Round 5 and Round 6 kits for sale!

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28 Oct 2013, 21:06

I'm fine with that. Surely there are other ultra pedantic people around here who absolutely must have all rows matching down the line or their OCD kicks into overdrive?

Also, I haven't ordered because the future of ALPS mounts seems so uncertain :(

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28 Oct 2013, 21:09

Bt these have Cherry mounts!

There is no uncertainty for them!

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28 Oct 2013, 21:14

B...but... I only have 4 Cherry switches... and 400 ALPS switches

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28 Oct 2013, 21:31

This can be changed!

I suggest you send this to CherryMX:

Thanks for your order!

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28 Oct 2013, 21:44

7bit wrote:If at all:
Only in 1, 1.5, 1.75 and 2 units.

Not: 1.25, 2.25 and 2.75!
I'll take a grey 1.75 r4 SHIF T if you do them. And a 2.0, too. (In addition to the perfect width wrong row versions.)


28 Oct 2013, 22:01

Why there isn't a HONEY/F1TOF12/BLACK?

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28 Oct 2013, 22:10

Yeah, this is getting more irresistible by the hour... o.O Red and black would look fantastic.

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28 Oct 2013, 22:19

How about F1-4 in red, F 5-8 in black, F 9-12 in red? (If I had one of those 24 function key Cherry boards, I'd put all four colours up there and love it… regret it… love it… regret it… love it. But my terminal keyboard's an IBM.)

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28 Oct 2013, 22:25

Nope! I add a black F1-F12 kit.

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28 Oct 2013, 22:32


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29 Oct 2013, 00:01

hey guys... I'm new here! could you guys help me?
I need this for a Ducky 2108shine ANSI US full keyboard AND for a TKL ANSI US keyboard.
What kits do I need? I'm kinda lost here...

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29 Oct 2013, 01:03

7bit wrote:All the red stuff:

Code: Select all

Order-ID             |Ordered|Price|Cur|Description
HONEY/ALPHA/RED      |      4|   49|USD|ALPHA kit in red
HONEY/NUMERIC/RED    |      2|   25|USD|Numeric red kit
HONEY/FUNCTION/RED   |     15|   19|USD|Function red kit
HONEY/F1TOF12/RED    |      1|   15|USD|F1-F12 in red
HONEY/JRET/RED       |      5|    5|USD|J-Return key (red)
HONEY/RETURN225/RED  |      3|    4|USD|Return (2.25 units; red)
HONEY/SPACE150/RED   |       |    4|USD|Space (1.5 units; red)
HONEY/SPACE400/RED   |       |    5|USD|Space (4 units; red)
HONEY/SPACE625/RED   |      8|    5|USD|Space (6.25 units; red)
HONEY/SPACE700/RED   |      3|    5|USD|Space (7 units; red)
HONEY/KBDRUNNER/RED  |      5|    1|USD|Keyboard runner key (row 3; red)
HONEY/LOTUSESC/RED   |      5|    1|USD|Lotus key (row 1; red)

I wonder if it is now possible to cover a complete keyboard with red keys.
No. For full red a modifier kit would be missing and the numeric kit is missing the vertical "+", "enter" and "numlock".

Oh, and "print/scroll/pause", "insert/delete" block plus cursor keys are also missing in red.

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29 Oct 2013, 01:15

Did I hear that there was a all-row-3 option?

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29 Oct 2013, 01:25

bearcat wrote:Did I hear that there was a all-row-3 option?
Yes, for 60% (or downwards) in black&red all-row-3 is possible.

Still a bit sad about the missing row4 ISO_shift. But seems there have to be ALWAYS something. :evil:

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29 Oct 2013, 04:57

7bit wrote:Please post a graphic showing me the correct* BEPO layout.

*) ie, what you find to be correct.
Here we go :
suppressing the altgr legends on the left to avoid misreading and on numrow because IMHO it looks more balanced to have all legend centered (and it's more in the retro spirit of the SA profile). The ".:" key is now like the one in qwertz and the "€E" is no longer needed.

BTW Is the wiki svg rendering engine mature ? because it should save me a lot of time if the pic you provide wasn't matricial (maybe there's a reason like display in the forum)

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29 Oct 2013, 06:14

panpipe wrote:Like this?


Thinking of doing that with my Poker. Do you think it would be a good idea? I've no experience with SA SPH caps. I just really like the look of them.
This configuration is interesting. But it looked like you need to spend a lot:

HONEY/ALPHA/RED (ALPHA kit in red | $29)
HONEY/FUNMOD/BLACK (Function and modifier kit in black | $39)
HONEY/SPACE625/BLACK (Space (6.25 units; black) | $5)

Total of US$113 (!!)

