Noppoo conductive switch

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Topre Enthusiast

27 Jun 2014, 23:25

I want to move all the references to Noppoo's old conductive switch into their own page, but I am not sure how to name the switch.

I started with 'Noppoo conductive', then I realised that 'Conductive switches' was not a category, so I thought, well most switches that are conductive don't really have a name reflecting it. It couldn't be 'Noppoo dome with slider' because that describes the capacitive switch too.

Maybe it would be better to have a 'Noppoo switches' page and put sections for capacitive and conductive...but then how do you categorise that page (e.g. would you remove the capacitive category?).

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Daniel Beardsmore

27 Jun 2014, 23:37

Noppoo phoney capacitive? ;-)

I gather that you finally found some photos that show how it really works?

I refer to the two dome types as "conductive dome" and "pressure dome" — sounds like it would be Noppoo conductive dome, if that is indeed what it is. The category would just be rubber domes, which is where all rubber dome switches go (including Topre); rubber dome isn't subcategorised. While Topre counts as both rubber dome and capacitive, you're right in that there's no conductive category (would such a thing be useful?) Interestingly, the membrane switches category only includes non-rubber-dome membrane, which is probably an error.

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Topre Enthusiast

28 Jun 2014, 00:23

Haha yes, phoney capacitive would be nice.
I don't have conclusive evidence that it's conductive, but there are some images (referenced on the current capacitive page) that would suggest that it is.
Why diodes on capacitive?
Why diodes on capacitive?
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I am going to do some Ripster Keyboard "Science" and just guess on this one -- but I won't state it as a fact. I propose that we move it to its own page with the infobox saying it's conductive with a question mark as I think there is less chance for someone to get the wrong idea about the Choc Pro than if it's quoted as capacitive with a question mark.

Thanks for your guidance.

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Daniel Beardsmore

28 Jun 2014, 01:04

Definitely one page per switch or switch family, yes.

Interestingly there is a dark patch under the top of each dome, which also suggests conductive.

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