Bold move to mention a specific trademark when describing the lubrication - I assumed companies did not make direct comparisons with named competing products. I was wrong?
A lot of this reads like standard marketing. But I'm a bit intrigued by the debounce time, described in the blog as:
As with all MX switches, the MX2A continues to employ the unrivaled Gold Crosspoint Contact System. This industry-leading feature promises reliable, precise keystrokes and an unbeatable debounce time of less than 1 Millisecond.
But described like this on the page linked from the blog:
Through a meticulous 2-point welding process, our contacts are attached and integrated with robust resilience. This precision ensures a breathtakingly rapid debounce time of typically less than 1 ms and a lifespan exceeding 100 million clicks for select switch types.
(emphasis mine)
Does this mean 1 ms, or do this mean "probably 1 ms, but if you set set the debounce protection to less than 5 ms in your firmware of choice, you will probably get chattering, just like in any other MX style switch"?
Anyway it's great to see switches keeping up. I'm looking forward to seeing how these are received when they get into the hands on enthusiasts.
depletedvespene wrote: 25 Aug 2023, 03:00
I'll believe their "unwavering commitment to perfection" when their
banana space bars disappear for good.
Do Cherry produce keycaps still? Are the ones that comes with their standard G80 / membrane series warped?