Filco Minila Air


04 Sep 2014, 20:04

Minila Granite ?

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09 Sep 2014, 09:10

There was a granite colored dsa pbt group buy matt3o organized. It fits the minila layout because he added a 3u spacebar and 1u shift in a special kit. Normally it's pretty hard to get replacement keycaps for an ISO minila (especially with this beauty)


This picture is from round 1 with my Ducky G2Pro.
The round 2 keycaps support the minila layout. (Which weren't produced yet, but the group buy is over...)

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21 Jan 2015, 19:31

The Minila Granite, like this one ;)


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21 Jan 2015, 19:33

That's an adaptable set, all right! I only have one keyboard that's beyond Granite's reach, and it's not even MX…

Image ... ml#p194579

Big Ass Enter strikes again. Curses.


16 Mar 2015, 15:37

Could someone please test if its possible to remap both Function keys with Alt (windows 7).
I use Alt a lot and this remap would make this a great keyboard for me.

If it can be only done with software remap (Autohotkey) i would also be happy

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16 Mar 2015, 15:50

Fn keys don't get passed to the computer except on Mac keyboards. Unless there's a DIP switch remap or similar, you'd have to replace the controller, and I don't think there's any third-party controllers for the Minila Air.


16 Mar 2015, 16:21

Thank you for the info. I was looking at but its quite a lot of work :)

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16 Mar 2015, 17:45

And that's only for wired Minilas anyway.

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20 Mar 2015, 10:33

drrtyrokka wrote: The Minila Granite, like this one ;)
Or like this one :)
DSC08310-2.jpg (302.06 KiB) Viewed 8120 times
IMHO DSA isn't best profile for touchtyping however.


06 Apr 2015, 04:52

Hey guys, I'm trying to put together keycaps from the granite keycap set drop and I was hoping someone could verify the packs + key sizing that I've put together in this pic (which i found online -- credit is not mine). I'm sure this will help others in the future as well. Please let me know if something is wrong or if you have any suggestions, thanks!


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06 Apr 2015, 10:06

that is correct!

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06 Apr 2015, 14:03

matt3o wrote: that is correct!
+1 in terms of number of sets to fully cover Minila layout. But!

There is no one set containing two FN x1,25 caps!
In this particular case one x1,25FN comes from TextMods and second x1,25FN — from TextProMods.

So IMHO image has mistake in color marks placement.

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06 Apr 2015, 14:05

2U Shift comes from Specialty Keys :)


06 Apr 2015, 15:52

Thanks matt3o for verifying and pandp for being right on the both accounts! I was going to use the PN key as my second function. My other options are to see if anyone has an extra FN key they'd be willing to part with, or getting a blank pack. You're also right about the 2U shift being in the specialty keys :)

Just for reference the following kits will cover the KB (sans extra FN key):

Common Kit, Text Modifiers, Specialty Keys, and Text Pro Modifiers. Blank pack as well if you want want matching 1.25u keys for function.


22 Apr 2015, 11:14

Thank you all guys. So if I was going to buy some keys from Round 5/Grab (those still available), which are the most suitable ones? I am willing to change shifts(both left 2U and right).
Again, thanks.

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14 May 2015, 02:30

Since I'm in Tokyo for a few days, I had to pick one "to try" and I love it. Yep the layout is weird but I'll use it with my iPad mainly, to write, not to code.

Anyway, I picked up the retro set, and I wanted to know if I'll cover 100% of it with this:

Small Spacebars
Pro Burgundy Mods
Retro Burgundy

Took Burgundy Numberpad & Big spacebar "just in case" too :P

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14 May 2015, 02:46

I assume you have something else on you list there too, Made in Japan.

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14 May 2015, 03:25

Well, I've been busy (lot of keyboard look inside. :P)


06 Jun 2015, 05:42

drrtyrokka wrote: The Minila Granite, like this one ;)

that looks very cool

how much does something like this set costs ?


06 Jun 2015, 05:49

thanks matt for the review and the rest of the replays , this really answered most of my questions

and I have a few more questions :-
1-can it works in wired mode ? like even if the batteries are dead

2-the USB ports in the back of the keyboard , what is it's function ?

3-I saw a white version here , does anyone know where it's sold online ?

4-you said that it pair with up to 3 devices , can it switch between these devices and how ?

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06 Jun 2015, 23:46

I'll answer since I just got mine.

1. no wire possible. Get batteries. :) it's classic stuff you can have 2 spare somewhere. ;)

2. No USB port on mine, the BT don't have any port.

3. Nope. Didn't see it at all in Japan.

4. FN & number I think but didnt try yet.

The layout is weird but I really like the feeling :)


I need to post my keyboard hunt in japan, soon. :P

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