Full blog review: http://dangwang.wordpress.com/2013/01/3 ... -lz-84-se/
I've had some spare time to update my blog and wanted to post a link here with a review I did for the LZ SE. I don't have time to do these often and I'm getting lazier these days, but hopefully someone will enjoy it.
At a glance, the keyboard specs are:
- Case Type: 2 piece aluminum case, aluminum plate, feetless design
- Featured Keycaps: Black Cherry doubleshots, girldc DV Esc key
- Cabling/Wiring: N/A
- Other Aesthetics: Amber Caps and Scroll Lock
- Switch and Modification: Cherry MX Clears with custom 62g gold springs and MX Grey spacebar. Each individual switch is modified with lubricant on the friction points (slider, spring) and stickers applied between the housing.
I felt I was a little overwhelmed by the force required on 62g Gold springs versus Silver springs. The difference in weight is explained by CYG as a difference in elasticity causing the gold springs to feel stiffer.
Aside from the feel of the switches, the case design was manufactured to a very high level of quality. Even with the slanted case, I can still easily pick up this 10 lb. monster with convenient "handles" on the sides.
Overall, for the $320 original price tag, it's a bit more expensive than a KMAC but offers a premium grade anodize and some unique flairs. Definitely not a bad purchase.