaks English, if you need his e-mail address PM me for it.

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Daniel Beardsmore

07 Nov 2017, 23:01

I am not sure I am the right person to speak to him, as you can well imagine ;-)


13 Nov 2017, 13:10

I asked him permission to post on DT wiki. and He said OK(of course, we need to include the source of the original articles). :)

Regarding the high resolution images, I also asked if there are high-resolution(or full size original) images, but I don't think they exist. still waiting his response.

I believe someone will translate Korean to English someday.

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Daniel Beardsmore

13 Nov 2017, 23:11

If you have his exact copyright terms (in English or Korean) I will add them here:


It is better to have his exact statement for reference.


14 Nov 2017, 03:19

Here's the message I got from him.

sender: 스카페이스
received time: 11th November, 2017 [06:37](+ 09:00 GMT)
"네 영광입니다.
얼마든지 사용하셔도 좋습니다.
출처도 밝혀주시면 더욱 감사합니다."

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Daniel Beardsmore

14 Nov 2017, 09:23

I've added the text to the copyright list; the translation I get is:

"It is your glory.
You can use as many as you like.
I would appreciate it if you could identify the source."

I don't know how accurate that is! I've just tried to summarise what you wrote, and what the translation gives me, but I've not provided a translation as I cannot do so accurately.

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Offtopicthority Instigator

14 Nov 2017, 09:26

Sorry Daniel I cannot resist:
glory.jpg (245.62 KiB) Viewed 8304 times


14 Nov 2017, 10:10

Thanks for translation, Daniel
I'm not sure how accurate it is, because of my English.
However, lt's more like,
It's an honour.
You can post it on DT wiki as many(much?) as you like.
I would be appreciate it if you could identify the source.

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Daniel Beardsmore

26 Nov 2017, 00:35

I am guessing that he never found any full-size images?


26 Nov 2017, 15:14

Yes I think so, but there's a little hope.

Here's part of last chat with him.
"as you can see, I've been a while away from keyboards.
However, I will start working on it soon. I will also re-post the missing(broken link) pictures at kbdmania.net"

He didn't mention about re-taking pics precisely.

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Daniel Beardsmore

26 Nov 2017, 15:17

I guess we will have to wait and see. His photos are exceptionally good — it would be a shame if he's thrown away or lost the original size pictures.

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