AND even then, these are all Row 3, meaning your Poker 2 will be very flat! I don't know if it is worth the $ to get the look but not the curvature of the board. I could be wrong as I am relatively new too.

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29 Oct 2013, 07:59

BimboBB wrote:...
I wonder if it is now possible to cover a complete keyboard with red keys.
No. For full red a modifier kit would be missing and the numeric kit is missing the vertical "+", "enter" and "numlock".

Oh, and "print/scroll/pause", "insert/delete" block plus cursor keys are also missing in red.[/quote]
Yeah, the plan for red keys was just ESACAPE, TRANSMIT, etc and a simplified international alnum kit.

Now this is growing to a 2nd color style.
bearcat wrote:Did I hear that there was a all-row-3 option?
Yes, red and black are (almost) all-row 3.
BimboBB wrote:
bearcat wrote:Did I hear that there was a all-row-3 option?
Yes, for 60% (or downwards) in black&red all-row-3 is possible.

Still a bit sad about the missing row4 ISO_shift. But seems there have to be ALWAYS something. :evil:
I'll add something in that direction. Please, don't forget to send more orders!!!

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29 Oct 2013, 08:33

Is GeekHack aware of this? Shouldn't someone post there to point to here? Is that some competition between these two sites? LOL!

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29 Oct 2013, 08:34

Vierax wrote:
7bit wrote:Please post a graphic showing me the correct* BEPO layout.

*) ie, what you find to be correct.
Here we go :
suppressing the altgr legends on the left to avoid misreading and on numrow because IMHO it looks more balanced to have all legend centered (and it's more in the retro spirit of the SA profile). The ".:" key is now like the one in qwertz and the "€E" is no longer needed.

BTW Is the wiki svg rendering engine mature ? because it should save me a lot of time if the pic you provide wasn't matricial (maybe there's a reason like display in the forum)
HONEY_BEPO.png (23.46 KiB) Viewed 6476 times
OK, this shares some keys with other language kits. I will think about a price.

Is it ?, or ?'

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29 Oct 2013, 08:40

Belfong wrote:Is GeekHack aware of this? Shouldn't someone post there to point to here? Is that some competition between these two sites? LOL!
Game Theory heroically posted a thread and did not get banned for doing so.

But because they don't have true freedom of speech, his post required aproval by the censors moderators.


29 Oct 2013, 08:51

> But because they don't have true freedom of speech

Hey 7bit just want you to know that I came over by someone's recommendation (from geekhack). Don't bitch bout my homeworld pls kthxbai.

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29 Oct 2013, 08:57

Welcome to the free world!


29 Oct 2013, 09:12

7bit wrote:Welcome to the free world!

It's all relative dude

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29 Oct 2013, 09:16

7bit wrote:
OK, this shares some keys with other language kits. I will think about a price.
Great ! I see you forgot to point the row 3 Ç which is in PT set too ;)
Is it ?, or ?'
it's ?'
the comma is only in a unique place in ;, key as the majority of ISO layouts but unfortunately it's in row3.

I will try to share this in bépo forum and ML to reach MOQ but it wont be easy since the majority uses Typematrix :roll: and a few uses Truly Ergonomic but I didn't see anybody changing the all caps of a TECK certainly because of the weird middle column and mixing spherical and cylindrical must be ugly.
Last edited by Vierax on 29 Oct 2013, 09:42, edited 1 time in total.


29 Oct 2013, 09:42

Would a full set of these keys be perfectly usable for daily activity? I saw the discussion about this earlier in the thread.

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29 Oct 2013, 09:45

HONEY/ERGO now complete:

Price: $59

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29 Oct 2013, 10:45

ohgodpleaseno wrote:Would a full set of these keys be perfectly usable for daily activity? I saw the discussion about this earlier in the thread.
What do you mean ? Lots of people here daily "works" on computers and never complain about SA.

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29 Oct 2013, 10:56

Is it intentionally that HONEY/ALPHA/RED is all in row 3 profile while HONEY/ALPHA includes row 1 - row 4 ???

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29 Oct 2013, 11:02

Yes. I reach a finger, people want a hand.
I reach a hand, people want the fingers of the hand to be in different sizes.

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29 Oct 2013, 11:10

Ha ha .. you job is hard, 7bit. You have a huge patience.

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